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The Unknown Of İlkhanli Astronomy: The Issue Of Shams al-Dîn al-Wâbkanawî And Sultan Uljaytu Khan (Sultaniyye) Observatory

Year 2020, Volume: 30 Issue: 1, 471 - 484, 31.01.2020


One of the
important scientists working in the Merâga and Tabriz observatories during the
Ilkhanians Period is also Shams al-Dîn al-Wâbkanawî al-Bukharî. Shams al-Dîn
al-Wâbkanawî al-Bukharî, who conducted astronomy and observation studies for 40
years since 1272, is the owner of Zij-i al-Muhaqqaq al-Sultanî, which he
started writing in Sultân Uljaytu Khan Era. However, despite the beginning of
the writing of this Zîj Olcaytu Han Period (1304-1316), upon his death, he was
dedicated to his son, Ilhanli ruler Ebu Sa’id Bahadır (1317-1335). The most
important characteristic of Zij-i al-Muhaqqaq al-Sultanî is; Zijs, which was
written before, but was lost in time, is mentioned in this work, and Zij-i
İlkhanî, who was alleged to have had some mistakes in it and who wrote it on
the basis of previous Zijs, is criticizing and giving the original observations
to justify these criticisms. Shams al-Dîn al-Wâbkanawî al-Bukharî is another
development which makes important in the history of astronomy, 30 January 1283,
the "the annular eclipse" is to give information about. İn addition, outside
the establishment of observatories in Maragha in the Hulagu Khan Period
(1256-1265) and in Tabriz in the Ghazan Khan Period (1295-1304). It is even
estimated that Shams al-Dîn al-Wâbkanawî al-Bukharî worked in this observatory,
which was allegedly founded in Sultaniyye during the Sultan Uljaytu Khan period


  • BROCKELMANN, Carl (1943), GAL (Geschıchte der Arabıschen Lıtteratur), Suppl. Vol II. Leiden. DALEN, Benno Van (2007), “Wâbkanawî: Shams al-Munajjim (Shams al-Dîn) Muḥammad ibn Alî Khwâja al-Wâbkanawî”, The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, Vol II, Editor: Thomas Hockey, s. 1187-1188.DANIZ, Ramiz (2018), “Maragha Observatory and İts Scientists”, İRS History, 3(35), Summer, s. 9-15.HARAMUNDANİS, Katherine (2007), “Chioniades, Gregor (George)” The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, Editor: Thomas Hockey, New York: Springer, s. 229.KENNEDY, E. S. (1956), “A Survey of Islamic Astronomical Tables.” Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series, Vol. 46, No. 2, s. 123-177.KENNEDY, E. S. (1958), “The Sasanian Astronomical Handbook Zîj-i Shâh the Astrological Doctrine of ‘Transit’", Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 78, No. 4 (Oct. - Dec.), s. 246-262.KİNG D. A. (1991), “The Astronomical Works of Gregory Chioniades”, Volume I: Zîj-i Âlâ’î by Gregory Chioniades: David Pingree: An Eleventh-Century Manual of Arabo-Byzantine Astronomy by Alexander Jones, Isis, Vol. 82, No. 1 (March), s. 116-118.KİNG, D. A. (2000), “Mathematical Astronomy in Islamic Civilisation”, Astronomy across Cultures: The History of Non - Western Astronomy, Ed: Helaine Selin, Dordrecht, Boston & London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, s. 585-613.KİNG, D. A. and SAMSÓ, J. (2001), “Astronomical Handbooks and Tables from the Islamic World”, Suhayl, 2, s. 45-46.LOHLKER, Rüdiger, “Entangled Histories: Philosophy, Religion, Astronomy, and Mathematics” (E.T. 11.4.2019)MERCİER, Raymond (2007), “Shams al‐Dîn al‐Bukhârî”, The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, Editor: Thomas Hockey New York, s. 1047-1048.MOZAFFARİ, Seyyed Mohammed – Zotti, Georg (2013), “The Observational Instruments at the Maragha Observatory after AD 1300”, Suhayl: International Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation 12 s. 45-179.________________ (2009). “Wâbkanawî and the first scientific observation of an annular eclipse”, The Observatory, 129, s. 144-146. ________________ (2016), “A Medieval Bright Star Table: The Non-Ptolemaic Star Table in the Îlkhânî Zîj” Journal for the History of Astronomy, Vol. 47 (3), s. 294 – 316. ________________ (2010), “Wabkanawi’s Annualar Eclipse”, The Observatory, 130, s. 39–40.________________ (2013), “Wâbkanawî’s prediction and calculations of the annular solar eclipse of 30 January 1283”, Historia Mathematica, 40, s. 235-261.________________ (2014), “Muh yı al-Dın al-Maghribı’s lunar measurements at the Maragha observatory” , Archive for History of Exact Sciences – Springer, s. 67-120.________________ (2015), “Annular Eclipses and Considerations About Solar and Lunar Angular Diameters in Medieval Astronomy” New Insights From Recent Studies in Historical Astronomy: Following in The Footsteps of F. Richard Stephenson, Ed: Wayne Orchiston- David A. Green- Richard Strom, New York-London, s. 119-143. NEUGEBAUER, O. (1960). “Studies in Byzantine Astronomical Terminology.” Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 50, No. 2, s. 1-45.RAGEP, F. Jamil (2007), “Shîrâzî: Qutb al-Dîn Mahmûd ibn Mas’ûd Muslih al-Shîrâzî” The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, Vol II, Editor-in-Chief Thomas Hockey, New York, s. 1054-1055.SALİBA, George (1983), “An Observational Notebook of a Thirteenth-Century Astronomer”, Isis, Vol. 74, No. 3 (September), s. 388-401.SAYILI, Aydın (1960), The Observatory in İslam, TTK, Ankara.STOREY, C. A. (1958), Persian Literature. Vol. 2, Part 1, London.SUTER, Heınrıch (1900), Die Mathematiker Und Astronomer Der Araber, Leipzig. VASSÂF (1967), Tarih-i Vassâf, editör. A. M. Âyetî, Tahran.WÂBKANAWÎ, Zîc-î el-Muhakkak el-Sultanî, Süleymaniye Kütüphane, Ayasofya Koleksiyonu: nr. 2694. ZAİMECHE, Salah (2002), “A Cursory Review Of Muslim Observatories”, Foundation For Science Technology And Civilisation, August, s. 1-7.


