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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 89 - 104, 01.12.2013


This study aims investigating the relationship between CO2 emissions, renewable energy consumption,
economic growth, and population density in G7 countries for 1991–2009 period. In this study, Levin, Lin and
Chu; Breitung; Im, Pesaran and Shin; ADF- Fisher Chi-square; ADF- Choi Z-stat; PP- Fisher Chi-square and
PP- Choi Z-stat panel unit root tests, Johansen-Fisher panel cointegration test, panel Granger causality test,
impulse-response test and Panel OLS, fixed effects, random effects tests were employed. As a result of the study
we can say that from country to country the relationship between our variables may show difference, but
ultimately we have presented evidence that economic growth, renewable energy consumption and population
density are the causes of CO2 emissions.


  • Acar Y. 2002. İktisadi Büyüme ve Büyüme Modelleri, Generalized 4th press. Vipaş Publications, Publication Number: 67, Bursa.
  • Arouri MEH, Youssef AB, M’henni H and Rault C. 2012. Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions in Middle East and North African Countries. Discussion Paper Series, IZA, DP No: 6412.
  • Breitung J. 2000. The local power of some unit root tests for panel data. In Nonstationary Panels, Panel Cointegration, and Dynamic Panels. Baltagi B. (ed.). Advances in Econometrics 15 Amsterdam: JAI Press; 161–178.
  • Chen W, Clarke JA and Roy N. 2013. Health and wealth: Short panel granger causality tests for developing countries. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development: An International and Comparative Review. Date of Access: 03.07.2013.
  • Choi I. 2001. Unit Root Tests for Panel Data. Journal of International Money and Finance 20(2): 249-272.
  • Dietz T and Rosa EA. 1997. Effects of population and affluence on CO2emissions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94: 175-179.
  • Farhani S. 2013. Renewable energy consumption, economic growth and CO2 emissions: evidence from selected MENA countries. Energy Economics Letters: 24-41.
  • Fischer RA. 1932. Statistical methods for research workers. Edinburg: Oliver & Boyd.
  • Frondel M and Vance C. 2010. Fixed, random, or something in between? A variant of Hausman's speciŞcation test for panel data estimators. Economics Letters 107: 327-329.
  • Gerni M, Emsen ÖS, Özdemir D and Buzdağlı Ö. 2012. Determinants of corruption and their relationship to growth. International Conference on Eurasian Economies: Session 1B: Growth and Development I. 11- 13 October 2012, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
  • Granger CWJ. 1969. Investigating causal relations by econometric models and crossspectral methods. Econometrica. 37: 424-38. Grene W. 2010. Models for panel data, Econometric Analysis. Date of Access: 03.07.2013.
  • Hamilton JD. 1994. Time Series Analysis, Princeton University Pres, U. K.
  • Hausman JA. 1978. SpeciŞcation Tests in Econometrics, Econometrica 46 (6), 1251-1271.
  • Hoang NT and McNown RF. 2006. Panel data unit roots tests using various estimation methods. Working paper. Department of Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder.
  • Im KS, Pesaran MH, and Shin Y. 2003. Testing for unit roots in heterogeneous panels. Journal of Econometrics 115: 53–74.
  • Jayanthakumaran K, Verma R and Liu Y. 2012. CO2 emissions, energy consumption, trade and income: A comparative analysis of China and India. Energy Policy 42: 450-460.
  • Jorgenson AK, Clark B. 2010. Assessing the temporal stability of the population/environment relationship in comparative perspective: a cross-national panel study of carbon dioxide emissions, 1960–2005. Population and Environment 32 (1): 27-41.
  • Kim SW, Lee K, Nam K. 2010. The relationship between CO2 emissions and economic growth: The case of Korea with nonlinear evidence. Energy Policy 38 (10): 5938-5946.
  • Knapp T and Mookerjee R. 1996. Population growth and global CO2 emissions: A secular perspective. Energy Policy 24 (1): 31-37.
  • Kulionis V. 2013. The relationship between renewable energy consumption, CO2 emissions and economic growth Date of Access: 02.08.2013. in Denmark.
  • Lantz V, Feng Q. 2006. Assessing income, population, and technology impacts on CO2 emissions in Canada: Where’s the EKC? Ecological Economics 57: 229-238.
  • Levin A, Lin CF, and Chu C. 2002. Unit root tests in panel data: asymptotic and finite-sample properties. Journal of Econometrics 108: 1–24.
  • Loayza N, Soto R. 2002. The Sources of Economic Growth: An Overview. In Economic Growth: Sources, Trends, and Cycles, Loayza N and Soto R (eds.). Series on Central Banking, Analysis, and Economic Policies.
  • Lotfalipour MR, Falahi MA, Ashena M. 2010. Economic growth, CO2 emissions, and fossil fuels consumption in Iran. Energy 35: 5115-5120.
  • Maddala GS and Wu S. 1999. A comparative study of unit root tests with panel data and new simple test. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Speccial issue: 631-652.
  • Marques AC, Fuinhas JA and Pires Manso JR. 2010. Motivations driving renewable energy in European Countries: A panel data approach. Energy Policy 38(11): 6877-6885.
  • Martinez-Zarzoso I, Bengochea-Morancho A and Morales-Lage R. 2007. The impact of population on CO2 emissions: evidence from European countries. Environmental and Resource Economics 38: 497-512.
  • Menyah K and Wolde-Rufael Y. 2010. CO2 emissions, nuclear energy, renewable energy and economic growth in the US. Energy Policy 38: 2911-2915.
  • Ozturk I, Acaravci A. 2010. CO2 emissions, energy consumption and economic growth in Turkey. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14: 3220-3225.
  • Park JH and Hong TH. 2013. Analysis of South Korea’s economic growth, carbon dioxide emission, and energy consumption using the Markov switching model. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 18: 543- 551.
  • Saboori B, Sulaiman J, Mohd S. 2012. Economic growth and CO2 emissions in Malaysia: A cointegration analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve. Energy Policy 51: 184-191.
  • Sadorsky P. 2009. Renewable energy consumption, CO2 emissions and oil prices in the G7 countries. Energy Economics 31(3): 456-462.
  • Shabbir MS, Zeshan M, Shahbaz M. 2011. Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy Consumption, Real GDP and CO2 Emissions Nexus: A Structural VAR Approach in Pakistan. Munich Personal RePEc Archive, Paper no: 34859.
  • Shafiei S, Salim R. 2012. Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and CO2 emissions: Evidence from OECD countries. 35th IAEE International Conference, 24 - 27 June 2012, Perth/Western Australia.
  • Shahbaz M, Hye QMA, Tiwari AK, Leitao NC. 2013. Economic growth, energy consumption, Şnancial development, international trade and CO2 emissions in Indonesia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 25: 109-121.
  • Shi A. 2001. Population Growth and Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions. Paper to be presented at IUSSP Conference in Brazil/session-s09.
  • Shigeyuki H and Yoichi M. 2009. Empirical analysis of export demand behavior of LDCs: panel cointegration approach, MPRA Paper 17316, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  • Silva S, Soares I and Pinho C. 2012. The Impact of Renewable Energy Sources on Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions - a SVAR approach. European Research Studies XV, Special Issue on Energy.
  • Tiwari AK. 2011. A structural VAR analysis of renewable energy consumption, real GDP and CO2 emissions: evidence from India. Economics Bulletin 31 (2): 1793–1806.
  • Wang KM. 2013. The relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth: quantile panel-type analysis. Quality & Quantity 47(3): 1337-1366.


