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Wood Incentive Policies and Effects in the Construction Sector

Year 2023, Issue: Special Issue - Special Issue, 48 - 64, 23.06.2023


The human population and urbanization are increasing day by day in the world. According to the United Nations reports, this situation will continue to uprise. The grow in population and urbanization causes the increase of multi-storey buildings, which constitute the physical infrastructure of urban areas. Most of these structures are built with materials such as cement and steel, which are exposed or processed by intensive fossil-energy-based industrial processes. Overproduction and use of these currently preferred materials have an important role in the depletion of limited material resources and the poisoning of the atmosphere, water and soils.
In the face of this problem that concerns the whole world, multi-storey wooden structures come to the fore as a remarkable alternative. Wood has become suitable for multi-storey buildings thanks to the developing technologies, besides its many bright spots such as being carbon storage, having sustainable production without harming the environment and easy processing. So that it has started to be preferred in multi-storey buildings in many countries, especially in Finland, Sweden, Japan, America and Canada. However, the increase in the construction rates of multi-storey wooden structures has not occurred in a short time and spontaneously in any country, where reinforced concrete and steel construction systems are dominant. A gradual spread has been achieved thanks to the strategic initiatives and incentive policies that differed according to the situation of the countries.
In this article, wood incentive policies in countries around the world, their contents, the years they entered into force and the changes in the wood construction sector after the implementation of the policies were examined through the literature. In addition, the proportional increases in timber house constructions of 6 countries over the years after the wood incentive policies were revealed. In this way, it has been tried to present a comprehensive picture of wood construction policies on a global scale and the effects of policies on the timber construction sector.


