Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 35 Issue: 2, 23 - 47, 30.06.2017


Health is one of the sectors
that best reflects main characteristics of service industry. Pharmaceutical
industry is a big industry for health care undergoing changes parallel with
variations in socio-demographic structure of the society. In recent years with
an effect of the aging of the population it becomes prior to examine the
relationship between main dynamics of pharmaceutical industry with health
outcomes. For this reason in this study the interaction between expenditures
for pharmaceuticals and health outcomes investigated for European countries
which are member of European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and
Associations including Turkey with canonical correlation analysis. As a result
of the study it is seen that there is a strong and meaningful relationship
between pharmaceutical expenditures and health outcome indicators (
=0.73, p<0.05). Study results
shows that pharmaceutical expenditures are strong indicators of health outcomes
which are primary indicators of performance assessment in health system. This
result highlight the necessity of considering specific dynamics of pharmaceutical
industry in health system performance assessment for European countries which
are fighting with productivity management problem with an increasingly aging of
the population.



  • Akıcı, A. Alp, F.İ. Ayanoğlu Dülger, G. Elçioğlu, K. Gümüşel, B. Gündüz, Ö. Kabasakal, L. Kaleli Durman, D. Kelicen, P. Kerry, Z. Melli, M. Beşikçi, A.O. Özbay, L. Özçelikay, T. Özdemir, O. Rollas, S. Sevin, G. Şehirli, A.Ö. Tel, B.C. Toklu, H.Z. Turan, N.N. Üstünes, L. Yarış, E. Yerer, M.B. (2009), “Serbest Eczanelerde İlaç Sunumu Sürecinde Karşılaşılan Sorunlar: Akılcı İlaç Kullanımı Yönünden Değerlendirme”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(1), 75-80.
  • Alpar, R. (2011) Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Yöntemler, 3. Baskı, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Aslantekin, F., M. Yumrutaş (2014), “Sağlık Okuryazarlığı ve Ölçümü”, TAF Koruyucu Hekimlik Bülteni, 13(4), 327-334.
  • Berkman, N.D., S.L. Sheridan, K.E. Donahue, D.J. Halpern, K. Crotty (2011), “Low Health Literacy and Health Outcomes: An Updated Systematic Review”, Annals of Internal Medicine, 155(2), 97-107.
  • Blanc, L. (2015), “The European Pharmaceutical Industry in a Global Economy: What Drives EU Exports of Pharmaceuticals?”, Department of European Economic Studies, Bruges European Economic Research Papers, 31, E.T.: 26.11.2015.
  • Blazquez-Fernandez, C., N. Gonzalez-Prieto, P. Moreno-Mencia (2013), “Pharmaceutical Expenditure as a Determinant of Health Outcomes in EU Countries”, Estudios de Economia Aplicada, 31(2), 379-396.
  • Borger, C., S. Smith, C. Truffer, S. Keehan, A. Sisko, J. Poisal, M.K. Celemens (2006), “Health Spending Projections Through 2015: Changes on the Horizon”, Health Affairs, 25(2), 61-73.
  • Brendt, ER. (2001), “The US Pharmaceutical industry: Why Major Growth in Times of Cost Containment?”, Health Affairs, 20(2), 100-114.
  • Chaudhuri, K., S.M. Kakade, K. Livescu, K. Sridharan (2009), “Multi-View Clustering Via Canonical Correlation Analysis”. Proceedings of the 26 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Montreal, Canada, 129-136.
  • Cremieux, P.Y., M.C. Meilleur, P. Ouellette, P. Petit, M. Zelder, K. Potvin (2005), “Public and private Pharmaceutical Spending as Determinants of Health Outcomes in Canada”, Health Economics, 14(2), 107-116.
  • Çalışkan, Z. (2009), “The Relationship between Pharmaceutical Expenditure and Life Expectancy: Evidence from 21 OECD Countries”, Applied Economics Letters, 16, 1651-1655.
  • Darroch, J., M.P. Miles (2011), “A Research Note on Market Creation in the Pharmaceutical Industry”, Journal of Business Research, 64(7), 723-727.
