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İşçi Dövizlerinin Kırgızistan Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Göçmen İşçiler Araştırması

Year 2014, Volume: 21 Issue: 21, - , 01.06.2014


Kırgızistan vatandaşlarının neredeyse üçte biri, bağımsızlık sonrası geçiş döneminde yaşanan çeşitli sebeplerden dolayı, bir şekilde yurt dışında çalışmak amacıyla bulunmuş ya da hali hazırda bulunmaktadır. Kırgızistan’da sayıları gittikçe artan bu yurt dışında çalışan işgücünün birçok yansıması olmaktadır. Bir yandan işçi dövizleri yoksulluğun azaltılmasına katkı sağlarken, diğer yandan sermaye birikimi, beşeri sermaye ve girişimcilik konularında olumlu etkilerin ortaya çıktığı görülmektedir. Yurt dışında bulunmuş ya da bulunmakta olan Kırgız vatandaşları ile yapılan ampirik çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre bu etkilerin Kırgızistan açısından oldukça önemli ve büyük olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Adams, R.H. (2005), “Remittances, household expenditure and investment in Guatemala”, Policy Research Working Paper Series, 3532, The World Bank: <http://www–>, 10.03.2010.
  • Adams, R.H. & J. Page (2005), “Do International Migration and Remittances Reduce Poverty in Developing Countries?”, World Development, Vol. 33, Nr. 10, p. 1645–1669.
  • Akipress (2013), <>, 30.04.2013.
  • Amuedo–Dorantes, C. (2006), “Remittances and their microeconomic impacts: evidence from Latin America”, Proceedings, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, pages 187–197, <>, 10.03.2010.
  • Amuedo–Dorantes, C., & F. Mazzolari (2009), “Remittances to Latin America from Migrants in the United States: Assessing the Impact of Amnesty Programs”, IZA Discussion Papers 4318, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA): <>, 10.03.2010.
  • Ang, A.P. (2007), Workers’ Remittances and Economic Growth in the Philippines, Manila, Philippines: <http://www.degit.ifw– pdf>, 04.03.2010.
  • Atamanov, A. & M. Van Den Berg (2011), “Heterogeneous Effects of International Migration and Remittances on Crop Income: Evidence from the Kyrgyz Republic”, Working Paper SSRN, version January 2011, <>, 30.04.2013.
  • Ayyıldız, Y. (2008), “Kırgızistan’a Transfer Edilen İşçi Dövizlerinin Gelişimi veSon Trendler”, II. Uluslararası Ekonomi Konferansı Bildiri Kitabı; “Geçiş Ekonomilerinde Kalkınma veEntegrasyon”, (s. 383–391). Bişkek/KIRGIZİSTAN: KTMÜ, İİBF, İktisat Bölümü, Kırgızistan–Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi Yayınları: 106, Konferans Serisi: 14,09–11 Ekim 2008.
  • Bodman, P. & T. Le (2008), “Remittances or technological diffusion: Which is more important for generating economic growth in developing countries?”, MRG Discussion Paper Series, 1807, School of Economics, University of Queensland, Australia: <>, 10.03.2010.
  • Buch, C.M. & A. Kuckulenz & M.–H. Le (2002), “Worker Remittances and Capital Flows”, Kiel Working Papers, 1130, Kiel Institute for the World Economy: <http://www.ifw–members.ifw––remittances–and–capital–flows/kap1130.pdf>, 10.03.2010.
  • Catrinescu, N. & M. Leon–Ledesma & P. Matloob & B. Quillin (2006), “Remittances, Institutions and Economic Growth”, IZA Discussion Papers, 2139, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), <>, 10.03.2010.
  • Cinar, D. & F. Docquier (2004), “Brain Drain and Remittances: Implications for the Source Country”, Brussels Economic Review/Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, Editions du DULBEA, Université libre de Bruxelles, Department of Applied Economics (DULBEA), vol. 47(1), pages 103–118, < /a/bxr/bxrceb/y2004v47i1p102–118.html>, 10.03.2010.
