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Year 2013, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 115 - 168, 27.08.2014


Ideology of Yugoslavism in CroatiaIn this article, Croatian Yugoslavism and its political goals whih emerged in Croatia in the XIXth Century will be explained. The idea of Croatian Yugoslavism aimed to realize Croatian national integration as well as to establish a common Yugoslav State together with other South Slavs (Slovenes, Serbs). The idea of Croatian Yugoslavism also legitimazed the establishment of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Socialist Yugoslavia in the XIXth Century. The main political programme of Croatian Yugoslavism was to establish a Federal Yugoslavia.


  • n AGIČIĆ, Damir, “Između Hrvatskoga i Slavenskog Identiteta. Odjeci Neoslavističkih Kongresa u Hrvatskoj Javnosti”, Dijalog Povjesničara - Istoričara 7, Zagreb 2001, s. 107-126. [AGIČIĆ, Damir, “Between the Croatian and Slavic Identity. Echoes of the Neoslavistic Congress in the Croatian Public Eye”, Dialogue of Historians 7, Zagreb 2001, p. 107-126.] n ARAS-GANZA, Tereza, “Zadarska Rezolucija (1905.) i Idejno-Politička Strujanja u Vezi s Krizom Dualizma”, Zadarska Smotra, No:1-3, 1997, s. 39-58. [ARAS-GANZA, Tereza, “Resolution of Zadar (1905.) and Ideological and Political Currents in the Connection with the Crisis of Dualism”, Zadar Review, n. 1-3, 1997, p. 39-58.] n ARAS-GANZA, Tereza, “Stav T. G. Masaryka Prema Hrvatskom i Jugoslavenskom Pitanju Od Kraja 19. Stoljeća Do 1918.”, Radovi, vol. XXXIV/21, 1995, s. 199-219. [ARAS-GANZA, Tereza, “Attitude of T. G. Masaryk toward the Croatian and Yugoslavian Question Since the Late of 19th Century until 1918”, Works, Vol. 34, N:21, 1995, p. 1992] n ARTUKOVIĆ, Mato, Ideologija Srpsko-Hrvatskih Sporova Srbobran 1894-1902, Zagreb 1991. [ARTUKOVIĆ, Mato, Ideology of SerboCroatian Disputes Srbobran 1894-1902, Zagreb 1991.] n BOBAN, Branka, Demokratski Nacionalizam Stjepana Radića, Zagreb 1998. [BOBAN, Branka, Democratic Nationalism of Stjepan Radic, Zagreb 1998.] n CIPEK, Tihomir, “Pojam Države i Nacije u Političkoj Misli Stjepana Radića”, Politička Misao, vol. XXIX/3, 1992. s. 130-141. [CIPEK, Tihomir, “The Concept of State and Nation in the Political Thought of Stjepan Radic”, Political Thought, vol. XXIX/3, 1992, p. 130-141.] n CIPEK, Tihomir, Ideja Hrvatske Države u Političkoj Misli Stjepana Radića, Zagreb 2001. [CIPEK, Tihomir, The Idea of Croatian State in the Political Thought of Stjepan Radic, Zagreb 2001.] n ČEPULO, Dalibor, “Ivan Mažuranić: Liberalne Reforme Hrvatskog Sabora 1873.-1880. i Srpska Elita u Hrvatskoj”, Dijalog Povjesničara - Istoričara 5, Zagreb 2001, s. 269-285.
  • [ČEPULO, Dalibor, “Ivan Mazuranic: Liberal Reforms of the Croatian Parliament between 1873-1880 and Serbian Elites in Croatia” Dialogue of Historians 5, Zagreb 2001, p. 269-285.]
  • ČORNEY, Peter, POKORNY Jiří, A Brief History of Czech Lands to 2000, (çev. Anna Bryson), Prague 2000.
