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Year 2013, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 271 - 310, 29.08.2013


Polish Hotel Lambert and his Great Serbia “Načertanije” Plan (1840-1844)After the suppression of the uprising was launched in 1831 in Poland against Russia, the Poles who were forced to flee to Europe gathered around Prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski (1770-1861) and formed Hotel Lambert organization in 1833 in Paris. In this article, Hotel Lambert’s Serbian Policy between 1840-1844 will be analyzed and Hotel Lambert’s effects on the creation of the first modern Serbian nationalist program, “Načertanije” will be discussed. The purposes of Hotel Lambert’s Serbian policy were to reduce Russia’s influence in Eastern Europe and regain independence of Poland which was shared by Austria, Russia and Prussia in the XVIIIth century. In this study, the process of formation of Hotel Lambert is examined from the perspective of Polish history in the XVIIIth and XIXth century.


  • • AGIČIĆ, Damir, Podijeljena Poljska (1772-1918), Zagreb 2004. [AGIČIĆ, Damir, Partitioned Poland (1772-1918), Zagreb 2004.]
  • • ARIK, Sabire, Kuruluştan XVII. Yüzyıla Polonya Tarihi, Ankara 20 • BAKIĆ, Jovo, Ideologije Jugoslovenstva Između Srpskog i Hrvatskog Nacionalizma 1918-1941, Zrenjanin 2004. [BAKIĆ, Jovo, Ideology of Yugoslavism Between Serbian and Croatian Nationalism 1918-1941, Zrenjanin 2004.]
  • • BANAC, Ivo, The National Questions in Yugoslavia: Origins, History, Politics, New York 1984.
  • • BANAC, Ivo, “Sırbistan’da Milliyetçilik” (çev. Gencer Özcan), Yeni Balkanlar, Eski Sorunlar, (yay. haz. Kemali Saybaşılı, Gencer Özcan), İstanbul 1997, s. 87-116.
  • • CASTELLAN, Georges, Balkanların Tarihi, (çev. Ayşegül YaramanBaşbuğu), İstanbul 1995.
  • • CETNAROWICZ, Antoni, Tajna Dyplomacja Adama Jerzego Czartoryskiego na Bałkanach, Kraków 1993. [CETNAROWICZ, Antoni, The Secret Diplomacy of Adam Jerzy Czartoryski Towards the Balkan, Kraków 1993.]
  • • CHWALBA, Andrzej, Historia Polski 1795-1918, Kraków 2001. [CHWALBA, Andrzej, History of Poland 1795-1918, Kraków 2001.] • DIZDAR, Zdravko, “Četnički Pokret na Području Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine (1941-1945)”, Nezavisna Država Hrvatska 1941-1945, (yay. haz. Sabrina P. Ramet), Zagreb 2009. [DIZDAR, Zdravko, “The Chetnik Movement in Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina (19411945)”, Independent State of Croatia 1941-1945, (edt. Sabrina P. Ramet), Zagreb 2009.]
  • • DOPIERAŁA, Kazimierz, Adampol-Polonezköy z Dziejów Polaków w Turcji, Poznań 1983. [DOPIERAŁA, Kazimierz, AdampolPolonezköy the History of Poles in Turkey, Poznań 1983.]
  • • GREENBERG L., Marc, “The Illyrian Movement: A Croatian Vision of South Slavic Unity”, Handbook of Language and Ethnic Identity: The Success – Failure Continuum in Language Identity Efforts, (yay. haz. Joshua A. Fishman, Ofelia García), Oxford 2011, s. 364-380.
  • • GÜMÜŞ, Musa, “Mehmed Sadık Paşa (Michal Czajkowski) ve Osmanlı Devleti’nde Kazak Süvari Alayı”, Turkish Studies, Vol: 5/3, Summer 2010, s. 1362-1375.
  • • JAKŠIĆ-DURKOVIĆ, Ljubomir, “O Nastanku Načertanija 1844. Godine”, Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnotsi Naučni Skup Knjiga LIV, Beograd 1991, 19-43. [JAKŠIĆ-DURKOVIĆ, Ljubomir, “The Origin of Načertanije in the year 1844”, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Scientific Sessions Book LIV, Belgrade 1991, 19]
  • • JAKŠIĆ-DURKOVIĆ, Ljubomir, Mičkjević i Jugosloveni, Novi Sad 19 [JAKŠIĆ-DURKOVIĆ, Ljubomir, Mickiewicz and Yugoslavs, Novi Sad 1987.]
  • • JAKŠIĆ-DURKOVIĆ, Ljubomir, O Početku Jugoslovenske Politike Adama Čartoriskog (1841-1843), Beograd 1974. [JAKŠIĆDURKOVIĆ, Ljubomir, About the Begining of Adam Czartoryski’s Yugoslav Policy (1841-1843), Belgrade 1974.]
  • • JELAVICH, Barbara, Balkan Tarihi 18. ve 19. Yüzyıllar, (çev. İhsan Durdu, Haşim Koç, Gülçin Koç), İstanbul 2006.
  • • KUKIEL, Marian, Czartoryski and European Unity 1770-1861, New Jersey 1955.
  • • MACKENZIE, David, Ilija Garašanin (1812-1874) Državnik i Diplomata, (çev. Krsta Radović), Beograd 1987. [MACKENZIE, David, Ilija Garašanin (1812-1874) Statesman and Diplomat, (trans. Krsta Radović), Belgrade 1987.]
  • • ÖZKAN, Ayşe, Miloş’tan Milan’a Sırp Bağımsızlığı (1830-1878), İstanbul 2011.
  • • SKOWRONEK, Jerzy, Sprzymierzeńcy Narodów Bałkańskich, Warszawa 1983. [SKOWRONEK, Jerzy, Alliance of the Balkan Nations, Warszawa 1983.]
  • • ŠIDAK, Jaroslav, “Hotel Lambert i Hrvati”, Studije iz Hrvatske Povijesti XIX. Stoljeća, Zagreb 1973. [ŠIDAK, Jaroslav, “Hotel Lambert and Croats”, Studies on the History of Croatia in the XIXth Century, Zagreb 1973.]
  • • TANNER, Marcus, Croatia A Nation Forged in War, New Haven and London 2010.
  • • TEMİZKAN, Abdullah, “Lehistanlıların İstanbul’da Lobi Faaliyetleri ve Kafkasya’ya Lejyon Gönderme Girişimleri”, Türklük Bilimi Araştırmaları, XXVIII, Güz 2010, s. 363-393.
  • • TOPOLSKI, Jerzy, Historia Polski, Poznań 2005. [TOPOLSKI, Jerzy, History of Poland, Poznań 2005.]
  • • TYMOWSKI, Michał, Kratka Povijest Poljske, (çev. Magdalena Najbar-Agičić), Zagreb 1999. [TYMOWSKI, Michał, A Brief History of Poland, (trans. Magdalena Najbar-Agičić), Zagreb 1999.]
  • • ŻUREK, Piotr, Hotel Lambert i Chorwaci 1843-1850, Warszawa 200 [ŻUREK, Piotr, Hotel Lambert and Croats 1843-1850, Warszawa 2005.]
  • • ŻUREK, Piotr, “Knez Adam Jerzy Czartoryski i Plan Balkanske Federacije (1804-1806)”, Anali Dubrovnik, No:43, Dubrovnik 2005, s. 129-138. [ŻUREK, Piotr, “Prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski and the Plan of Balkan Federation (1804-1806)”, Dubrovnik Annals, N:43, Dubrovnik 2005, p. 129-138.]
  • • ŻUREK, Piotr, “Josip Juraj Strossmayer Prema Poljskoj i Poljacima: Iz Povijesti Hrvatsko-Poljskih Veza u XIX. Stoljeću”, Časopis za Suvremenu Povijesti, No:3, Zagreb 1998, s. 481. [ŻUREK, Piotr, “Josip Juraj Strossmayer Towards the Poland and Poles: The History of Croatian-Polish Connections in the XIXth Century”, Journal of Contemporary History, N:3, Zagreb 1998, p. 481.].


