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Key Macroeconomic Variables under Exchange Rate Volatility: Time-Varying Causality in the Presence of Structural Breaks and Nonlinearity

Year 2023, Issue: 39, 49 - 64, 27.12.2023


This paper explores the causal relationship running from exchange rate volatility to three macroeconomic variables in the case of Turkey. To that end, we first apply the classical Granger causality test introduced by Toda and Yamamoto (1995). We also use the time-varying Granger causality test developed by Shi, Hurn, and Phillips (2020) within the lag-augmented VAR model in the presence of empirically documented structural breaks and nonlinearities. A clear pattern that can be drawn from the causality results is that the causal channel from volatility to inflation is more sustained than causality from volatility to real GDP irrespective of size of the windows and selected recursive estimation algorithms. Besides, the causal channel from volatility to inflation coincides with time periods in which Turkey exhibits political and economic policy changes and suffers from increasing economic uncertainties during financial crises. The CBRT must strictly adhere to the CBRT Law and maintain its independence in order to ensure price stability as the unconventional monetary policy dictated to the bank by the government is itself the source of inflation. Finally, exchange rate volatility does not have predictive power for interest rates over the entire sample since the CBRT uses its foreign exchange reserves to offset the adverse effects of unexpected exchange rate shocks.


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Year 2023, Issue: 39, 49 - 64, 27.12.2023



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  • Liming C., Ziqing, D. and Zhihao H. (2020). Impact of economic policy uncertainty on exchange rate volatility of China. Finance Research Letters, 32 , 101266 google scholar
  • Lin, S., Shi, K. and Ye, H. (2018), Exchange rate volatility and trade: The role of credit constraints, Review of Economic Dynamics, 30, pp. 203-222. google scholar
  • McCarthy, J. (2007). Pass-through of exchange rates and import prices to domestic inflation in some industrialized economies, Eastern Economic Journal, 33(4), pp. 511-537. google scholar
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  • Narayan, P. K., Narayan, S. andPrasad, A. (2008). Understanding the oil price-exchangerate nexus for the Fiji Islands. Energy Economics, 30(5), pp. 2686-2696 google scholar
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  • Osabuohien, E., Obiekwe, E., Urhie, E. and Osabohien, R. (2018). Inflation rate, exchange rate volatility and exchange rate passthrough interactions: the Nigerian experience, Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Vol. XIII, pp. 574-585. google scholar
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  • Peree, E., and Steinherr, A. (1989). Exchange rate uncertainty and foreign trade, European Economic Review, 33, pp. 1241-1264. google scholar
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  • Razin, A. and Rubinstein, Y. (2006). Evaluation of currency regimes: the unique role of sudden stops, Economic Policy, 21(45), pp. 121-152. google scholar
  • Redl, C. (2015). Macroeconomic uncertainty in South Africa, Working Papers 509, Economic Research Southern Africa. google scholar
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  • Shi, S. , Hurn, S. and Phillips, P.C.B. (2020). Causal change detection in possibly integrated systems: Revisiting the money-income relationship, Journal of Financial Econometrics, 18(1), pp. 158-180. google scholar
  • Sutherland, A. (1996). Financial market integration and macroeconomic volatility, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 98(4), pp. 521-539 google scholar
  • Toda, H. Y. and Yamamoto, T. (1995). Statistical inference in vector autoregressions with possibly integrated processes, Journal of Econometrics, 66, pp. 225-250. google scholar
  • Wang, K.L. and Barrett, C.B. (2007). Estimating the effects of exchange rate volatility on export volumes, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 32(2), pp. 225-255. google scholar
  • Zhou, Z., Fu, Z., Jiang, Y., Zeng, X. and Lin, L. (2020). Can economic policy uncertainty predict exchange rate volatility? New evidence from the GARCH-MIDAS model, Finance Research Letters, 34, 101258 google scholar
  • Zivot, E. and Andrews, D.W.K. (1992). Further evidence on the great crash, the oil-priceshock, and the unit-root hyphothesis, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 10(3), pp. 251-270. google scholar
  • Zivot, E. and Wang, J. (2006). Modeling financial time series with S-PLUS (Second Edition), Springer New York, NY google scholar
There are 77 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Econometrics (Other)

Oğuz Tümtürk 0000-0002-1935-0858

Publication Date December 27, 2023
Submission Date June 6, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 39


APA Tümtürk, O. (2023). Key Macroeconomic Variables under Exchange Rate Volatility: Time-Varying Causality in the Presence of Structural Breaks and Nonlinearity. EKOIST Journal of Econometrics and Statistics(39), 49-64.