  • DEMİR, Hakan, “XIX. Yüzyılda Hırvat İlirizm Hareketi”, Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi (AVİD), I/1, İstanbul 2012, s. 209-239. n DIKLIĆ, Marjan, “Supilova ‘Crvena Hrvatska’ (1891-1899)”, Croatica Christiana Periodica, no. 28, 1991, s. 210-216. [DIKLIĆ, Marjan, “Supilo’s »Red Croatia« (1891-1899)”, Croatica Christiana Periodica, no. 28, 1991, p. 210-216.] n DŽOIĆ, Dragomir, “Austroslavizam, Federalizam, Jugoslavizam Biskupa Josipa Jurja Strossmayera i Narodne Stranke”, Pravni Vjesnik, no. 3-4, 1999, s. 401-417. [DŽOIĆ, Dragomir, “Austroslavism, Federalism, Yugoslavism of Bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer and People’s Party”, Journal of Law, no. 3-4, 1999, p. 401-417.] n ENGELSFELD, Neda, “Riječka Rezolucija i Hrvatska Pučka Seljačka Stranka”, Zbornik Pravnog Fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci, no. 1, 2001, s. 329-340. [ENGELSFELD, Neda, “Resolution of Rijeka and the Croatian People Peasant Party” Journal of Faculty of Law at the University of Rijeka, no. 1, 2001, p. 329-340.] n GOLDSTEIN, Ivo, Hrvatska Povijest, Zagreb 2003. [GOLDSTEIN, Ivo, History of Croatia, Zagreb 2003.] n GROSS, Mirjana, “Nacionalno – Integracijske Ideologije u Hrvata Od Kraja Ilirizma Do Stvaranja Jugoslavije”, Društveni Razvoj u Hrvatskoj od 16. do Početka 20. Stoljeća, Zagreb 1981. [GROSS, Mirjana, “National-Integration Ideologies in Croatia from the End of Illyrism to the Creation of Yugoslavia”, Social Development in Croatia from 16th to the Early of 20th Centuries, Zagreb 1981.] n GROSS, Mirjana, “Starčević i Kvaternik – Spoznaje i Nadahnuća”, Politička Misao, no. 1, 2000, s. 3-23. [GROSS, Mirjana, “Starcevic and Kvaternik – Knowledge and Inspirations”, Political Thought, no. 1, 2000, p. 3-23.] GROSS, Mirjana, “Socijalna Demokracija Prema Nacionalnom Pitanju u Hrvatskoj 1890-1902”, Historijski Zbornik, no. 1-4, 1956, s. 1-29. [GROSS, Mirjana, “Social Democracy Toward the National Question in Croatia 1890 – 1902”, Journal of History, no. 1-4, 1956, p. 1-29.]
  • GROSS, Mirjana, Izvorno Pravaštvo, Zagreb 2000. [GROSS, Mirjana, Origin of the Party of Rights, Zagreb 2000.]
  • GROSS, Mirjana, Vijek i Djelovanje Franje Račkoga, Zagreb 2004. [GROSS, Mirjana, The Life and Activities of Franjo Racki, Zagreb 200] n GROSS, Mirjana, “Liberalizam i Klerikalizam u Hrvatskoj Povijesti (19. i Početak 20. Stoljeća)”, Naše Teme, no. 6-7, 1987, s. 846-858. [GROSS, Mirjana, “Liberalism and Clericalism in the Croatian History (19th and Early 20th Century)”, Our Themes, no. 6-7, 1987, p. 846-858.] n HOŠKO, Emanuel Franjo, “Liberalni Katolicizam Kao Sastojnica Ideologije Ilirizma”, Croatica Christiana Periodica, no. 28, 1991, s. 43- [HOŠKO, Emanuel Franjo, “Liberal Catholicism as a Component of Ideology of Illyrism”, Croatica Christiana Periodica, no. 28, 1991, p. 43-54.] n ILEŠIĆ, Fran, “O Postanku Izraza »Jugoslovenski«”, Prilozi