  • Day, K., J. Tousignant (2005), “Health Spending, Health Outcomes, and Per Capita Income in Canada: A Dynamc Analysis”, Department of Finance, Working Paper, 2005-07.
  • Dhillon, P.S., D. Foster, L. Ungar (2011), “Multi-View Learning of Word Embeddings via CCA”. Neural Information Processing System (NIPS) Conference. University of Pennsylvania, 1-9.
  • Eczacıyı (2015),, E.T.:05.10.2015.
  • European Commission (EC), (2013), European Competitiveness Report: Towards Knowledge Driven Re-Industrialisation, Brussels, SWD 347 Final, Brussels.
  • EFPIA, (2015), European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, E.T.: 28.11.2015.
  • Gerdtham, U.G,. J. Sogaard, B. Jönsson, F. Andersson (1992), “A Pooled Cross-Section Analysis of the Health Care Expenditures of the OECD Countries”, Dev Health Econ Public Policy, 1, 287-310.
  • Gottret, P., G. Schieber (2006), Health Financing Revised: A Practitioners Guide, The World Bank,, Erişim Tarihi: 05.05.2015.
  • Gowrisankaran, G. Town, R.J. (2004), “Managed care, Drug Benefits and Mortality: An Analysis of the Elderly”, NBER Working Paper No.10204.
  • Gunther-McGrath, R., A. Nerkar (2004), “Real Options Reasoning and A New Look at the R&D Investment Strategies of Pharmaceutical Firms”, Strategic Management Journal, 25(1), 1-21.
  • Horner, D., P.J. Larmer (2006), “Health Outcome Measures”, NZ Journal of Physiotheraphy, 34(1), 17-24.
  • Hotelling, H. (1936), “Relations Between Two Sets of Variates”, Biometrika, 28(3/4), 321-377.
  • Jarek, S. (2015), “Package: “mvnormtest” Normality test for Multivariate Variables”, E.T.: 07.12.2015.
  • Jennings, B.M., S.L. Heiner, L.A. Loan, E.A. Hemman, K.M. Swanson (2005), “What Really Matters to Healthcare Consumers”, The Journal of Nursing Administration, 35(4), 173-180.
  • Kayne, R.L., D.M. Radosevich (2011), Conducting Health Outcomes Research, Jones Bartlett Learning, LLC, United States.
  • Kruk, M.E., L.P. Freedman (2008) “Assessing Health System Performance in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review of the Literature”, Health Policy, 85(3), 263-276.
  • Lagace, R.R., R. Dahlstrom, J.B. Gassenheimer (1991), “The Relevance of Ethical Salesperson Behavior on Relationship Quality: The Pharmaceutical Industry”, The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 11(4), 39-47.
  • Leu, R. (1986), “The Public-Private Mix and International Health Care Costs”. In Public and Private Health Services, eds. A.J. Culyer and B. Jonsson B. Oxford: Basil Balckwell:Oxford, 41-63.
  • Levine, M.S. (1977), Canonical Analysis and Factor Comparison, USA, Sage Publications.
  • Liu, L., R.R. Cline, S.W. Schondelmeyer, J.C. Schommer (2008), “Pharmaceutical Expenditures as a Correlate of Population Health in Industrialized Nations”, The Annals of Pharmacotheraphy, 42(3), 368-374.
  • Liu, Y., Y. Çelik, B. Şahin (2005), “Türkiye’de Sağlık ve İlaç Harcamaları”, Sağlıkta Umut Vakfı, E.T.: 26.11.2015.
  • Lorcu, F., B.A. Bolat (2009), “Yaşlara Göre Ölüm Oranları ile Sosyo-Ekonomik Göstergeler Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 38(2), 124-133.
  • Mant, J. (2001), “Process versus Outcome Indicators in the Assessment of Quality of Care”, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 13(6), 475-480.
  • Martin, A.B., M. Hartman, L. Whittle, A. Catlin The National Health Expenditure Accounts Team (2014) “National Health Spending in 2012: Rate of Health Spending Growth Remained Low for the Fourth Consecutive Year”, Health Affairs, 33(1), 67-77.