  • GYMPEL, J., 1996. The Story of Architecture: from antiquity to the present. Cologne: Könemann.
  • HURMEKOSKI, E., 2017. How can wood construction reduce environmental degradation?. European Forest Institute.
  • MAHAPATRA, K. and GUSTAVSSON, L., 2009. General conditions for construction of multi- storey wooden buildings in Western Europe. Vaxjö: Vaxjö Univesity.
  • NRC, 2021. The state of mass timber in Canada 2021. National Resources Canada.
  • UN-DESA, 2014. 2014 revision of the world urbanization prospects. World Urbanization Prospects.
  • UNECE, 2016. Promoting sustainable building materials and the implications on the use of wood in buildings. Geneva: United Nations Publication.
  • DI SCHINO, A., 2018. Environmental impact of steel industry. In C. M. Hussain, ed. Handbook of environmental materials management. Springer International Publishing. p. 1–21.
  • GANN, D.M., 1994. Innovation in the construction sector. In M. DODGSON and R. ROTHWELL, ed. The handbook of industrial innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • HAAS, T. and WESTLUND, H., 2018. Urban-rural relations in the post-urban world. In T. HAAS and H. WESTLUND, ed. In the post-urban world : emergent transformation of cities and regions in the innovative global economy. London: Routledge. p. 70–81.
  • ORGANSCHI, A., 2015. Timber city: architectural speculations in a black market. In A. BERNHEIMER, ed. Timber in the city: design and construction in mass timber. ORO Editions. p. 12–25.
  • BENGTSSON, C., 2009. Challenges in timber construction. 15. Internationales Holzbau- Forum 09.
  • EMETERE, M. E., & DANIA, E., 2019. Short review on air pollution from cement factories. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1299(1).
  • GOTO, Y., JOCKWER, R., KOBAYASHİ, K., KARUBE, Y., & FUKUYAMA, H., 2018. Legislative background and building culture for the design of timber structures in Europe and Japan. WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering.
  • KUZMAN, M. K., KATJA, L., & SANDBERG, D., 2017. Initiatives supporting timber constructions in Finland, Slovenia and Sweden. IUFRO 2017 Division 5 Conference “Forest Sector Innovations for a Greener Future”.
  • PASSARELLİ, R. N., & KOSHIHARA, M., 2018. The implementation of japanese cross laminated timber: current situation and future tasks. WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering.
  • SANTANA-SOSA, A., & RIOLA-PARADA, F., 2018. A theoretical approach towards ressource efficiency in multi-story timber buildings through BIM and lean. WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering.
  • ORGANSCHI, A., RUFF, A., OLIVER, C., CARBONE, C., & HERRMANN, E., 2016. Timber city: growing an urban carbon sink with glue, screws, and cellulose fiber. WCTE 2016 - World Conference on Timber Engineering.
  • DAN GAVRİLETEA, M., 2017. Environmental impacts of sand exploitation: analysis of sand market. Sustainability. 9 (7), p. 1118.
  • GEELS, F. W., 2002. Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes: A multi-level perspective and a case-study. Research Policy. 31(8–9), p. 1257–1274.
  • GEELS, F. W. AND SCHOT, J., 2007. Typology of sociotechnical transition pathways. Research Policy. 36, p. 399-417.
  • GOVERSE, T., HEKKERT, M.P., GROENEWEGEN, P., WORRELL, E. AND SMITS, R.E.H.M., 2001. Wood innovation in the residential construction sector; opportunities and constraints. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 34 (1), p. 53–74.
  • HEMSTRÖM, K., GUSTAVSSON, L., & MAHAPATRA, K., 2017. The socio-technical regime and Swedish contractor perceptions of structural frames. Construction Management and Economic. 35 (4), p. 184–195.
  • HURMEKOSKI, E., JONSSON, R., & NORD, T., 2015. Context, drivers, and future potential for wood-frame multi-story construction in Europe. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 99, p. 181–196.
  • LUDWIG, G., 2019. The Role of Law in Transformative Environmental Policies - A Case Study of “Timber in Buildings Construction in Germany”. Sustainability. 11 (3), p. 842.
  • NWACHUKWU, C.M., WANG, C. AND WETTERLUND, E., 2021. Exploring the role of forest biomass in abating fossil CO2 emissions in the iron and steel industry – the case of Sweden. Applied Energy. 288.
  • SAKURAGAWA, S., MIYAZAKI, Y., KANEKO, T., & MAKITA, T., 2005. Influence of wood wall panels on physiological and psychological responses. Journal of Wood Science. 51 (2), p. 136–140.
  • SATHRE, R., AND GUSTAVSSON, L., 2009. Using wood products to mitigate climate change: external costs and structural change. Applied Energy. 86 (2), p. 251–257.
  • SCOUSE, A., KELLEY, S. S., LİANG, S., & BERGMAN, R., 2020. Regional and net economic impacts of high-rise mass timber construction in Oregon. Sustainable Cities and Society. 61.
  • DIETZ, R., 2020. How many homes are concrete-framed? [çevrimiçi]. Erişim adresi: framed/#:~:text=For%202019%20completions%2C%2090%25%20of,gain%20over% 20the%202018%20total [Erişim tarihi 5 Eylül 2022].
  • SCHIRES, M., 2019. Putting wood to work: 7 benefits of using timber in commercial and industrial design [çevrimiçi]. Erişim adresi: wood-to-work-7-benefits-of-using-timber-in-commercial-and-industrial-design [Erişim tarihi 5 Eylül 2022]. STATISTA, 2022. Number of dwelling construction starts in Japan from 2012 to 2021, by structure [çevrimiçi]. Erişim adresi: number-of-of-dwelling-construction-starts-by-structure/ [Erişim tarihi 5 Eylül 2022].
  • GRYKO, M. (2017). Manufacturig the wooden city: construction in Japan. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. The University of Tokyo.
  • BOWYER, J., 2016. Modern tall wood buildings: opportunities for innovation. In Dovetail Partners Inc., Minneapolis.
  • EGAN CONSULTING, 2017. Annual survey of UK structural timber markets – Market report 2016. Structural Timber Association.
  • MAFF, 2020. Annual report on forest and forestry in Japan – Fiscal Year 2020. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan.
  • UNEP, 2014. Sand, rarer than one thinks: UNEP global environmental alert service.