za Književnost, Jezik, Istoriju i Folklor, no. 1-2, 1929, s. 145-164. [ILEŠIĆ, Fran, “About the Genesis of Expression of »Yugoslav«”, Contributions to Literature, Language, History and Folklore, no. 1-2, 1929, p. 145-164.] n JOVIĆ, Dejan, Jugoslavija Država Koja Je Odumrla, Zagreb 2003. [JOVIĆ, Dejan, A State that Withered Away, Zagreb 2003.] KADIĆ, Ante, “Strossmayer i Bugari”, Hrvatska Revija, no. 4, 1970, s. 1- [KADIĆ, Ante, “Strossmayer and Bulgarians”, Croatian Review, no. 4, 1970, p. 1-16.] n KANDARE, Boris, “Hrvatsko Državno Pravo u Koncepcijama Ante Starčevića”, Der: Slavko Mihalić, Forum, no. 5-6, Svibanj-Lipanj 1996, s. 473-476. [KANDARE, Boris, “Croatian State Right in the Conception of Ante Starcevic”, Edt: Slavko Mihalić, Forum, no. 5-6, May-June 1996, p. 473-476.] KOŠČAK, Vladimir, “Uloga Prosvjete i Kulture u Javnoj Djelatnosti Josipa Jurja Strossmayera”, Dubrovnik, no. 1-2, 1990, s. 37-57. [KOŠČAK, Vladimir, “The Role of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Education and Culture in the Public Sevice”, Dubrovnik, no. 1-2, 1990, p. 37-57.] n KARDUM, Livia, “Supilo i Hrvatsko-Srpski Odnosi”, Politička Misao, Vol. 33, No:2-3, 1996, s. 254-280. [KARDUM, Livia, “Supilo and Croatian-Serbian Relations”, Political Thought, vol. XXXIII/2-3, 1996, p. 254-280.] n KRESTIĆ, Vasilije, Srpsko-Hrvatski Odnosi i Jugoslovenska Ideja u Drugoj Polovini XIX. Veka, Beograd 1988. [KRESTIĆ, Vasilije, Serbian-Croatian Relations and Yugoslavism Idea in the Second Half of XIXth Century, Belgrade 1988.] n MARKUS, Tomislav, “Franjo Rački o Jugoslavenskoj Akademiji Znanosti i Umjetnosti, Časopis za Suvremenu Povijest, no. 2, 1995, s. 269-283. [MARKUS, Tomislav, “Franjo Racki About the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts”, Journal of Contemporary History, no. 2, 1995, p. 269-283.] n MATAUŠIĆ, Juraj Mirko, “Odnos Katoličke Crkve Prema Novijim Idejnim Strujanjima u Hrvatskim Zemljama 1848-1900”, Bogoslovska Smotra, no. 1-2, 1985, s. 196-215. [MATAUŠIĆ, Juraj Mirko, “The Relationship between the Catholic Church and the New Ideological Currents in the Croatian Lands 1848-1900”, Theological Review, no. 1-2, 1985, p. 196-215.] n MATKOVIĆ, Hrvoje, Povijest Jugoslavije, Zagreb 1998. [MATKOVIĆ, Hrvoje, History of Yugoslavia, Zagreb 1998.] MATKOVIĆ, Hrvoje, Svetozar Pribićević Izabrani Politički Spisi, Zagreb 2000. [MATKOVIĆ, Hrvoje, Selected Political Writings of Svetozar Pribicevic, Zagreb 2000.] n OČAK, Ivan, Hrvatsko-Ruske Veze, Zagreb 1993. [OČAK, Ivan, Croatian-Russian Connections, Zagreb 1993.] n ÖZKIRIMLI, Umut, Milliyetçilik Kuramları, İstanbul 1999. n PAVLIČEVIĆ, Dragutin, Povijest Hrvatske, Zagreb 2002. [PAVLIČEVIĆ, Dragutin, History of Croatia, Zagreb 2002.]
  • PETRINOVIĆ, Ivo, “Supilov Federalizam”, Mogućnosti, no. 1-2, 1993, s. 170-173. [PETRINOVIĆ, Ivo, “Federalism of Supilo”, Options, no. 1-2, 1993, p. 170-173.]