  • Martin, S., N. Rice, P.C. Smith (2008), “Does Health Care Spending Improve Health Outcomes? Evidence from English Programme Budgeting Data”, Journal of Health Economics, 27(4), 826-842.
  • Myers, S.S., R.S. Phillips, R.B. Davis, D.C. Cherkin, A. Legedza, T.J. Kaptchuk, A. Hrbek, J.E. Buring, D. Post, M.T. Connelly, D.M. Eisenberg (2008), “Patient Expectations as Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Acute Low Back Pain”, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 23(2), 148-153.
  • Nixon, J., P. Ulmann (2006), “The Relationship between Health Care Expenditures and Health Outcomes: Evidence and Caveats for a Causal Link” European Journal of Health Economics, 7(1), 7-18.
  • OECD İlaç Harcamaları (2012), Erişim Tarihi: 26.11.2015
  • Özdamar, K. (2010), Paket Programlar ile İstatistiksel Veri Analizi (Çok Değişkenli Analiz), 7. Baskı, Eskişehir: Kaan Kitabevi.
  • Pickett, K.E., R.G. Wilkinson (2015), “Income Inequality and Health: A Casual Review”, Social Science & Medicine, 128, 316-326.
  • R. Camejo, R. McGrath, C. Herings, R. (2011), “A Dynamic Perspective on Pharmaceutical Competition, Drug Development and Cost Effectiveness”, Health Policy, 100(1), 18-24.
  • Schulz, K.F., I. Chalmers, R.J. Hayes, D.G. Altman (1995) “Empirical Evidence of Bias. Dimensions of Methodological Quality Associated with Estimates of Treatment Effects in Controlled Trials”, JAMA, 273(4), 408-412.
  • Shah, V.P., L.J.R. Besancon, P. Stolk, G. Tucker, D.J.A. Crommelin (2010), “The Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2020: Report of a Conference Organized by the Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)”, Pharmaceutical Research, 27(3), 396-399.
  • Torrey, W.C., R.E. Drake, L. Dixon, B.J. Burns, L. Flynn, A.J. Rush, R.E. Clark, D. Klatzker, (2001), “Implementing Evidence-Based Practices for Persons with Severe Mental Illnesses”, Psychiatric Services, 52(1), 45-50.
  • Vogler, S. Zimmermann, N. Leopold, C. De Joncheere, K. (2011), “Pharmaceutical Policies in European Countries in Response to the Global Financial Crisis”, Southern Medical Review, 4(2), 69-79.


Year 2017, Volume: 35 Issue: 2, 23 - 47, 30.06.2017


sektörü hizmet sektörünün temel karakteristiğini en iyi şekilde yansıtan
sektörlerin başında gelmektedir. İlaç endüstrisi sağlık alanı için büyük bir
endüstri olup toplumun sosyo-demografik yapısındaki değişimlere paralel olarak
değişime uğramaktadır. Son yıllarda özellikle Avrupa ülkelerinde yaşlanarak
sağlık ihtiyacı giderek artan toplum yapısının etkisi ile ilaç endüstrisinin
temel dinamiklerinin sağlık sonuçları ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi temel bir
gereklilik olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin de
aralarında bulunduğu ve
European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA)’ya üye olan Avrupa ülkelerinde farklı
başlıklar itibariyle ilaç için yapılan harcamaların sağlık sonuçları ile olan
ilişkisi kanonik korelasyon analizi ile incelenmiştir. Analiz sonucunda ilaç
harcamaları ile sağlık sonuç göstergeleri arasında güçlü ve anlamlı (
p<0.05) bir ilişki olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışma sonuçları sağlık sistemi
performansının değerlendirilmesinde temel bir ölçüt olan sağlık sonuçlarının
incelenmesinde ilaç için yapılan harcamaların güçlü bir gösterge olduğunu
ortaya koymaktadır. Bu sonuç, giderek yaşlanan nüfus ile birlikte ortaya çıkan
verimlilik yönetimi sorunu ile mücadele etmek durumunda olan Avrupa ülkeleri
için sağlık sistemi performans değerlendirmelerinde ilaç endüstrisine özgü
dinamikleri göz önünde bulundurmak gerekliliğini ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Akıcı, A. Alp, F.İ. Ayanoğlu Dülger, G. Elçioğlu, K. Gümüşel, B. Gündüz, Ö. Kabasakal, L. Kaleli Durman, D. Kelicen, P. Kerry, Z. Melli, M. Beşikçi, A.O. Özbay, L. Özçelikay, T. Özdemir, O. Rollas, S. Sevin, G. Şehirli, A.Ö. Tel, B.C. Toklu, H.Z. Turan, N.N. Üstünes, L. Yarış, E. Yerer, M.B. (2009), “Serbest Eczanelerde İlaç Sunumu Sürecinde Karşılaşılan Sorunlar: Akılcı İlaç Kullanımı Yönünden Değerlendirme”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(1), 75-80.