Yıl 2013, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 89 - 104, 01.12.2013


This study aims investigating the relationship between CO2 emissions, renewable energy consumption, economic growth, and population density in G7 countries for 1991–2009 period. In this study, Levin, Lin and Chu; Breitung; Im, Pesaran and Shin; ADF- Fisher Chi-square; ADF- Choi Z-stat; PP- Fisher Chi-square and PP- Choi Z-stat panel unit root tests, Johansen-Fisher panel cointegration test, panel Granger causality test, impulse-response test and Panel OLS, fixed effects, random effects tests were employed. As a result of the study we can say that from country to country the relationship between our variables may show difference, but ultimately we have presented evidence that economic growth, renewable energy consumption and population density are the causes of CO2 emissions


  • Acar Y. 2002. İktisadi Büyüme ve Büyüme Modelleri, Generalized 4th press. Vipaş Publications, Publication Number: 67, Bursa.
  • Arouri MEH, Youssef AB, M’henni H and Rault C. 2012. Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions in Middle East and North African Countries. Discussion Paper Series, IZA, DP No: 6412.
  • Breitung J. 2000. The local power of some unit root tests for panel data. In Nonstationary Panels, Panel Cointegration, and Dynamic Panels. Baltagi B. (ed.). Advances in Econometrics 15 Amsterdam: JAI Press; 161–178.
  • Chen W, Clarke JA and Roy N. 2013. Health and wealth: Short panel granger causality tests for developing countries. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development: An International and Comparative Review. Date of Access: 03.07.2013.
  • Choi I. 2001. Unit Root Tests for Panel Data. Journal of International Money and Finance 20(2): 249-272.
  • Dietz T and Rosa EA. 1997. Effects of population and affluence on CO2emissions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94: 175-179.
  • Farhani S. 2013. Renewable energy consumption, economic growth and CO2 emissions: evidence from selected MENA countries. Energy Economics Letters: 24-41.
  • Fischer RA. 1932. Statistical methods for research workers. Edinburg: Oliver & Boyd.
  • Frondel M and Vance C. 2010. Fixed, random, or something in between? A variant of Hausman's speciŞcation test for panel data estimators. Economics Letters 107: 327-329.
  • Gerni M, Emsen ÖS, Özdemir D and Buzdağlı Ö. 2012. Determinants of corruption and their relationship to growth. International Conference on Eurasian Economies: Session 1B: Growth and Development I. 11- 13 October 2012, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
  • Granger CWJ. 1969. Investigating causal relations by econometric models and crossspectral methods. Econometrica. 37: 424-38. Grene W. 2010. Models for panel data, Econometric Analysis. Date of Access: 03.07.2013.
  • Hamilton JD. 1994. Time Series Analysis, Princeton University Pres, U. K.
  • Hausman JA. 1978. SpeciŞcation Tests in Econometrics, Econometrica 46 (6), 1251-1271.
  • Hoang NT and McNown RF. 2006. Panel data unit roots tests using various estimation methods. Working paper. Department of Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder.
  • Im KS, Pesaran MH, and Shin Y. 2003. Testing for unit roots in heterogeneous panels. Journal of Econometrics 115: 53–74.
  • Jayanthakumaran K, Verma R and Liu Y. 2012. CO2 emissions, energy consumption, trade and income: A comparative analysis of China and India. Energy Policy 42: 450-460.
  • Jorgenson AK, Clark B. 2010. Assessing the temporal stability of the population/environment relationship in comparative perspective: a cross-national panel study of carbon dioxide emissions, 1960–2005. Population and Environment 32 (1): 27-41.
  • Kim SW, Lee K, Nam K. 2010. The relationship between CO2 emissions and economic growth: The case of Korea with nonlinear evidence. Energy Policy 38 (10): 5938-5946.
  • Knapp T and Mookerjee R. 1996. Population growth and global CO2 emissions: A secular perspective. Energy Policy 24 (1): 31-37.