  • PETRINOVIĆ, Ivo, Politička Misao Frana Supila, Split 1988. [PETRINOVIĆ, Ivo, Political Thought of Frano Supilo, Split 1988.]
  • RUMENJAK, Natalija, “Nacionalna Ideologija Listova Obzor i Srbobran (190-1902. godine)”, Povijesni Prilozi, no. 14, 1995, s. 209-257. [RUMENJAK, Natalija, “National Ideologies of Obzor and Srbobran Magazines (in the years of 1901-1902)”, Historical Contributions, no. 14, 1995, p. 209-257.] n ŠIDAK, Jaroslav, “Hrvastko Pitanje u Habsburškoj Monarhiji”, Studije iz Hrvatske Povijesti XIX. Stoljeća, Institut za Hrvatsku Povijest, Zagreb 1973, s. 4-5. [ŠIDAK, Jaroslav, “Croatian Question in the Habsburg Monarchy”, Studies on the History of Croatia in the XIXth Century, Zagreb 1973, p. 4-5.] n VLAJČIĆ, Gordana, “Trumbićeva Koncepcija Južnoslavenskog Interesa”, Naše Teme, no. 3-4, 1990, s. 949-955. [VLAJČIĆ, Gordana, “The Concept of South Slavic Interest of Trumbic”, Our Themes, no. 3-4, 1990, p. 949-955.]


Year 2013, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 115 - 168, 27.08.2014


Bu makalede XIX. yüzyılda Hırvatistan’da ortaya çıkan Yugoslavcılık ya da Yugoslavizm düşüncesi ve bu düşüncenin politik hedefleri anlatılacaktır. Yugoslavizm düşüncesi Hırvatistan’da hem Hırvat ulusal entegrasyonunu sağlamayı hedeflemiş hem de Hırvatların diğer Güney Slavlarla (Slovenler, Sırplar) birlikte ortak bir devlet kurmasını amaçlamıştır. Bu bakımdan Hırvat Yugoslavizm düşüncesi XIX. Yüzyılda hem Yugoslavya Krallığı’nın ve hem de Sosyalist Yugoslavya’nın kurulmasına Hırvatistan üzerinden meşruiyet sağlamıştır. Hırvat Yugoslavizm düşüncesinin politik hedefi federal bir Yugoslav devletinin Güney Slavlar tarafından kurulmasını sağlamaktı.

Ideology of Yugoslavism in Croatia
In this article, Croatian Yugoslavism and its political goals whih emerged in Croatia in the XIXth Century will be explained. The idea of Croatian Yugoslavism aimed to realize Croatian national integration as well as to establish a common Yugoslav State together with other South Slavs (Slovenes, Serbs). The idea of Croatian Yugoslavism also legitimazed the establishment of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Socialist Yugoslavia in the XIXth Century. The main political programme of Croatian Yugoslavism was to establish a Federal Yugoslavia.