Yapı Sektöründe Ahşap Teşvik Politikaları ve Etkileri

Year 2023, Issue: Special Issue - Special Issue, 48 - 64, 23.06.2023


Dünyada insan nüfusu ve kentleşme her geçen gün artmaktadır. Birleşmiş Milletler raporlarına bakılacak olursa bu durum artarak devam edecektir. Nüfus ve kentleşmedeki artış kentsel alanların fiziki altyapısını oluşturan konut, ofis ve okul gibi fonksiyonlara sahip çok katlı yapıların da çoğalmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu yapıların büyük çoğunluğu ise bilindiği üzere yoğun fosil-enerji tabanlı endüstriyel süreçlerle açığa çıkarılan veya işlenen çimento ve çelik gibi materyallerle inşa edilmektedir. Halihazırda tercih edilen bu malzemelerin fazla üretimi ve kullanılması; dünyadaki sınırlı maddi kaynakların tükenmesi ile atmosferin, suyun ve toprakların zehirlenmesinde önemli paya sahiptir.
Dünyanın genelini ilgilendiren bu problem karşısında ahşap yapıların yaygınlaştırılması oldukça dikkat çeken bir alternatif olarak ön plana çıkmaktadır. Ahşap; karbon tutma, çevreye zarar vermeden sürdürülebilir bir şekilde üretilebilme, kolay işlenebilme özelliklerinin yanı sıra günümüzde gelişen teknolojiler sayesinde çok katlı yapılar için de elverişli hale gelmiştir. Bu nedenle Finlandiya, İsveç, Amerika ve Kanada başta olmak üzere birçok ülkede çok katlı yapılarda da tercih edilmeye başlamıştır. Ancak, betonarme ve çelik yapım sistemlerinin hâkim olduğu yapı sektöründe çok katlı ahşap yapıların inşa oranlarının artabilmesi hiçbir ülkede kısa sürede ve kendiliğinden oluşmamaktadır. Ülkelerin durumlarına göre farklılaşan stratejik girişimler ve teşvik politikaları sayesinde yavaş yavaş bir yaygınlaşma gerçekleşebilmektedir.
Bu makalede, dünya genelinde ülkelerdeki ahşap teşvik politikaları, içerikleri, yürürlüğe girdikleri yıllar ve politikaların uygulanması sonrası ahşap yapı sektöründeki değişimler literatür üzerinden incelenmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra ahşap teşvik politikaları sonrasında verilerine erişilebilen 6 ülkenin yıllar içerisindeki ahşap konut inşaatlarındaki oransal artışlar ortaya konulmuştur. Böylece küresel ölçekte ahşap yapı politikaları ve bu politikaların ahşap yapı sektörüne etkilerine dair kapsamlı bir resim ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca Türkiye’deki ahşap teşvik politikalarına dair güncel gelişmelerin paylaşılmasıyla bu alandaki literatüre katkı sağlamak amaçlanmaktadır.


