Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 1 - 18, 01.08.2018


Bu araştırmanın amacı Türkiye'de
faaliyet gösteren üretim işletmelerinin tedarik zinciri risklerinin tedarik
zincirlerinin operasyonel performansına etkisini ölçmektir. Tedarik zinciri
riskleri genel olarak operasyonel riskler ve yıkıcı riskler olmak üzere ikiye
ayrılmaktadır. Yıkıcı risklerin kontrolü pek mümkün olamazken operasyonel
riskler daha kontrol edilebilir riskler olarak ele alınmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu
çalışmada operasyonel riskler üzerinde durulmuş ve riskler tedarik zinciri
yapısına bağlı olarak, tedarik riski, süreç riski ve talep riski olarak ele
alınmış ve tedarik zincirlerinin operasyonel performansları üzerindeki etkisi
incelenmiştir. [1]Çalışma
kapsamında İstanbul Sanayi Odası tarafından 2014 yılına ilişkin belirlenen
Türkiye'nin ilk bin üretim işletmesinin 214'ünden veriler anket yoluyla
toplanmış ve analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma hipotezlerinin test edilmesinde
Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda tedarik ve süreç
risklerinin tedarik zinciri operasyonel performansı üzerinde olumsuz bir etkisi
olduğu ortaya çıkarken talep riskinin her hangi bir etkisi olmadığı sonucuna

Araştırma Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) Komisyonu
tarafından sağlanan proje desteği kapsamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. 


  • BAYRAM, N. (2010). Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesine Giriş: AMOS Uygulamaları. Bursa: Ezgi Kitabevi.
  • BRAUNSCHEIDEL, Michael J. ve Nallan, C. SURESH, (2009), “The Organizational Antecedents of a Firm’s Supply Chain Agility for Risk Mitigation and Response”, Journal of Operations Management, 27(2), pp.119-140.
  • CHEN, I. J. ve Anthony, PAULRAJ, (2004), “Understanding the Supply Chain Management: Critical Research and a Theoretical Framework”, International Journal of Production Research, 42(1), pp. 131-163.
  • CHEN, Jie, Amrik, S. SOHAL ve Daniel, L. PRAJOGO, (2012), “Supply Chain Operational Risk Mitigation: A Collaborative Approach”, International Journal of Production Research, 51(7), pp. 2186-2199
  • CHOPRA, Sunil ve Peter MEİNDL, (2007), Supply Chain Management. Strategy, Planning & Operiation, PEARSON Prentice Hill.
  • CHOPRA, Sunil ve ManMohan, S. SODHİ, (2004), “Managing Risk to Avoid Supply Chain Breakdown”, MIT Sloan Managament Review, 46(1), pp. 53-61.
  • CHRISTOPHER, Martin ve Hau, LEE, (2004), “Mitigating Supply Chain Risk through Improved Confidece Building The Resilient Supply Chain”, International Journal Of Physical Distribution&Logistics Management, 34(5), pp.388-396.
  • CRAIGHEAD, Christopher W., JENNİFER, Blackhurst, M. JOHNNY, Rungtusanatham ve Robert, B. HANDFİELD, (2007), “The Severity of Supply Chain Disruptions: Design Characteristics and Mitigation Capabilities”, Decisions Sciences, 38(1), pp. 131-156.
  • ÇALIK, M., ALTUNIŞIK, R. & SÜTÜTEMİZ, N. (2013). Bütünleşik Pazarlama İletişimi, Marka Performansı Ve Pazar Performansı İlişkisinin İncelenmesi. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 9(19), 137-162.
  • HAIR, J., R. ANDERSON, R. TATHAM and W. BLACK, (1998), Multivariate Data Analysis (5th Ed.). Prentice Hall, New York.
  • HAIR, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J. & Anderson, R. E. (2009). Multivariate Data Analysis. NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • JÜTTNER, Uta, Martin, CHRİSTOPHER ve Janet, GODSELL, (2010), "A Strategic Framework for Integrating Marketing and Supply Chain Strategies", The International Journal of Logistics Management, 21(1), pp. 104-126.
  • JÜTTNER, Uta, Helen, PECK ve Martin, CHRİSTOPHER, (2003), “Supply Chain Risk Management: Outlining an Agenda for Future Research”, International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 6(4), pp.197-210.