  • n AGIČIĆ, Damir, “Između Hrvatskoga i Slavenskog Identiteta. Odjeci Neoslavističkih Kongresa u Hrvatskoj Javnosti”, Dijalog Povjesničara - Istoričara 7, Zagreb 2001, s. 107-126. [AGIČIĆ, Damir, “Between the Croatian and Slavic Identity. Echoes of the Neoslavistic Congress in the Croatian Public Eye”, Dialogue of Historians 7, Zagreb 2001, p. 107-126.] n ARAS-GANZA, Tereza, “Zadarska Rezolucija (1905.) i Idejno-Politička Strujanja u Vezi s Krizom Dualizma”, Zadarska Smotra, No:1-3, 1997, s. 39-58. [ARAS-GANZA, Tereza, “Resolution of Zadar (1905.) and Ideological and Political Currents in the Connection with the Crisis of Dualism”, Zadar Review, n. 1-3, 1997, p. 39-58.] n ARAS-GANZA, Tereza, “Stav T. G. Masaryka Prema Hrvatskom i Jugoslavenskom Pitanju Od Kraja 19. Stoljeća Do 1918.”, Radovi, vol. XXXIV/21, 1995, s. 199-219. [ARAS-GANZA, Tereza, “Attitude of T. G. Masaryk toward the Croatian and Yugoslavian Question Since the Late of 19th Century until 1918”, Works, Vol. 34, N:21, 1995, p. 1992] n ARTUKOVIĆ, Mato, Ideologija Srpsko-Hrvatskih Sporova Srbobran 1894-1902, Zagreb 1991. [ARTUKOVIĆ, Mato, Ideology of SerboCroatian Disputes Srbobran 1894-1902, Zagreb 1991.] n BOBAN, Branka, Demokratski Nacionalizam Stjepana Radića, Zagreb 1998. [BOBAN, Branka, Democratic Nationalism of Stjepan Radic, Zagreb 1998.] n CIPEK, Tihomir, “Pojam Države i Nacije u Političkoj Misli Stjepana Radića”, Politička Misao, vol. XXIX/3, 1992. s. 130-141. [CIPEK, Tihomir, “The Concept of State and Nation in the Political Thought of Stjepan Radic”, Political Thought, vol. XXIX/3, 1992, p. 130-141.] n CIPEK, Tihomir, Ideja Hrvatske Države u Političkoj Misli Stjepana Radića, Zagreb 2001. [CIPEK, Tihomir, The Idea of Croatian State in the Political Thought of Stjepan Radic, Zagreb 2001.] n ČEPULO, Dalibor, “Ivan Mažuranić: Liberalne Reforme Hrvatskog Sabora 1873.-1880. i Srpska Elita u Hrvatskoj”, Dijalog Povjesničara - Istoričara 5, Zagreb 2001, s. 269-285.
  • [ČEPULO, Dalibor, “Ivan Mazuranic: Liberal Reforms of the Croatian Parliament between 1873-1880 and Serbian Elites in Croatia” Dialogue of Historians 5, Zagreb 2001, p. 269-285.]
  • ČORNEY, Peter, POKORNY Jiří, A Brief History of Czech Lands to 2000, (çev. Anna Bryson), Prague 2000.
  • DEMİR, Hakan, “XIX. Yüzyılda Hırvat İlirizm Hareketi”, Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi (AVİD), I/1, İstanbul 2012, s. 209-239. n DIKLIĆ, Marjan, “Supilova ‘Crvena Hrvatska’ (1891-1899)”, Croatica Christiana Periodica, no. 28, 1991, s. 210-216. [DIKLIĆ, Marjan, “Supilo’s »Red Croatia« (1891-1899)”, Croatica Christiana Periodica, no. 28, 1991, p. 210-216.] n DŽOIĆ, Dragomir, “Austroslavizam, Federalizam, Jugoslavizam Biskupa Josipa Jurja Strossmayera i Narodne Stranke”, Pravni Vjesnik, no. 3-4, 1999, s. 401-417. [DŽOIĆ, Dragomir, “Austroslavism, Federalism, Yugoslavism of Bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer and People’s Party”, Journal of Law, no. 3-4, 1999, p. 401-417.] n ENGELSFELD, Neda, “Riječka Rezolucija i Hrvatska Pučka Seljačka Stranka”, Zbornik Pravnog Fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci, no. 1, 2001, s. 329-340. [ENGELSFELD, Neda, “Resolution of Rijeka and the Croatian People Peasant Party” Journal of Faculty of Law at the University of Rijeka, no. 1, 2001, p. 329-340.] n GOLDSTEIN, Ivo, Hrvatska Povijest, Zagreb 2003. [GOLDSTEIN, Ivo, History of Croatia, Zagreb 2003.] n GROSS, Mirjana, “Nacionalno – Integracijske Ideologije u Hrvata Od Kraja Ilirizma Do Stvaranja Jugoslavije”, Društveni Razvoj u Hrvatskoj od 16. do Početka 20. Stoljeća, Zagreb 1981. [GROSS, Mirjana, “National-Integration Ideologies in Croatia from the End of Illyrism to the Creation of Yugoslavia”, Social Development in Croatia from 16th to the Early of 20th Centuries, Zagreb 1981.] n GROSS, Mirjana, “Starčević i Kvaternik – Spoznaje i Nadahnuća”, Politička Misao, no. 1, 2000, s. 3-23. [GROSS, Mirjana, “Starcevic and Kvaternik – Knowledge and Inspirations”, Political Thought, no. 1, 2000, p. 3-23.] GROSS, Mirjana, “Socijalna Demokracija Prema Nacionalnom Pitanju u Hrvatskoj 1890-1902”, Historijski Zbornik, no. 1-4, 1956, s. 1-29. [GROSS, Mirjana, “Social Democracy Toward the National Question in Croatia 1890 – 1902”, Journal of History, no. 1-4, 1956, p. 1-29.]