  • Demirguc–Kunt, A. & L.F. Klapper & G. Panos (2009), “Entrepreneurship in post–conflict transition: the role of informality and access to finance”, Policy Research Working Paper Series, 4935, The World Bank: <http://www–>, 10.03.2010.
  • Demirtepe, T. (2006), “Kırgızistan’da Demografik Yapıda Değişim ve Göç Olgusu”, <http://www.usak gundem. com/yazarlar.php?id=356&type=4>, 15.09.2008.
  • Dustmann, C. & J. Mestres (2007), “Remittance and Saving Behaviour of Migrants:Theory And Evidence”, Annual Conference EALE 20–22 September 2007,. Oslo: < %2016.30–18.30/add45508.pdf>, 04.03.2010.
  • Fayissa, B. & C. Nsiah (2008), “The Impact of Remittances on Economic Growth and Development in Africa”, Murfreesboro, USA: <>, 04.03.2010.
  • Garcia–Fuentes, P.A. & P.L. Kennedy (2009), “Remittances and economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Impact of the human capital development”, Southern Agricultural Economics Association, 2009 Annual Meeting, January 31–February 3, 2009, Atlanta, Georgia: <>, 04.03.2010.
  • Kuckulenz, A. & C.M. Buch (2004), “Worker Remittances and Capital Flows to Developing Countries”, ZEW Discussion Papers, 04–31, ZEW–Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung / Center for European Economic Research: <>, 10.03.2010.
  • Kugler, M. (2006), “Migrant Remittances, Human Capital Formation and Job Creation Externalities in Colombia”, Borradores de Economia, 370, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.: <>, 10.03.2010.
  • Mirpal and World Bank (2011), “Migration and Remittances Profiles, (Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan)”, MiRPAL and World Bank Discussion Document, October 2011, <>, 31.03.2013.
  • Mundaca, B. G. (2009), “Remittances, Financial Market Development, and Economic Growth: The Case of Latin America and the Caribbean”, Review of Development Economics, Blackwell Publishing, Vol. 13(2), Pages 288–303. <http://www.blackwell––9361.2008.00487.x>, 10.03.2010.
  • Pradhan, G., Upadhyay, M., & Upadhyaya, K. (2008), “Remittances and economic growth in developing countries”, European Journal of Development Research, Taylor and Francis Journals, Vol. 20 (3), Pages 497–506, <>, 10.03.2010.
  • Rapoport, H. (2004), “Who is Afraid of the Brain Drain? Human Capital Flight and Growth in Developing countries”, Brussels Economic Review/Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, Editions du DULBEA, Université libre de Bruxelles, Department of Applied Economics (DULBEA), Vol. 47(1), Pages 89–101, <–101.html>, 10.03.2010.
  • Schiff, M. (2005), “Brain gain: Claims about its size and impact on welfare and Growth Are Greatly Exaggerated”, The World Bank, Policy Research Working Paper Series, 3708, Washington, DC,. <http://www– WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2005/09/01/000016406_20050901171456/Rendered/PDF/wps3708.pdf>, 04.03.2010.
  • Simone, B. (2006), “Remittances and the dynamics of human capital in the recipient country”, Department of Economics Working Papers, University of Turin: <>, 10.03.2010.
  • Stark, O. & C. Helmenstein & A. Prskawetz (1997), “A brain gain with a brain drain”, Economics Series No 45, 227–234, <–45.pdf>, 04.03.2010.
  • Sufian Eltayeb, M. (2009), “Workers’ Remittances and Growth in MENA Labor Exporting Countries”, Working Papers 2009.10, International Network for Economic Research–INFER, <http://www.infer– >, 10.03.2010.
  • Vargas–Silva, C. & J. Shikha & G. Sugiyarto (2009), “Remittances in Asia: Implications for the Fight against Poverty and the Pursuit of Economic Growth”, ADB Economics Working Paper Series, 182, Asian Development Bank: <–Papers/2009/Economics–WP182.pdf>, 10.03.2010.