Year 2013, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 271 - 310, 29.08.2013


Bu makalede 1831 yılında Polonya'da Rusya'ya karşı başlatılan ayaklanmanın bastırılmasından sonra Avrupa'ya kaçmak zorunda kalan Polonyalıların Paris'te Prens Adam Jerzy Czartoryski (1770-1861) etrafında bir araya gelerek oluşturdukları Hotel Lambert grubunun 1840-1844 yılları arasındaki Sırbistan politikasına ve 1844'te Sırbistan İçişleri Bakanı Ilija GaraÅ¡anin'in (1812-1874) ilk modern Sırp siyasi milliyetçi programı olan “Načertanije”yi oluşturmasında Hotel Lambert'in etkisine değinilecektir. Hotel Lambert'in izlediği Sırbistan Politikası'nın amacı Doğu Avrupa'da Rus etkisinin azaltılması ve toprakları XVIII. yüzyılda Rusya, Avusturya ve Prusya tarafından paylaşılan Polonya'nın bağımsızlığının yeniden kazanılmasıdır. Çalışmada Hotel Lambert'in oluşum sürecine XVIII. ve XIX. yüzyıl Polonya tarihi perspektifinden kısaca bakılırken Hotel Lambert'in 1840-1844 dönemi Sırbistan politikasının nedenleri anlatılacak ve bu dönemde Sırbistan'da yaşanan siyasi gelişmeler çerçevesinde Büyük Sırbistan planının (Načertanije) oluşturulma süreci değerlendirilecektir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Polonya, Hotel Lambert, Sırbistan, Načertanije, Milliyetçilik.