  • GROSS, Mirjana, Izvorno Pravaštvo, Zagreb 2000. [GROSS, Mirjana, Origin of the Party of Rights, Zagreb 2000.]
  • GROSS, Mirjana, Vijek i Djelovanje Franje Račkoga, Zagreb 2004. [GROSS, Mirjana, The Life and Activities of Franjo Racki, Zagreb 200] n GROSS, Mirjana, “Liberalizam i Klerikalizam u Hrvatskoj Povijesti (19. i Početak 20. Stoljeća)”, Naše Teme, no. 6-7, 1987, s. 846-858. [GROSS, Mirjana, “Liberalism and Clericalism in the Croatian History (19th and Early 20th Century)”, Our Themes, no. 6-7, 1987, p. 846-858.] n HOŠKO, Emanuel Franjo, “Liberalni Katolicizam Kao Sastojnica Ideologije Ilirizma”, Croatica Christiana Periodica, no. 28, 1991, s. 43- [HOŠKO, Emanuel Franjo, “Liberal Catholicism as a Component of Ideology of Illyrism”, Croatica Christiana Periodica, no. 28, 1991, p. 43-54.] n ILEŠIĆ, Fran, “O Postanku Izraza »Jugoslovenski«”, Prilozi za Književnost, Jezik, Istoriju i Folklor, no. 1-2, 1929, s. 145-164. [ILEŠIĆ, Fran, “About the Genesis of Expression of »Yugoslav«”, Contributions to Literature, Language, History and Folklore, no. 1-2, 1929, p. 145-164.] n JOVIĆ, Dejan, Jugoslavija Država Koja Je Odumrla, Zagreb 2003. [JOVIĆ, Dejan, A State that Withered Away, Zagreb 2003.] KADIĆ, Ante, “Strossmayer i Bugari”, Hrvatska Revija, no. 4, 1970, s. 1- [KADIĆ, Ante, “Strossmayer and Bulgarians”, Croatian Review, no. 4, 1970, p. 1-16.] n KANDARE, Boris, “Hrvatsko Državno Pravo u Koncepcijama Ante Starčevića”, Der: Slavko Mihalić, Forum, no. 5-6, Svibanj-Lipanj 1996, s. 473-476. [KANDARE, Boris, “Croatian State Right in the Conception of Ante Starcevic”, Edt: Slavko Mihalić, Forum, no. 5-6, May-June 1996, p. 473-476.] KOŠČAK, Vladimir, “Uloga Prosvjete i Kulture u Javnoj Djelatnosti Josipa Jurja Strossmayera”, Dubrovnik, no. 1-2, 1990, s. 37-57. [KOŠČAK, Vladimir, “The Role of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Education and Culture in the Public Sevice”, Dubrovnik, no. 1-2, 1990, p. 37-57.] n KARDUM, Livia, “Supilo i Hrvatsko-Srpski Odnosi”, Politička Misao, Vol. 33, No:2-3, 1996, s. 254-280. [KARDUM, Livia, “Supilo and Croatian-Serbian Relations”, Political Thought, vol. XXXIII/2-3, 1996, p. 254-280.] n KRESTIĆ, Vasilije, Srpsko-Hrvatski Odnosi i Jugoslovenska Ideja u Drugoj Polovini XIX. Veka, Beograd 1988. [KRESTIĆ, Vasilije, Serbian-Croatian Relations and Yugoslavism Idea in the Second Half of XIXth Century, Belgrade 1988.] n MARKUS, Tomislav, “Franjo Rački o Jugoslavenskoj Akademiji Znanosti i Umjetnosti, Časopis za Suvremenu