  • Alpar, R. (2011) Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Yöntemler, 3. Baskı, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Aslantekin, F., M. Yumrutaş (2014), “Sağlık Okuryazarlığı ve Ölçümü”, TAF Koruyucu Hekimlik Bülteni, 13(4), 327-334.
  • Berkman, N.D., S.L. Sheridan, K.E. Donahue, D.J. Halpern, K. Crotty (2011), “Low Health Literacy and Health Outcomes: An Updated Systematic Review”, Annals of Internal Medicine, 155(2), 97-107.
  • Blanc, L. (2015), “The European Pharmaceutical Industry in a Global Economy: What Drives EU Exports of Pharmaceuticals?”, Department of European Economic Studies, Bruges European Economic Research Papers, 31, E.T.: 26.11.2015.
  • Blazquez-Fernandez, C., N. Gonzalez-Prieto, P. Moreno-Mencia (2013), “Pharmaceutical Expenditure as a Determinant of Health Outcomes in EU Countries”, Estudios de Economia Aplicada, 31(2), 379-396.
  • Borger, C., S. Smith, C. Truffer, S. Keehan, A. Sisko, J. Poisal, M.K. Celemens (2006), “Health Spending Projections Through 2015: Changes on the Horizon”, Health Affairs, 25(2), 61-73.
  • Brendt, ER. (2001), “The US Pharmaceutical industry: Why Major Growth in Times of Cost Containment?”, Health Affairs, 20(2), 100-114.
  • Chaudhuri, K., S.M. Kakade, K. Livescu, K. Sridharan (2009), “Multi-View Clustering Via Canonical Correlation Analysis”. Proceedings of the 26 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Montreal, Canada, 129-136.
  • Cremieux, P.Y., M.C. Meilleur, P. Ouellette, P. Petit, M. Zelder, K. Potvin (2005), “Public and private Pharmaceutical Spending as Determinants of Health Outcomes in Canada”, Health Economics, 14(2), 107-116.
  • Çalışkan, Z. (2009), “The Relationship between Pharmaceutical Expenditure and Life Expectancy: Evidence from 21 OECD Countries”, Applied Economics Letters, 16, 1651-1655.
  • Darroch, J., M.P. Miles (2011), “A Research Note on Market Creation in the Pharmaceutical Industry”, Journal of Business Research, 64(7), 723-727.
  • Day, K., J. Tousignant (2005), “Health Spending, Health Outcomes, and Per Capita Income in Canada: A Dynamc Analysis”, Department of Finance, Working Paper, 2005-07.
  • Dhillon, P.S., D. Foster, L. Ungar (2011), “Multi-View Learning of Word Embeddings via CCA”. Neural Information Processing System (NIPS) Conference. University of Pennsylvania, 1-9.
  • Eczacıyı (2015),, E.T.:05.10.2015.
  • European Commission (EC), (2013), European Competitiveness Report: Towards Knowledge Driven Re-Industrialisation, Brussels, SWD 347 Final, Brussels.
  • EFPIA, (2015), European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, E.T.: 28.11.2015.
  • Gerdtham, U.G,. J. Sogaard, B. Jönsson, F. Andersson (1992), “A Pooled Cross-Section Analysis of the Health Care Expenditures of the OECD Countries”, Dev Health Econ Public Policy, 1, 287-310.