Polish Hotel Lambert and his Great Serbia “Načertanije” Plan (1840-1844)
After the suppression of the uprising was launched in 1831 in Poland against
Russia, the Poles who were forced to flee to Europe gathered around Prince Adam Jerzy
Czartoryski (1770-1861) and formed Hotel Lambert organization in 1833 in Paris. In
this article, Hotel Lambert's Serbian Policy between 1840-1844 will be analyzed and
Hotel Lambert's effects on the creation of the first modern Serbian nationalist program,
“Načertanije” will be discussed. The purposes of Hotel Lambert's Serbian policy were
to reduce Russia's influence in Eastern Europe and regain independence of Poland
which was shared by Austria, Russia and Prussia in the XVIIIth century. In this study,
the process of formation of Hotel Lambert is examined from the perspective of Polish
history in the XVIIIth and XIXth century.
Keywords: Poland, Hotel Lambert, Serbia, Načertanije, Nationalism.



  • • AGIČIĆ, Damir, Podijeljena Poljska (1772-1918), Zagreb 2004. [AGIČIĆ, Damir, Partitioned Poland (1772-1918), Zagreb 2004.]
  • • ARIK, Sabire, Kuruluştan XVII. Yüzyıla Polonya Tarihi, Ankara 20 • BAKIĆ, Jovo, Ideologije Jugoslovenstva Između Srpskog i Hrvatskog Nacionalizma 1918-1941, Zrenjanin 2004. [BAKIĆ, Jovo, Ideology of Yugoslavism Between Serbian and Croatian Nationalism 1918-1941, Zrenjanin 2004.]
  • • BANAC, Ivo, The National Questions in Yugoslavia: Origins, History, Politics, New York 1984.
  • • BANAC, Ivo, “Sırbistan’da Milliyetçilik” (çev. Gencer Özcan), Yeni Balkanlar, Eski Sorunlar, (yay. haz. Kemali Saybaşılı, Gencer Özcan), İstanbul 1997, s. 87-116.
  • • CASTELLAN, Georges, Balkanların Tarihi, (çev. Ayşegül YaramanBaşbuğu), İstanbul 1995.
  • • CETNAROWICZ, Antoni, Tajna Dyplomacja Adama Jerzego Czartoryskiego na Bałkanach, Kraków 1993. [CETNAROWICZ, Antoni, The Secret Diplomacy of Adam Jerzy Czartoryski Towards the Balkan, Kraków 1993.]
  • • CHWALBA, Andrzej, Historia Polski 1795-1918, Kraków 2001. [CHWALBA, Andrzej, History of Poland 1795-1918, Kraków 2001.] • DIZDAR, Zdravko, “Četnički Pokret na Području Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine (1941-1945)”, Nezavisna Država Hrvatska 1941-1945, (yay. haz. Sabrina P. Ramet), Zagreb 2009. [DIZDAR, Zdravko, “The Chetnik Movement in Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina (19411945)”, Independent State of Croatia 1941-1945, (edt. Sabrina P. Ramet), Zagreb 2009.]
  • • DOPIERAŁA, Kazimierz, Adampol-Polonezköy z Dziejów Polaków w Turcji, Poznań 1983. [DOPIERAŁA, Kazimierz, AdampolPolonezköy the History of Poles in Turkey, Poznań 1983.]
  • • GREENBERG L., Marc, “The Illyrian Movement: A Croatian Vision of South Slavic Unity”, Handbook of Language and Ethnic Identity: The Success – Failure Continuum in Language Identity Efforts, (yay. haz. Joshua A. Fishman, Ofelia García), Oxford 2011, s. 364-380.
  • • GÜMÜŞ, Musa, “Mehmed Sadık Paşa (Michal Czajkowski) ve Osmanlı Devleti’nde Kazak Süvari Alayı”, Turkish Studies, Vol: 5/3, Summer 2010, s. 1362-1375.