Year 2020, Volume: 30 Issue: 1, 471 - 484, 31.01.2020


Dönemi’nde Merâga ve Tebrîz gözlemevlerinde çalışan önemli bilim insanlarından
biri de Şemseddîn el-Vâbkanavî el-Buharî’dir.
1272 yılından beri 40 yıl boyunca astronomi ve gözlem çalışmaları yürüten Şemseddîn el-Vâbkanavî el-Buharî, Olcaytu
Han Dönemi’nde yazımına başladığı Zîc-i
el Muhakkak el-Sultanî
adlı eserin de sahibidir. Ancak bu zîc, Olcaytu Han
Dönemi’nde (1304-1316) yazılmaya başlanmasına rağmen onun ölümü üzerine oğlu İlhanlı
hükümdarı Ebu Sa’id Bahadır’a (1317-1335) ithaf edilmiştir. Zîc-i el-Muhakkak el-Sultanî’nin en
önemli özelliği; daha önce yazılmış, ancak zamanla kaybolmuş olan zîc adlarının
bu eserde zikredilmesi ve daha önceki zîc’lere dayanılarak yazılan ve bundan
dolayı içinde birtakım yanlışlıklar bulundurduğu iddia edilen Zîc-i İlhanî’yi eleştirmesi ve bu
eleştirileri haklı çıkaracak özgün rasad bilgileri vermesidir. Şemseddîn el-Vâbkanavî el-Buharî’yi astronomi
tarihinde önemli kılan bir diğer gelişme ise 30 Ocak 1283 yılında yapmış olduğu
halkalı güneş tutulması” hakkında
bilgiler vermesidir. Ayrıca Hülağü Han Dönemi’nde 1256-1265) Merâga’da ve Gazan
Han Dönemi’nde (1295-1304) Tebrîz’de gözlemevleri kurulmasının dışında Sultan Olcaytu
Han Dönemi’nde de Sultaniyye’de bir gözlemevinin kurulduğu iddiası
bulunmaktadır. Hatta Şemseddîn
el-Vâbkanavî el-Buharî’
nin, Sultan
Olcaytu Han Dönemi’nde (1304-1316) Sultaniyye’de kurulduğu iddia edilen bu
gözlemevinde de çalıştığı tahmin edilmektedir.