  • World Bank (2008), “Migration and Remittances Factbook, 2008”, Dilip Ratha and Zhimei Xu, Development Prospects Group, World Bank, <–1199807908806/KyrgyzRepublic. pdf>, 31.03.2013.
  • World Bank (2011), “Migration and Remittances Factbook, 2011”, Dilip Ratha, Sanket Mohapatra and Ani Silwal, Development Prospects Group, World Bank, < CTS/0,,contentMDK:22759429~pagePK:64165401~piPK:64165026~theSitePK:476883,00.htm>, 31.03.2013.
  • Yang, D. (2008), “International Migration, Remittances and Household Investment: Evidence from Philippine Migrants' Exchange Rate Shocks”; Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 118(528), pages 591–630, 04, <http://www.blackwell––0297.2008.02134.x>, 10.03.2010.
  • Ziesemer, T. (2006), “Worker Remittances and Growth: The Physical and Human Capital Channels”. UNU–MERIT Working Paper Series 020, United Nations University, Maastricht Economic and social Research and training centre on Innovation and Technology. <–020.pdf>, 10.03.2010.

İşçi Dövizlerinin Kırgızistan Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Göçmen İşçiler Araştırması

Year 2014, Volume: 21 Issue: 21, - , 01.06.2014


Kırgızistan vatandaşlarının neredeyse üçte biri, bağımsızlık sonrası geçiş döneminde yaşanan çeşitli sebeplerden dolayı, bir şekilde yurt dışında çalışmak amacıyla bulunmuş ya da hali hazırda bulunmaktadır. Kırgızistan’da sayıları gittikçe artan bu yurt dışında çalışan işgücünün birçok yansıması olmaktadır. Bir yandan işçi dövizleri yoksulluğun azaltılmasına katkı sağlarken, diğer yandan sermaye birikimi, beşeri sermaye ve girişimcilik konularında olumlu etkilerin ortaya çıktığı görülmektedir. Yurt dışında bulunmuş ya da bulunmakta olan Kırgız vatandaşları ile yapılan ampirik çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre bu etkilerin Kırgızistan açısından oldukça önemli ve büyük olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Adams, R.H. (2005), “Remittances, household expenditure and investment in Guatemala”, Policy Research Working Paper Series, 3532, The World Bank: <http://www–>, 10.03.2010.
  • Adams, R.H. & J. Page (2005), “Do International Migration and Remittances Reduce Poverty in Developing Countries?”, World Development, Vol. 33, Nr. 10, p. 1645–1669.
  • Akipress (2013), <>, 30.04.2013.
  • Amuedo–Dorantes, C. (2006), “Remittances and their microeconomic impacts: evidence from Latin America”, Proceedings, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, pages 187–197, <>, 10.03.2010.
  • Amuedo–Dorantes, C., & F. Mazzolari (2009), “Remittances to Latin America from Migrants in the United States: Assessing the Impact of Amnesty Programs”, IZA Discussion Papers 4318, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA): <>, 10.03.2010.
  • Ang, A.P. (2007), Workers’ Remittances and Economic Growth in the Philippines, Manila, Philippines: <http://www.degit.ifw– pdf>, 04.03.2010.
  • Atamanov, A. & M. Van Den Berg (2011), “Heterogeneous Effects of International Migration and Remittances on Crop Income: Evidence from the Kyrgyz Republic”, Working Paper SSRN, version January 2011, <>, 30.04.2013.
  • Ayyıldız, Y. (2008), “Kırgızistan’a Transfer Edilen İşçi Dövizlerinin Gelişimi veSon Trendler”, II. Uluslararası Ekonomi Konferansı Bildiri Kitabı; “Geçiş Ekonomilerinde Kalkınma veEntegrasyon”, (s. 383–391). Bişkek/KIRGIZİSTAN: KTMÜ, İİBF, İktisat Bölümü, Kırgızistan–Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi Yayınları: 106, Konferans Serisi: 14,09–11 Ekim 2008.