  • • JAKŠIĆ-DURKOVIĆ, Ljubomir, “O Nastanku Načertanija 1844. Godine”, Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnotsi Naučni Skup Knjiga LIV, Beograd 1991, 19-43. [JAKŠIĆ-DURKOVIĆ, Ljubomir, “The Origin of Načertanije in the year 1844”, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Scientific Sessions Book LIV, Belgrade 1991, 19]
  • • JAKŠIĆ-DURKOVIĆ, Ljubomir, Mičkjević i Jugosloveni, Novi Sad 19 [JAKŠIĆ-DURKOVIĆ, Ljubomir, Mickiewicz and Yugoslavs, Novi Sad 1987.]
  • • JAKŠIĆ-DURKOVIĆ, Ljubomir, O Početku Jugoslovenske Politike Adama Čartoriskog (1841-1843), Beograd 1974. [JAKŠIĆDURKOVIĆ, Ljubomir, About the Begining of Adam Czartoryski’s Yugoslav Policy (1841-1843), Belgrade 1974.]
  • • JELAVICH, Barbara, Balkan Tarihi 18. ve 19. Yüzyıllar, (çev. İhsan Durdu, Haşim Koç, Gülçin Koç), İstanbul 2006.
  • • KUKIEL, Marian, Czartoryski and European Unity 1770-1861, New Jersey 1955.
  • • MACKENZIE, David, Ilija Garašanin (1812-1874) Državnik i Diplomata, (çev. Krsta Radović), Beograd 1987. [MACKENZIE, David, Ilija Garašanin (1812-1874) Statesman and Diplomat, (trans. Krsta Radović), Belgrade 1987.]
  • • ÖZKAN, Ayşe, Miloş’tan Milan’a Sırp Bağımsızlığı (1830-1878), İstanbul 2011.
  • • SKOWRONEK, Jerzy, Sprzymierzeńcy Narodów Bałkańskich, Warszawa 1983. [SKOWRONEK, Jerzy, Alliance of the Balkan Nations, Warszawa 1983.]
  • • ŠIDAK, Jaroslav, “Hotel Lambert i Hrvati”, Studije iz Hrvatske Povijesti XIX. Stoljeća, Zagreb 1973. [ŠIDAK, Jaroslav, “Hotel Lambert and Croats”, Studies on the History of Croatia in the XIXth Century, Zagreb 1973.]
  • • TANNER, Marcus, Croatia A Nation Forged in War, New Haven and London 2010.
  • • TEMİZKAN, Abdullah, “Lehistanlıların İstanbul’da Lobi Faaliyetleri ve Kafkasya’ya Lejyon Gönderme Girişimleri”, Türklük Bilimi Araştırmaları, XXVIII, Güz 2010, s. 363-393.
  • • TOPOLSKI, Jerzy, Historia Polski, Poznań 2005. [TOPOLSKI, Jerzy, History of Poland, Poznań 2005.]
  • • TYMOWSKI, Michał, Kratka Povijest Poljske, (çev. Magdalena Najbar-Agičić), Zagreb 1999. [TYMOWSKI, Michał, A Brief History of Poland, (trans. Magdalena Najbar-Agičić), Zagreb 1999.]
  • • ŻUREK, Piotr, Hotel Lambert i Chorwaci 1843-1850, Warszawa 200 [ŻUREK, Piotr, Hotel Lambert and Croats 1843-1850, Warszawa 2005.]
  • • ŻUREK, Piotr, “Knez Adam Jerzy Czartoryski i Plan Balkanske Federacije (1804-1806)”, Anali Dubrovnik, No:43, Dubrovnik 2005, s. 129-138. [ŻUREK, Piotr, “Prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski and the Plan of Balkan Federation (1804-1806)”, Dubrovnik Annals, N:43, Dubrovnik 2005, p. 129-138.]
  • • ŻUREK, Piotr, “Josip Juraj Strossmayer Prema Poljskoj i Poljacima: Iz Povijesti Hrvatsko-Poljskih Veza u XIX. Stoljeću”, Časopis za Suvremenu Povijesti, No:3, Zagreb 1998, s. 481. [ŻUREK, Piotr, “Josip Juraj Strossmayer Towards the Poland and Poles: The History of Croatian-Polish Connections in the XIXth Century”, Journal of Contemporary History, N:3, Zagreb 1998, p. 481.].
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Hakan Demir

Publication Date August 29, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


Chicago Demir, Hakan. “POLONYALI HOTEL LAMBERT VE BÜYÜK SIRBİSTAN ‘NAÄŒERTANIJE’ PLANI (1840-1844)”. Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi 2, no. 1 (August 2013): 271-310.