  • KLEINDORFER, Paul R. ve Germaine H., SAAD, (2005), “Managing Disruption Risks in Supply Chains”, Productions and Operations Management, 14(1), pp. 53-68.
  • KRAJEWSKI, Lee j., Larry P. RİTZMAN, Manoj K. MALHOTRA, (2014) “Üretim Yönetimi” Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık
  • MANUJ, Ila ve John T. MENTZER, (2008), “Global Supply Chain Risk Management Strategies”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 38(3), pp. 192-223.
  • MANUJ, Ila ve John, T. MENTZER, (2008), “Global Supply Chain Risk Management”, Journal of Business Logistics, 29(1), pp. 133-155.
  • MARCH James G. ve Zur, SHAPİRA, (1987), "Managerial Perspectives on Risk and Risk Taking", Management Science, 33(11), pp. 1404-1418.
  • MENTZER, John T, Wiliam, DeWitt, James, S. KEEBLER, Soonhong, MİN, Nancy, W., Nix, CARLO, D. Smith, ZACH, G. GARCİA, (2001), “Defining Supply Chain Management”, Journal of Business Logistics, 22(2), pp.1-25.
  • MIN, Hokey ve Gengui, ZHOU, (2002), "Supply Chain Modeling: Past, Present and Future", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 43(1), pp. 231-249.
  • PFOHL, Hans-Christian, Holger KÖHLER, David THOMAS, (2010) “State of the Art in supply Chain Risk Management Research: Emrical and Conceptual Findings and a Roadmap for the Implamantation in Practice” Logistics Research 2 (1) 33-44
  • RALSTON, Peter M., JENNİFER, Blackhurst, Davit, E. CANTOR ve Michael, R. CRUM, (2015), “A Structure-Conduct-Performance Perspective of How Strategic Supply Chain Integration Affects Firm Performance”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 51(2), pp.47-64.
  • RITCHIE, Bob, ve Clare, BRİNDLEY, (2002), "Reassessing the Management of the Global Supply Chain", Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 13(2), pp. 110-116.
  • SHAPIRA, Zur, (1995), Risk Taking: A Managerial Perspective, Russell Sage Foundation.
  • SINGHAL, Piyush, Gopal, AGARWAL ve Murali, Lal MİTTAL, (2011), “Supply Chain Risk Management: Review, Classification and Future Research Directions”, Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 6(3), pp.15-42.
  • SPEKMAN, Robert E. ve Edward, W. DAVİS, (2004), "Risky Business: Expanding the Discussion on Risk and the Extended Enterprise", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 34(5), pp. 414-433.
  • SPEKMAN, Robert E., John, W. KAMAUFF Jr, Niklas, MYHR, (1998), "An Empirical Investigation into Supply Chain Management: A Perspective on Partnerships", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 3(2), pp. 53 – 67.
  • STOCK, James R., ve Stefanie, L. BOYER, (2009), “Developing a Consensus Definition of Supply Chain Management: A Qualitative Study”, International Journal Of Phsical Distribution&Logistics Management, 39(8), pp.690-711.
  • ŞİMŞEK, Ömer Faruk, (2007), Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesine Giriş: Temel İlkeler ve Lisrel Uygulamalar, Ekinoks Eğitim ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri
  • TANG, Christopher ve Biran, TOMLİN, (2008), “The Power of Flexibility for Mitigating Supply Chain Risks”, Production Economics, 116, pp.12-27.
  • WAGNER, Stephan M. ve Christoph BODE, (2006), "An Empirical Investigation into Supply Chain Vulnerability", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 12(6) pp. 301-312.
  • WAGNER, Stephan M. ve Christoph, BODE, (2008), “An Emprical Examination of Supply Chain Performance Along Several Dimensions of Risk”, Journal Of Business Logistics, 29(1), pp.307-325.
  • WAGNER, Stephan M. ve Christoph, BODE, (2009), "Dominant Risks and Risk Management Practices in Supply Chains", Supply Chain Risk. Springer US, pp. 271-290
  • WATERS, Donald, (2011) “Supply Chain Risk Management” Kogan Page Limited Second Edition.
  • ZSIDISIN, George A. (2003), “A Grounded Definition of Supply Risk”, Journal of Purchasing&Supply Management, 9, pp. 217-224.