  • Gottret, P., G. Schieber (2006), Health Financing Revised: A Practitioners Guide, The World Bank,, Erişim Tarihi: 05.05.2015.
  • Gowrisankaran, G. Town, R.J. (2004), “Managed care, Drug Benefits and Mortality: An Analysis of the Elderly”, NBER Working Paper No.10204.
  • Gunther-McGrath, R., A. Nerkar (2004), “Real Options Reasoning and A New Look at the R&D Investment Strategies of Pharmaceutical Firms”, Strategic Management Journal, 25(1), 1-21.
  • Horner, D., P.J. Larmer (2006), “Health Outcome Measures”, NZ Journal of Physiotheraphy, 34(1), 17-24.
  • Hotelling, H. (1936), “Relations Between Two Sets of Variates”, Biometrika, 28(3/4), 321-377.
  • Jarek, S. (2015), “Package: “mvnormtest” Normality test for Multivariate Variables”, E.T.: 07.12.2015.
  • Jennings, B.M., S.L. Heiner, L.A. Loan, E.A. Hemman, K.M. Swanson (2005), “What Really Matters to Healthcare Consumers”, The Journal of Nursing Administration, 35(4), 173-180.
  • Kayne, R.L., D.M. Radosevich (2011), Conducting Health Outcomes Research, Jones Bartlett Learning, LLC, United States.
  • Kruk, M.E., L.P. Freedman (2008) “Assessing Health System Performance in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review of the Literature”, Health Policy, 85(3), 263-276.
  • Lagace, R.R., R. Dahlstrom, J.B. Gassenheimer (1991), “The Relevance of Ethical Salesperson Behavior on Relationship Quality: The Pharmaceutical Industry”, The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 11(4), 39-47.
  • Leu, R. (1986), “The Public-Private Mix and International Health Care Costs”. In Public and Private Health Services, eds. A.J. Culyer and B. Jonsson B. Oxford: Basil Balckwell:Oxford, 41-63.
  • Levine, M.S. (1977), Canonical Analysis and Factor Comparison, USA, Sage Publications.
  • Liu, L., R.R. Cline, S.W. Schondelmeyer, J.C. Schommer (2008), “Pharmaceutical Expenditures as a Correlate of Population Health in Industrialized Nations”, The Annals of Pharmacotheraphy, 42(3), 368-374.
  • Liu, Y., Y. Çelik, B. Şahin (2005), “Türkiye’de Sağlık ve İlaç Harcamaları”, Sağlıkta Umut Vakfı, E.T.: 26.11.2015.
  • Lorcu, F., B.A. Bolat (2009), “Yaşlara Göre Ölüm Oranları ile Sosyo-Ekonomik Göstergeler Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 38(2), 124-133.
  • Mant, J. (2001), “Process versus Outcome Indicators in the Assessment of Quality of Care”, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 13(6), 475-480.
  • Martin, A.B., M. Hartman, L. Whittle, A. Catlin The National Health Expenditure Accounts Team (2014) “National Health Spending in 2012: Rate of Health Spending Growth Remained Low for the Fourth Consecutive Year”, Health Affairs, 33(1), 67-77.
  • Martin, S., N. Rice, P.C. Smith (2008), “Does Health Care Spending Improve Health Outcomes? Evidence from English Programme Budgeting Data”, Journal of Health Economics, 27(4), 826-842.
  • Myers, S.S., R.S. Phillips, R.B. Davis, D.C. Cherkin, A. Legedza, T.J. Kaptchuk, A. Hrbek, J.E. Buring, D. Post, M.T. Connelly, D.M. Eisenberg (2008), “Patient Expectations as Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Acute Low Back Pain”, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 23(2), 148-153.
  • Nixon, J., P. Ulmann (2006), “The Relationship between Health Care Expenditures and Health Outcomes: Evidence and Caveats for a Causal Link” European Journal of Health Economics, 7(1), 7-18.
  • OECD İlaç Harcamaları (2012), Erişim Tarihi: 26.11.2015
  • Özdamar, K. (2010), Paket Programlar ile İstatistiksel Veri Analizi (Çok Değişkenli Analiz), 7. Baskı, Eskişehir: Kaan Kitabevi.