  • BROCKELMANN, Carl (1943), GAL (Geschıchte der Arabıschen Lıtteratur), Suppl. Vol II. Leiden. DALEN, Benno Van (2007), “Wâbkanawî: Shams al-Munajjim (Shams al-Dîn) Muḥammad ibn Alî Khwâja al-Wâbkanawî”, The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, Vol II, Editor: Thomas Hockey, s. 1187-1188.DANIZ, Ramiz (2018), “Maragha Observatory and İts Scientists”, İRS History, 3(35), Summer, s. 9-15.HARAMUNDANİS, Katherine (2007), “Chioniades, Gregor (George)” The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, Editor: Thomas Hockey, New York: Springer, s. 229.KENNEDY, E. S. (1956), “A Survey of Islamic Astronomical Tables.” Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series, Vol. 46, No. 2, s. 123-177.KENNEDY, E. S. (1958), “The Sasanian Astronomical Handbook Zîj-i Shâh the Astrological Doctrine of ‘Transit’", Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 78, No. 4 (Oct. - Dec.), s. 246-262.KİNG D. A. (1991), “The Astronomical Works of Gregory Chioniades”, Volume I: Zîj-i Âlâ’î by Gregory Chioniades: David Pingree: An Eleventh-Century Manual of Arabo-Byzantine Astronomy by Alexander Jones, Isis, Vol. 82, No. 1 (March), s. 116-118.KİNG, D. A. (2000), “Mathematical Astronomy in Islamic Civilisation”, Astronomy across Cultures: The History of Non - Western Astronomy, Ed: Helaine Selin, Dordrecht, Boston & London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, s. 585-613.KİNG, D. A. and SAMSÓ, J. (2001), “Astronomical Handbooks and Tables from the Islamic World”, Suhayl, 2, s. 45-46.LOHLKER, Rüdiger, “Entangled Histories: Philosophy, Religion, Astronomy, and Mathematics” (E.T. 11.4.2019)MERCİER, Raymond (2007), “Shams al‐Dîn al‐Bukhârî”, The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, Editor: Thomas Hockey New York, s. 1047-1048.MOZAFFARİ, Seyyed Mohammed – Zotti, Georg (2013), “The Observational Instruments at the Maragha Observatory after AD 1300”, Suhayl: International Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation 12 s. 45-179.________________ (2009). “Wâbkanawî and the first scientific observation of an annular eclipse”, The Observatory, 129, s. 144-146. ________________ (2016), “A Medieval Bright Star Table: The Non-Ptolemaic Star Table in the Îlkhânî Zîj” Journal for the History of Astronomy, Vol. 47 (3), s. 294 – 316. ________________ (2010), “Wabkanawi’s Annualar Eclipse”, The Observatory, 130, s. 39–40.________________ (2013), “Wâbkanawî’s prediction and calculations of the annular solar eclipse of 30 January 1283”, Historia Mathematica, 40, s. 235-261.________________ (2014), “Muh yı al-Dın al-Maghribı’s lunar measurements at the Maragha observatory” , Archive for History of Exact Sciences – Springer, s. 67-120.________________ (2015), “Annular Eclipses and Considerations About Solar and Lunar Angular Diameters in Medieval Astronomy” New Insights From Recent Studies in Historical Astronomy: Following in The Footsteps of F. Richard Stephenson, Ed: Wayne Orchiston- David A. Green- Richard Strom, New York-London, s. 119-143. NEUGEBAUER, O. (1960). “Studies in Byzantine Astronomical Terminology.” Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 50, No. 2, s. 1-45.RAGEP, F. Jamil (2007), “Shîrâzî: Qutb al-Dîn Mahmûd ibn Mas’ûd Muslih al-Shîrâzî” The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, Vol II, Editor-in-Chief Thomas Hockey, New York, s. 1054-1055.SALİBA, George (1983), “An Observational Notebook of a Thirteenth-Century Astronomer”, Isis, Vol. 74, No. 3 (September), s. 388-401.SAYILI, Aydın (1960), The Observatory in İslam, TTK, Ankara.STOREY, C. A. (1958), Persian Literature. Vol. 2, Part 1, London.SUTER, Heınrıch (1900), Die Mathematiker Und Astronomer Der Araber, Leipzig. VASSÂF (1967), Tarih-i Vassâf, editör. A. M. Âyetî, Tahran.WÂBKANAWÎ, Zîc-î el-Muhakkak el-Sultanî, Süleymaniye Kütüphane, Ayasofya Koleksiyonu: nr. 2694. ZAİMECHE, Salah (2002), “A Cursory Review Of Muslim Observatories”, Foundation For Science Technology And Civilisation, August, s. 1-7.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Issue

Seyfettin Kaya

Publication Date January 31, 2020
Submission Date July 17, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 30 Issue: 1