  • Kulionis V. 2013. The relationship between renewable energy consumption, CO2 emissions and economic growth Date of Access: 02.08.2013. in Denmark.
  • Lantz V, Feng Q. 2006. Assessing income, population, and technology impacts on CO2 emissions in Canada: Where’s the EKC? Ecological Economics 57: 229-238.
  • Levin A, Lin CF, and Chu C. 2002. Unit root tests in panel data: asymptotic and finite-sample properties. Journal of Econometrics 108: 1–24.
  • Loayza N, Soto R. 2002. The Sources of Economic Growth: An Overview. In Economic Growth: Sources, Trends, and Cycles, Loayza N and Soto R (eds.). Series on Central Banking, Analysis, and Economic Policies.
  • Lotfalipour MR, Falahi MA, Ashena M. 2010. Economic growth, CO2 emissions, and fossil fuels consumption in Iran. Energy 35: 5115-5120.
  • Maddala GS and Wu S. 1999. A comparative study of unit root tests with panel data and new simple test. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Speccial issue: 631-652.
  • Marques AC, Fuinhas JA and Pires Manso JR. 2010. Motivations driving renewable energy in European Countries: A panel data approach. Energy Policy 38(11): 6877-6885.
  • Martinez-Zarzoso I, Bengochea-Morancho A and Morales-Lage R. 2007. The impact of population on CO2 emissions: evidence from European countries. Environmental and Resource Economics 38: 497-512.
  • Menyah K and Wolde-Rufael Y. 2010. CO2 emissions, nuclear energy, renewable energy and economic growth in the US. Energy Policy 38: 2911-2915.
  • Ozturk I, Acaravci A. 2010. CO2 emissions, energy consumption and economic growth in Turkey. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14: 3220-3225.
  • Park JH and Hong TH. 2013. Analysis of South Korea’s economic growth, carbon dioxide emission, and energy consumption using the Markov switching model. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 18: 543- 551.
  • Saboori B, Sulaiman J, Mohd S. 2012. Economic growth and CO2 emissions in Malaysia: A cointegration analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve. Energy Policy 51: 184-191.
  • Sadorsky P. 2009. Renewable energy consumption, CO2 emissions and oil prices in the G7 countries. Energy Economics 31(3): 456-462.
  • Shabbir MS, Zeshan M, Shahbaz M. 2011. Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy Consumption, Real GDP and CO2 Emissions Nexus: A Structural VAR Approach in Pakistan. Munich Personal RePEc Archive, Paper no: 34859.
  • Shafiei S, Salim R. 2012. Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and CO2 emissions: Evidence from OECD countries. 35th IAEE International Conference, 24 - 27 June 2012, Perth/Western Australia.
  • Shahbaz M, Hye QMA, Tiwari AK, Leitao NC. 2013. Economic growth, energy consumption, Şnancial development, international trade and CO2 emissions in Indonesia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 25: 109-121.
  • Shi A. 2001. Population Growth and Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions. Paper to be presented at IUSSP Conference in Brazil/session-s09.
  • Shigeyuki H and Yoichi M. 2009. Empirical analysis of export demand behavior of LDCs: panel cointegration approach, MPRA Paper 17316, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  • Silva S, Soares I and Pinho C. 2012. The Impact of Renewable Energy Sources on Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions - a SVAR approach. European Research Studies XV, Special Issue on Energy.
  • Tiwari AK. 2011. A structural VAR analysis of renewable energy consumption, real GDP and CO2 emissions: evidence from India. Economics Bulletin 31 (2): 1793–1806.
  • Wang KM. 2013. The relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth: quantile panel-type analysis. Quality & Quantity 47(3): 1337-1366.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Fatma Fehime Aydın

Fatma Fehime Aydın Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

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