Povijest, no. 2, 1995, s. 269-283. [MARKUS, Tomislav, “Franjo Racki About the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts”, Journal of Contemporary History, no. 2, 1995, p. 269-283.] n MATAUŠIĆ, Juraj Mirko, “Odnos Katoličke Crkve Prema Novijim Idejnim Strujanjima u Hrvatskim Zemljama 1848-1900”, Bogoslovska Smotra, no. 1-2, 1985, s. 196-215. [MATAUŠIĆ, Juraj Mirko, “The Relationship between the Catholic Church and the New Ideological Currents in the Croatian Lands 1848-1900”, Theological Review, no. 1-2, 1985, p. 196-215.] n MATKOVIĆ, Hrvoje, Povijest Jugoslavije, Zagreb 1998. [MATKOVIĆ, Hrvoje, History of Yugoslavia, Zagreb 1998.] MATKOVIĆ, Hrvoje, Svetozar Pribićević Izabrani Politički Spisi, Zagreb 2000. [MATKOVIĆ, Hrvoje, Selected Political Writings of Svetozar Pribicevic, Zagreb 2000.] n OČAK, Ivan, Hrvatsko-Ruske Veze, Zagreb 1993. [OČAK, Ivan, Croatian-Russian Connections, Zagreb 1993.] n ÖZKIRIMLI, Umut, Milliyetçilik Kuramları, İstanbul 1999. n PAVLIČEVIĆ, Dragutin, Povijest Hrvatske, Zagreb 2002. [PAVLIČEVIĆ, Dragutin, History of Croatia, Zagreb 2002.]
  • PETRINOVIĆ, Ivo, “Supilov Federalizam”, Mogućnosti, no. 1-2, 1993, s. 170-173. [PETRINOVIĆ, Ivo, “Federalism of Supilo”, Options, no. 1-2, 1993, p. 170-173.]
  • PETRINOVIĆ, Ivo, Politička Misao Frana Supila, Split 1988. [PETRINOVIĆ, Ivo, Political Thought of Frano Supilo, Split 1988.]
  • RUMENJAK, Natalija, “Nacionalna Ideologija Listova Obzor i Srbobran (190-1902. godine)”, Povijesni Prilozi, no. 14, 1995, s. 209-257. [RUMENJAK, Natalija, “National Ideologies of Obzor and Srbobran Magazines (in the years of 1901-1902)”, Historical Contributions, no. 14, 1995, p. 209-257.] n ŠIDAK, Jaroslav, “Hrvastko Pitanje u Habsburškoj Monarhiji”, Studije iz Hrvatske Povijesti XIX. Stoljeća, Institut za Hrvatsku Povijest, Zagreb 1973, s. 4-5. [ŠIDAK, Jaroslav, “Croatian Question in the Habsburg Monarchy”, Studies on the History of Croatia in the XIXth Century, Zagreb 1973, p. 4-5.] n VLAJČIĆ, Gordana, “Trumbićeva Koncepcija Južnoslavenskog Interesa”, Naše Teme, no. 3-4, 1990, s. 949-955. [VLAJČIĆ, Gordana, “The Concept of South Slavic Interest of Trumbic”, Our Themes, no. 3-4, 1990, p. 949-955.]
There are 9 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Hakan Demir

Publication Date August 27, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


Chicago Demir, Hakan. “HIRVATİSTAN’DA YUGOSLAVCILIK DÜŞÜNCESİ”. Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi 2, no. 2 (August 2014): 115-68.