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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 59 - 70, 02.02.2017


Örgütlerde etik
liderliğin çalışanların iş performansı ve iş tatminini nasıl ve hangi yönde
etkilediğinin belirlenmesi ve bu değişkenlerin birbirleri ile ilişkilerinin
ortaya konulmasıdır. Çalışma kapsamında etik liderliğin çalışanların iş
performansı ve iş tatminine etkisini ortaya koymak amacıyla nicel bir araştırma
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın evrenini beyaz eşya üretimi yapan bir
firmanın genel müdürlüğünde çalışan 257 personel oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma
sonucunda toplam 172 kullanılabilir anket formu elde edilmiştir.

sonuçlarına göre; etik liderlik ile iş performansı arasında anlamlı ve pozitif
yönde bir ilişki (r=,478, p<0,01), etik liderlik ile iş tatmini arasında ise
yine anlamlı ve pozitif yönde bir ilişki (r=,526, p<0,01) olduğu
görülmektedir. Etik liderliğin iş performansı üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisinin
olduğu (ß=0.478; p<0,001) ve %22,8 oranında açıklayıcı olduğu (R2= 0.228),
iş tatmini üzerinde de yine anlamlı bir etkisinin olduğu (ß=0.526; p<0,001)
ve %27,6 oranında açıklayıcı olduğu (R2=0.276) görülmektedir.

Araştırmadan elde
edilen bulgular örgütlerde yöneticilerce uygulanan etik liderlik yaklaşımının
çalışanların iş performansını ve iş tatminini olumlu yönde etkilediğini
göstermektedir. Bu bulgular ilgili literatürü de destekler niteliktedir. Bu
doğrultuda araştırmacıların gelecek çalışmalarda etik liderlik ile diğer
çalışan çıktıları arasındaki ilişkileri de ele almaları ve yöneticilerin de,
etik konusunda hassasiyeti artan toplum ve çalışanları dikkate alarak, liderlik
tarzlarında etiği daha öncelikli bir konuma taşımaları tavsiye edilmektedir.


  • Brown, M. E. (2007). Misconceptions of Ethical Leadership: How to Avoid Potential Pitfalls. Organizational Dynamics, 36(2), 140-155.
  • Brown, M. E., & Trevino, L. K. (2006). Ethical leadership: A review and future directions. The leadership quarterly, 17(6), 595-616.
  • Brown, M.E., Trevino, L.K., & Harrıson, D.A. (2005). Ethical leadership: A social learning perspective for construct development and testing, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 97, 117–134.
  • Cellucci, A. J., & Devries, D. L. (1978). Measuring managerial satisfaction. A manual for then MJSQ, Technical Report II.
  • Chen, C. (2006). Job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and flight attendants’ turnover intentions: A note. Journal of Air Transport Management, 12, 274–276.
  • Chen, C. V., Yuan, M., Cheng, J., & Seifert, R. (2016). Linking transformational leadership and core self-evaluation to job performance: The mediating role of felt accountability. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 35, 234-246.
  • Dormann, C., & Zapf, D. (2001). Job Satisfaction: A Meta-Analysis of Stabilities. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 22 (5), 483-504.
  • Hansen, S. D. (2011). Ethical leadership: A multifoci social exchange perspective. The Journal of Business, 10(1), 41-55.
  • Jacobs, R., Mannion, R., Davies, H. T., Harrison, S., Konteh, F., & Walshe, K. (2013). The relationship between organizational culture and performance in acute hospitals. Social science & medicine, 76, 115-125.
  • Judge, T. A., Thoresen, C. J., Bono, J. E., & Patton, G. K. (2001). The job satisfaction- job performance relationship: A qualitative and quantitative review. Psychological Bulletin, 127 (3), 376-407.
  • Kim, W.G., & Brymer, R.A. (2011). The effects of ethical leadership on manager job satisfaction, commitment, behavioral outcomes, and firm performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30, 1020– 1026.
  • Lindebaum, D. (2013). Does emotional intelligence moderate the relationship between mental health and job performance? An exploratory study. European Management Journal, 31, 538– 548.
  • Mohamad, M., & Jaıs, J. (2016). Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance: A Study Among Malaysian Teachers. Procedia Economics and Finance, 35, 674-682.
  • NG, T. W., & Feldman, D. C. (2008). The relationship of age to ten dimensions of job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(2), 392.
  • O'connell, W., & Bligh, M. (2009). Emerging from Ethical Scandal: Can Corruption Really Have a Happy Ending? Leadership, 5(2), 213-235.
  • Pelletier, K. L., & Bligh, M. C. (2006). Rebounding from corruption: Perceptions of ethics program effectiveness in a public sector organization. Journal of Business Ethics, 67(4), 359-374.
  • Platıs, Ch., Reklitis, P., & Zımeras, S. (2015). Relation between job satisfaction and job performance in healthcare services. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 175, 480 – 487.
  • Resick, C. J., Hanges, P. J., Dickson, M. W., & Mitchelson, J. K. (2006). A cross-cultural examination of the endorsement of ethical leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 63(4), 345-359.
  • Schwepker, C.H. (2001). Ethical climate’s relationship to job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention in the salesforce. Journal of Business Research, 54, 39 – 52.
  • Shamsuddin, N., & Rahman, R. A. (2014). The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance of Call Centre Agents. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 129, 75 – 81.
  • Sigler, T. H., & Pearson, C. M. (2000). Creating an empowering culture: examining the relationship between organizational culture and perceptions of empowerment. Journal of Quality Management, 5(1), 27-52.
  • Sony, M., & Mekoth, N. (2016). The relationship between emotional intelligence frontline employee adaptability, job satisfaction and job performance. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 30, 20–32.
  • Tabatabaei, S., Jashani, N., Mataji, M., & Afsar, N. A. (2013). Enhancing Staff Health and Job Performance through Emotional Intelligence and Self-Efficacy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 84, 1666 – 1672.
  • Yozgat, U., Yurtkoru, S., & Bilginoğlu, E. (2013). Job stress and job performance among employees in public sector in Istanbul: examining the moderating role of emotional intelligence. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 75, 518 – 524.