  • ZSIDISIN, George A. ve Lisa, M. ELLRAM, (2003), "An Agency Theory Investigation of Supply Risk Management", Journal of Supply Chain Management, 39(2), pp. 15-27.
  • ZSIDISIN, George A., Alex, PANELLİ, ve Rebecca, UPTON, (2000), "Purchasing Organization Involvement in Risk Assessments, Contingency Plans, and Risk Management: An Exploratory Study", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 5(4), pp. 187-198.
  • ZSIDISIN, George A., (2003), "Managerial Perceptions of Supply Risk", Journal of Supply Chain Management, 39(4), pp. 14-26.
  •, (06.04.2016).
Year 2018, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 1 - 18, 01.08.2018



  • BAYRAM, N. (2010). Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesine Giriş: AMOS Uygulamaları. Bursa: Ezgi Kitabevi.
  • BRAUNSCHEIDEL, Michael J. ve Nallan, C. SURESH, (2009), “The Organizational Antecedents of a Firm’s Supply Chain Agility for Risk Mitigation and Response”, Journal of Operations Management, 27(2), pp.119-140.
  • CHEN, I. J. ve Anthony, PAULRAJ, (2004), “Understanding the Supply Chain Management: Critical Research and a Theoretical Framework”, International Journal of Production Research, 42(1), pp. 131-163.
  • CHEN, Jie, Amrik, S. SOHAL ve Daniel, L. PRAJOGO, (2012), “Supply Chain Operational Risk Mitigation: A Collaborative Approach”, International Journal of Production Research, 51(7), pp. 2186-2199
  • CHOPRA, Sunil ve Peter MEİNDL, (2007), Supply Chain Management. Strategy, Planning & Operiation, PEARSON Prentice Hill.
  • CHOPRA, Sunil ve ManMohan, S. SODHİ, (2004), “Managing Risk to Avoid Supply Chain Breakdown”, MIT Sloan Managament Review, 46(1), pp. 53-61.
  • CHRISTOPHER, Martin ve Hau, LEE, (2004), “Mitigating Supply Chain Risk through Improved Confidece Building The Resilient Supply Chain”, International Journal Of Physical Distribution&Logistics Management, 34(5), pp.388-396.
  • CRAIGHEAD, Christopher W., JENNİFER, Blackhurst, M. JOHNNY, Rungtusanatham ve Robert, B. HANDFİELD, (2007), “The Severity of Supply Chain Disruptions: Design Characteristics and Mitigation Capabilities”, Decisions Sciences, 38(1), pp. 131-156.
  • ÇALIK, M., ALTUNIŞIK, R. & SÜTÜTEMİZ, N. (2013). Bütünleşik Pazarlama İletişimi, Marka Performansı Ve Pazar Performansı İlişkisinin İncelenmesi. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 9(19), 137-162.
  • HAIR, J., R. ANDERSON, R. TATHAM and W. BLACK, (1998), Multivariate Data Analysis (5th Ed.). Prentice Hall, New York.
  • HAIR, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J. & Anderson, R. E. (2009). Multivariate Data Analysis. NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • JÜTTNER, Uta, Martin, CHRİSTOPHER ve Janet, GODSELL, (2010), "A Strategic Framework for Integrating Marketing and Supply Chain Strategies", The International Journal of Logistics Management, 21(1), pp. 104-126.
  • JÜTTNER, Uta, Helen, PECK ve Martin, CHRİSTOPHER, (2003), “Supply Chain Risk Management: Outlining an Agenda for Future Research”, International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 6(4), pp.197-210.
  • KLEINDORFER, Paul R. ve Germaine H., SAAD, (2005), “Managing Disruption Risks in Supply Chains”, Productions and Operations Management, 14(1), pp. 53-68.
  • KRAJEWSKI, Lee j., Larry P. RİTZMAN, Manoj K. MALHOTRA, (2014) “Üretim Yönetimi” Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık
  • MANUJ, Ila ve John T. MENTZER, (2008), “Global Supply Chain Risk Management Strategies”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 38(3), pp. 192-223.
  • MANUJ, Ila ve John, T. MENTZER, (2008), “Global Supply Chain Risk Management”, Journal of Business Logistics, 29(1), pp. 133-155.