  • GYMPEL, J., 1996. The Story of Architecture: from antiquity to the present. Cologne: Könemann.
  • HURMEKOSKI, E., 2017. How can wood construction reduce environmental degradation?. European Forest Institute.
  • MAHAPATRA, K. and GUSTAVSSON, L., 2009. General conditions for construction of multi- storey wooden buildings in Western Europe. Vaxjö: Vaxjö Univesity.
  • NRC, 2021. The state of mass timber in Canada 2021. National Resources Canada.
  • UN-DESA, 2014. 2014 revision of the world urbanization prospects. World Urbanization Prospects.
  • UNECE, 2016. Promoting sustainable building materials and the implications on the use of wood in buildings. Geneva: United Nations Publication.
  • DI SCHINO, A., 2018. Environmental impact of steel industry. In C. M. Hussain, ed. Handbook of environmental materials management. Springer International Publishing. p. 1–21.
  • GANN, D.M., 1994. Innovation in the construction sector. In M. DODGSON and R. ROTHWELL, ed. The handbook of industrial innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • HAAS, T. and WESTLUND, H., 2018. Urban-rural relations in the post-urban world. In T. HAAS and H. WESTLUND, ed. In the post-urban world : emergent transformation of cities and regions in the innovative global economy. London: Routledge. p. 70–81.
  • ORGANSCHI, A., 2015. Timber city: architectural speculations in a black market. In A. BERNHEIMER, ed. Timber in the city: design and construction in mass timber. ORO Editions. p. 12–25.
  • BENGTSSON, C., 2009. Challenges in timber construction. 15. Internationales Holzbau- Forum 09.
  • EMETERE, M. E., & DANIA, E., 2019. Short review on air pollution from cement factories. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1299(1).
  • GOTO, Y., JOCKWER, R., KOBAYASHİ, K., KARUBE, Y., & FUKUYAMA, H., 2018. Legislative background and building culture for the design of timber structures in Europe and Japan. WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering.
  • KUZMAN, M. K., KATJA, L., & SANDBERG, D., 2017. Initiatives supporting timber constructions in Finland, Slovenia and Sweden. IUFRO 2017 Division 5 Conference “Forest Sector Innovations for a Greener Future”.
  • PASSARELLİ, R. N., & KOSHIHARA, M., 2018. The implementation of japanese cross laminated timber: current situation and future tasks. WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering.
  • SANTANA-SOSA, A., & RIOLA-PARADA, F., 2018. A theoretical approach towards ressource efficiency in multi-story timber buildings through BIM and lean. WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering.
  • ORGANSCHI, A., RUFF, A., OLIVER, C., CARBONE, C., & HERRMANN, E., 2016. Timber city: growing an urban carbon sink with glue, screws, and cellulose fiber. WCTE 2016 - World Conference on Timber Engineering.
  • DAN GAVRİLETEA, M., 2017. Environmental impacts of sand exploitation: analysis of sand market. Sustainability. 9 (7), p. 1118.
  • GEELS, F. W., 2002. Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes: A multi-level perspective and a case-study. Research Policy. 31(8–9), p. 1257–1274.
  • GEELS, F. W. AND SCHOT, J., 2007. Typology of sociotechnical transition pathways. Research Policy. 36, p. 399-417.
  • GOVERSE, T., HEKKERT, M.P., GROENEWEGEN, P., WORRELL, E. AND SMITS, R.E.H.M., 2001. Wood innovation in the residential construction sector; opportunities and constraints. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 34 (1), p. 53–74.
  • HEMSTRÖM, K., GUSTAVSSON, L., & MAHAPATRA, K., 2017. The socio-technical regime and Swedish contractor perceptions of structural frames. Construction Management and Economic. 35 (4), p. 184–195.
  • HURMEKOSKI, E., JONSSON, R., & NORD, T., 2015. Context, drivers, and future potential for wood-frame multi-story construction in Europe. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 99, p. 181–196.
  • LUDWIG, G., 2019. The Role of Law in Transformative Environmental Policies - A Case Study of “Timber in Buildings Construction in Germany”. Sustainability. 11 (3), p. 842.
  • NWACHUKWU, C.M., WANG, C. AND WETTERLUND, E., 2021. Exploring the role of forest biomass in abating fossil CO2 emissions in the iron and steel industry – the case of Sweden. Applied Energy. 288.
  • SAKURAGAWA, S., MIYAZAKI, Y., KANEKO, T., & MAKITA, T., 2005. Influence of wood wall panels on physiological and psychological responses. Journal of Wood Science. 51 (2), p. 136–140.
  • SATHRE, R., AND GUSTAVSSON, L., 2009. Using wood products to mitigate climate change: external costs and structural change. Applied Energy. 86 (2), p. 251–257.
  • SCOUSE, A., KELLEY, S. S., LİANG, S., & BERGMAN, R., 2020. Regional and net economic impacts of high-rise mass timber construction in Oregon. Sustainable Cities and Society. 61.
  • DIETZ, R., 2020. How many homes are concrete-framed? [çevrimiçi]. Erişim adresi: framed/#:~:text=For%202019%20completions%2C%2090%25%20of,gain%20over% 20the%202018%20total [Erişim tarihi 5 Eylül 2022].
  • SCHIRES, M., 2019. Putting wood to work: 7 benefits of using timber in commercial and industrial design [çevrimiçi]. Erişim adresi: wood-to-work-7-benefits-of-using-timber-in-commercial-and-industrial-design [Erişim tarihi 5 Eylül 2022]. STATISTA, 2022. Number of dwelling construction starts in Japan from 2012 to 2021, by structure [çevrimiçi]. Erişim adresi: number-of-of-dwelling-construction-starts-by-structure/ [Erişim tarihi 5 Eylül 2022].
  • GRYKO, M. (2017). Manufacturig the wooden city: construction in Japan. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. The University of Tokyo.
  • BOWYER, J., 2016. Modern tall wood buildings: opportunities for innovation. In Dovetail Partners Inc., Minneapolis.
  • EGAN CONSULTING, 2017. Annual survey of UK structural timber markets – Market report 2016. Structural Timber Association.
  • MAFF, 2020. Annual report on forest and forestry in Japan – Fiscal Year 2020. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan.
  • UNEP, 2014. Sand, rarer than one thinks: UNEP global environmental alert service.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Architecture
Journal Section Review Articles