  • Bodman, P. & T. Le (2008), “Remittances or technological diffusion: Which is more important for generating economic growth in developing countries?”, MRG Discussion Paper Series, 1807, School of Economics, University of Queensland, Australia: <>, 10.03.2010.
  • Buch, C.M. & A. Kuckulenz & M.–H. Le (2002), “Worker Remittances and Capital Flows”, Kiel Working Papers, 1130, Kiel Institute for the World Economy: <http://www.ifw–members.ifw––remittances–and–capital–flows/kap1130.pdf>, 10.03.2010.
  • Catrinescu, N. & M. Leon–Ledesma & P. Matloob & B. Quillin (2006), “Remittances, Institutions and Economic Growth”, IZA Discussion Papers, 2139, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), <>, 10.03.2010.
  • Cinar, D. & F. Docquier (2004), “Brain Drain and Remittances: Implications for the Source Country”, Brussels Economic Review/Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, Editions du DULBEA, Université libre de Bruxelles, Department of Applied Economics (DULBEA), vol. 47(1), pages 103–118, < /a/bxr/bxrceb/y2004v47i1p102–118.html>, 10.03.2010.
  • Demirguc–Kunt, A. & L.F. Klapper & G. Panos (2009), “Entrepreneurship in post–conflict transition: the role of informality and access to finance”, Policy Research Working Paper Series, 4935, The World Bank: <http://www–>, 10.03.2010.
  • Demirtepe, T. (2006), “Kırgızistan’da Demografik Yapıda Değişim ve Göç Olgusu”, <http://www.usak gundem. com/yazarlar.php?id=356&type=4>, 15.09.2008.
  • Dustmann, C. & J. Mestres (2007), “Remittance and Saving Behaviour of Migrants:Theory And Evidence”, Annual Conference EALE 20–22 September 2007,. Oslo: < %2016.30–18.30/add45508.pdf>, 04.03.2010.
  • Fayissa, B. & C. Nsiah (2008), “The Impact of Remittances on Economic Growth and Development in Africa”, Murfreesboro, USA: <>, 04.03.2010.
  • Garcia–Fuentes, P.A. & P.L. Kennedy (2009), “Remittances and economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Impact of the human capital development”, Southern Agricultural Economics Association, 2009 Annual Meeting, January 31–February 3, 2009, Atlanta, Georgia: <>, 04.03.2010.
  • Kuckulenz, A. & C.M. Buch (2004), “Worker Remittances and Capital Flows to Developing Countries”, ZEW Discussion Papers, 04–31, ZEW–Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung / Center for European Economic Research: <>, 10.03.2010.
  • Kugler, M. (2006), “Migrant Remittances, Human Capital Formation and Job Creation Externalities in Colombia”, Borradores de Economia, 370, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.: <>, 10.03.2010.
  • Mirpal and World Bank (2011), “Migration and Remittances Profiles, (Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan)”, MiRPAL and World Bank Discussion Document, October 2011, <>, 31.03.2013.
  • Mundaca, B. G. (2009), “Remittances, Financial Market Development, and Economic Growth: The Case of Latin America and the Caribbean”, Review of Development Economics, Blackwell Publishing, Vol. 13(2), Pages 288–303. <http://www.blackwell––9361.2008.00487.x>, 10.03.2010.
  • Pradhan, G., Upadhyay, M., & Upadhyaya, K. (2008), “Remittances and economic growth in developing countries”, European Journal of Development Research, Taylor and Francis Journals, Vol. 20 (3), Pages 497–506, <>, 10.03.2010.
  • Rapoport, H. (2004), “Who is Afraid of the Brain Drain? Human Capital Flight and Growth in Developing countries”, Brussels Economic Review/Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, Editions du DULBEA, Université libre de Bruxelles, Department of Applied Economics (DULBEA), Vol. 47(1), Pages 89–101, <–101.html>, 10.03.2010.
  • Schiff, M. (2005), “Brain gain: Claims about its size and impact on welfare and Growth Are Greatly Exaggerated”, The World Bank, Policy Research Working Paper Series, 3708, Washington, DC,. <http://www– WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2005/09/01/000016406_20050901171456/Rendered/PDF/wps3708.pdf>, 04.03.2010.