  • MARCH James G. ve Zur, SHAPİRA, (1987), "Managerial Perspectives on Risk and Risk Taking", Management Science, 33(11), pp. 1404-1418.
  • MENTZER, John T, Wiliam, DeWitt, James, S. KEEBLER, Soonhong, MİN, Nancy, W., Nix, CARLO, D. Smith, ZACH, G. GARCİA, (2001), “Defining Supply Chain Management”, Journal of Business Logistics, 22(2), pp.1-25.
  • MIN, Hokey ve Gengui, ZHOU, (2002), "Supply Chain Modeling: Past, Present and Future", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 43(1), pp. 231-249.
  • PFOHL, Hans-Christian, Holger KÖHLER, David THOMAS, (2010) “State of the Art in supply Chain Risk Management Research: Emrical and Conceptual Findings and a Roadmap for the Implamantation in Practice” Logistics Research 2 (1) 33-44
  • RALSTON, Peter M., JENNİFER, Blackhurst, Davit, E. CANTOR ve Michael, R. CRUM, (2015), “A Structure-Conduct-Performance Perspective of How Strategic Supply Chain Integration Affects Firm Performance”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 51(2), pp.47-64.
  • RITCHIE, Bob, ve Clare, BRİNDLEY, (2002), "Reassessing the Management of the Global Supply Chain", Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 13(2), pp. 110-116.
  • SHAPIRA, Zur, (1995), Risk Taking: A Managerial Perspective, Russell Sage Foundation.
  • SINGHAL, Piyush, Gopal, AGARWAL ve Murali, Lal MİTTAL, (2011), “Supply Chain Risk Management: Review, Classification and Future Research Directions”, Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 6(3), pp.15-42.
  • SPEKMAN, Robert E. ve Edward, W. DAVİS, (2004), "Risky Business: Expanding the Discussion on Risk and the Extended Enterprise", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 34(5), pp. 414-433.
  • SPEKMAN, Robert E., John, W. KAMAUFF Jr, Niklas, MYHR, (1998), "An Empirical Investigation into Supply Chain Management: A Perspective on Partnerships", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 3(2), pp. 53 – 67.
  • STOCK, James R., ve Stefanie, L. BOYER, (2009), “Developing a Consensus Definition of Supply Chain Management: A Qualitative Study”, International Journal Of Phsical Distribution&Logistics Management, 39(8), pp.690-711.
  • ŞİMŞEK, Ömer Faruk, (2007), Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesine Giriş: Temel İlkeler ve Lisrel Uygulamalar, Ekinoks Eğitim ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri
  • TANG, Christopher ve Biran, TOMLİN, (2008), “The Power of Flexibility for Mitigating Supply Chain Risks”, Production Economics, 116, pp.12-27.
  • WAGNER, Stephan M. ve Christoph BODE, (2006), "An Empirical Investigation into Supply Chain Vulnerability", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 12(6) pp. 301-312.
  • WAGNER, Stephan M. ve Christoph, BODE, (2008), “An Emprical Examination of Supply Chain Performance Along Several Dimensions of Risk”, Journal Of Business Logistics, 29(1), pp.307-325.
  • WAGNER, Stephan M. ve Christoph, BODE, (2009), "Dominant Risks and Risk Management Practices in Supply Chains", Supply Chain Risk. Springer US, pp. 271-290
  • WATERS, Donald, (2011) “Supply Chain Risk Management” Kogan Page Limited Second Edition.
  • ZSIDISIN, George A. (2003), “A Grounded Definition of Supply Risk”, Journal of Purchasing&Supply Management, 9, pp. 217-224.
  • ZSIDISIN, George A. ve Lisa, M. ELLRAM, (2003), "An Agency Theory Investigation of Supply Risk Management", Journal of Supply Chain Management, 39(2), pp. 15-27.
  • ZSIDISIN, George A., Alex, PANELLİ, ve Rebecca, UPTON, (2000), "Purchasing Organization Involvement in Risk Assessments, Contingency Plans, and Risk Management: An Exploratory Study", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 5(4), pp. 187-198.
  • ZSIDISIN, George A., (2003), "Managerial Perceptions of Supply Risk", Journal of Supply Chain Management, 39(4), pp. 14-26.
  •, (06.04.2016).
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ali Çağrı Buran

Ahmet Ağca

Publication Date August 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 14 Issue: 2