Muhammet Emin Şişman 0000-0001-5475-6186

Burcu Balaban Ökten 0000-0001-6916-8475

Publication Date June 23, 2023
Acceptance Date May 10, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: Special Issue - Special Issue


APA Şişman, M. E., & Balaban Ökten, B. (2023). Yapı Sektöründe Ahşap Teşvik Politikaları ve Etkileri. Bab Journal of FSMVU Faculty of Architecture and Design(Special Issue), 48-64.
AMA Şişman ME, Balaban Ökten B. Yapı Sektöründe Ahşap Teşvik Politikaları ve Etkileri. bāb Architecture and Design Journal. June 2023;(Special Issue):48-64.
Chicago Şişman, Muhammet Emin, and Burcu Balaban Ökten. “Yapı Sektöründe Ahşap Teşvik Politikaları Ve Etkileri”. Bab Journal of FSMVU Faculty of Architecture and Design, no. Special Issue (June 2023): 48-64.
EndNote Şişman ME, Balaban Ökten B (June 1, 2023) Yapı Sektöründe Ahşap Teşvik Politikaları ve Etkileri. bab Journal of FSMVU Faculty of Architecture and Design Special Issue 48–64.
IEEE M. E. Şişman and B. Balaban Ökten, “Yapı Sektöründe Ahşap Teşvik Politikaları ve Etkileri”, bāb Architecture and Design Journal, no. Special Issue, pp. 48–64, June 2023.
ISNAD Şişman, Muhammet Emin - Balaban Ökten, Burcu. “Yapı Sektöründe Ahşap Teşvik Politikaları Ve Etkileri”. bab Journal of FSMVU Faculty of Architecture and Design Special Issue (June 2023), 48-64.
JAMA Şişman ME, Balaban Ökten B. Yapı Sektöründe Ahşap Teşvik Politikaları ve Etkileri. bāb Architecture and Design Journal. 2023;:48–64.
MLA Şişman, Muhammet Emin and Burcu Balaban Ökten. “Yapı Sektöründe Ahşap Teşvik Politikaları Ve Etkileri”. Bab Journal of FSMVU Faculty of Architecture and Design, no. Special Issue, 2023, pp. 48-64.
Vancouver Şişman ME, Balaban Ökten B. Yapı Sektöründe Ahşap Teşvik Politikaları ve Etkileri. bāb Architecture and Design Journal. 2023(Special Issue):48-64.