  • Simone, B. (2006), “Remittances and the dynamics of human capital in the recipient country”, Department of Economics Working Papers, University of Turin: <>, 10.03.2010.
  • Stark, O. & C. Helmenstein & A. Prskawetz (1997), “A brain gain with a brain drain”, Economics Series No 45, 227–234, <–45.pdf>, 04.03.2010.
  • Sufian Eltayeb, M. (2009), “Workers’ Remittances and Growth in MENA Labor Exporting Countries”, Working Papers 2009.10, International Network for Economic Research–INFER, <http://www.infer– >, 10.03.2010.
  • Vargas–Silva, C. & J. Shikha & G. Sugiyarto (2009), “Remittances in Asia: Implications for the Fight against Poverty and the Pursuit of Economic Growth”, ADB Economics Working Paper Series, 182, Asian Development Bank: <–Papers/2009/Economics–WP182.pdf>, 10.03.2010.
  • World Bank (2008), “Migration and Remittances Factbook, 2008”, Dilip Ratha and Zhimei Xu, Development Prospects Group, World Bank, <–1199807908806/KyrgyzRepublic. pdf>, 31.03.2013.
  • World Bank (2011), “Migration and Remittances Factbook, 2011”, Dilip Ratha, Sanket Mohapatra and Ani Silwal, Development Prospects Group, World Bank, < CTS/0,,contentMDK:22759429~pagePK:64165401~piPK:64165026~theSitePK:476883,00.htm>, 31.03.2013.
  • Yang, D. (2008), “International Migration, Remittances and Household Investment: Evidence from Philippine Migrants' Exchange Rate Shocks”; Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 118(528), pages 591–630, 04, <http://www.blackwell––0297.2008.02134.x>, 10.03.2010.
  • Ziesemer, T. (2006), “Worker Remittances and Growth: The Physical and Human Capital Channels”. UNU–MERIT Working Paper Series 020, United Nations University, Maastricht Economic and social Research and training centre on Innovation and Technology. <–020.pdf>, 10.03.2010.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yaşar Ayyıldız

Publication Date June 1, 2014
Submission Date December 12, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 21 Issue: 21


APA Ayyıldız, Y. (2014). İşçi Dövizlerinin Kırgızistan Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Göçmen İşçiler Araştırması. Sosyoekonomi, 21(21).
AMA Ayyıldız Y. İşçi Dövizlerinin Kırgızistan Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Göçmen İşçiler Araştırması. Sosyoekonomi. April 2014;21(21). doi:10.17233/se.50603
Chicago Ayyıldız, Yaşar. “İşçi Dövizlerinin Kırgızistan Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Göçmen İşçiler Araştırması”. Sosyoekonomi 21, no. 21 (April 2014).
EndNote Ayyıldız Y (April 1, 2014) İşçi Dövizlerinin Kırgızistan Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Göçmen İşçiler Araştırması. Sosyoekonomi 21 21
IEEE Y. Ayyıldız, “İşçi Dövizlerinin Kırgızistan Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Göçmen İşçiler Araştırması”, Sosyoekonomi, vol. 21, no. 21, 2014, doi: 10.17233/se.50603.
ISNAD Ayyıldız, Yaşar. “İşçi Dövizlerinin Kırgızistan Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Göçmen İşçiler Araştırması”. Sosyoekonomi 21/21 (April 2014).
JAMA Ayyıldız Y. İşçi Dövizlerinin Kırgızistan Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Göçmen İşçiler Araştırması. Sosyoekonomi. 2014;21. doi:10.17233/se.50603.
MLA Ayyıldız, Yaşar. “İşçi Dövizlerinin Kırgızistan Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Göçmen İşçiler Araştırması”. Sosyoekonomi, vol. 21, no. 21, 2014, doi:10.17233/se.50603.
Vancouver Ayyıldız Y. İşçi Dövizlerinin Kırgızistan Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Göçmen İşçiler Araştırması. Sosyoekonomi. 2014;21(21).