  • Pickett, K.E., R.G. Wilkinson (2015), “Income Inequality and Health: A Casual Review”, Social Science & Medicine, 128, 316-326.
  • R. Camejo, R. McGrath, C. Herings, R. (2011), “A Dynamic Perspective on Pharmaceutical Competition, Drug Development and Cost Effectiveness”, Health Policy, 100(1), 18-24.
  • Schulz, K.F., I. Chalmers, R.J. Hayes, D.G. Altman (1995) “Empirical Evidence of Bias. Dimensions of Methodological Quality Associated with Estimates of Treatment Effects in Controlled Trials”, JAMA, 273(4), 408-412.
  • Shah, V.P., L.J.R. Besancon, P. Stolk, G. Tucker, D.J.A. Crommelin (2010), “The Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2020: Report of a Conference Organized by the Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)”, Pharmaceutical Research, 27(3), 396-399.
  • Torrey, W.C., R.E. Drake, L. Dixon, B.J. Burns, L. Flynn, A.J. Rush, R.E. Clark, D. Klatzker, (2001), “Implementing Evidence-Based Practices for Persons with Severe Mental Illnesses”, Psychiatric Services, 52(1), 45-50.
  • Vogler, S. Zimmermann, N. Leopold, C. De Joncheere, K. (2011), “Pharmaceutical Policies in European Countries in Response to the Global Financial Crisis”, Southern Medical Review, 4(2), 69-79.
There are 46 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Songül Çınaroğlu

Publication Date June 30, 2017
Submission Date December 10, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 35 Issue: 2


APA Çınaroğlu, S. (2017). İLAÇ HARCAMALARININ SAĞLIK SONUÇLARI İLE İLİŞKİSİ: BİR KANONİK KORELASYON ANALİZİ UYGULAMASI. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 35(2), 23-47.
AMA Çınaroğlu S. İLAÇ HARCAMALARININ SAĞLIK SONUÇLARI İLE İLİŞKİSİ: BİR KANONİK KORELASYON ANALİZİ UYGULAMASI. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. June 2017;35(2):23-47. doi:10.17065/huniibf.324724
Chicago Çınaroğlu, Songül. “İLAÇ HARCAMALARININ SAĞLIK SONUÇLARI İLE İLİŞKİSİ: BİR KANONİK KORELASYON ANALİZİ UYGULAMASI”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 35, no. 2 (June 2017): 23-47.
EndNote Çınaroğlu S (June 1, 2017) İLAÇ HARCAMALARININ SAĞLIK SONUÇLARI İLE İLİŞKİSİ: BİR KANONİK KORELASYON ANALİZİ UYGULAMASI. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 35 2 23–47.
IEEE S. Çınaroğlu, “İLAÇ HARCAMALARININ SAĞLIK SONUÇLARI İLE İLİŞKİSİ: BİR KANONİK KORELASYON ANALİZİ UYGULAMASI”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 23–47, 2017, doi: 10.17065/huniibf.324724.
ISNAD Çınaroğlu, Songül. “İLAÇ HARCAMALARININ SAĞLIK SONUÇLARI İLE İLİŞKİSİ: BİR KANONİK KORELASYON ANALİZİ UYGULAMASI”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 35/2 (June 2017), 23-47.
JAMA Çınaroğlu S. İLAÇ HARCAMALARININ SAĞLIK SONUÇLARI İLE İLİŞKİSİ: BİR KANONİK KORELASYON ANALİZİ UYGULAMASI. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2017;35:23–47.
MLA Çınaroğlu, Songül. “İLAÇ HARCAMALARININ SAĞLIK SONUÇLARI İLE İLİŞKİSİ: BİR KANONİK KORELASYON ANALİZİ UYGULAMASI”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 35, no. 2, 2017, pp. 23-47, doi:10.17065/huniibf.324724.
Vancouver Çınaroğlu S. İLAÇ HARCAMALARININ SAĞLIK SONUÇLARI İLE İLİŞKİSİ: BİR KANONİK KORELASYON ANALİZİ UYGULAMASI. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2017;35(2):23-47.

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