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 59 - 70, 02.02.2017



This research was
aimed to determine ethical leadership’ how and in which direction effects
employees’ job performance and job satisfaction and to present these variables’
relationship with each other in organization. The population of the research
firm's headquarters engaged in the production of white goods constitutes 257
personnel. A total of 172 usable questionnaires were obtained in the survey

According to the
survey; between ethical leadership and job performance is seen that a meaningful
and positive correlation (r =, 478, p <0.01), and between ethical leadership
and job satisfaction is still meaningful and positive correlation (r = 526, p
<0.01 ). Ethical leadership was a meaningful impact on job performance
(ß=0.478; p<0,001) and the explanatory rate was 22.8% (R 2 =
0.228), still ethical leadership was meaningful effect on the job satisfaction
(ß = 0.526, p <0.001 ) and the explanatory rate was 27.6% (R2 =

The findings
obtained from the study show that ethical leadership approach in organizations
applied by the managers positively affected employee’ job performance and job
satisfaction. These findings also support the related literature. Researchers
in this regard, future studies may address the relationship between ethical
leadership and other employee outcomes. Managers on issues related to ethics,
taking into account the increased sensitivity of the community and its
employees and issues related to ethics in leadership styles of managers are
advised to move to a more priority situation.


  • Brown, M. E. (2007). Misconceptions of Ethical Leadership: How to Avoid Potential Pitfalls. Organizational Dynamics, 36(2), 140-155.
  • Brown, M. E., & Trevino, L. K. (2006). Ethical leadership: A review and future directions. The leadership quarterly, 17(6), 595-616.
  • Brown, M.E., Trevino, L.K., & Harrıson, D.A. (2005). Ethical leadership: A social learning perspective for construct development and testing, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 97, 117–134.
  • Cellucci, A. J., & Devries, D. L. (1978). Measuring managerial satisfaction. A manual for then MJSQ, Technical Report II.
  • Chen, C. (2006). Job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and flight attendants’ turnover intentions: A note. Journal of Air Transport Management, 12, 274–276.
  • Chen, C. V., Yuan, M., Cheng, J., & Seifert, R. (2016). Linking transformational leadership and core self-evaluation to job performance: The mediating role of felt accountability. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 35, 234-246.
  • Dormann, C., & Zapf, D. (2001). Job Satisfaction: A Meta-Analysis of Stabilities. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 22 (5), 483-504.
  • Hansen, S. D. (2011). Ethical leadership: A multifoci social exchange perspective. The Journal of Business, 10(1), 41-55.
  • Jacobs, R., Mannion, R., Davies, H. T., Harrison, S., Konteh, F., & Walshe, K. (2013). The relationship between organizational culture and performance in acute hospitals. Social science & medicine, 76, 115-125.
  • Judge, T. A., Thoresen, C. J., Bono, J. E., & Patton, G. K. (2001). The job satisfaction- job performance relationship: A qualitative and quantitative review. Psychological Bulletin, 127 (3), 376-407.
  • Kim, W.G., & Brymer, R.A. (2011). The effects of ethical leadership on manager job satisfaction, commitment, behavioral outcomes, and firm performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30, 1020– 1026.
  • Lindebaum, D. (2013). Does emotional intelligence moderate the relationship between mental health and job performance? An exploratory study. European Management Journal, 31, 538– 548.
  • Mohamad, M., & Jaıs, J. (2016). Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance: A Study Among Malaysian Teachers. Procedia Economics and Finance, 35, 674-682.
  • NG, T. W., & Feldman, D. C. (2008). The relationship of age to ten dimensions of job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(2), 392.
  • O'connell, W., & Bligh, M. (2009). Emerging from Ethical Scandal: Can Corruption Really Have a Happy Ending? Leadership, 5(2), 213-235.
  • Pelletier, K. L., & Bligh, M. C. (2006). Rebounding from corruption: Perceptions of ethics program effectiveness in a public sector organization. Journal of Business Ethics, 67(4), 359-374.
  • Platıs, Ch., Reklitis, P., & Zımeras, S. (2015). Relation between job satisfaction and job performance in healthcare services. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 175, 480 – 487.
  • Resick, C. J., Hanges, P. J., Dickson, M. W., & Mitchelson, J. K. (2006). A cross-cultural examination of the endorsement of ethical leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 63(4), 345-359.
  • Schwepker, C.H. (2001). Ethical climate’s relationship to job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention in the salesforce. Journal of Business Research, 54, 39 – 52.
  • Shamsuddin, N., & Rahman, R. A. (2014). The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance of Call Centre Agents. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 129, 75 – 81.
  • Sigler, T. H., & Pearson, C. M. (2000). Creating an empowering culture: examining the relationship between organizational culture and perceptions of empowerment. Journal of Quality Management, 5(1), 27-52.
  • Sony, M., & Mekoth, N. (2016). The relationship between emotional intelligence frontline employee adaptability, job satisfaction and job performance. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 30, 20–32.
  • Tabatabaei, S., Jashani, N., Mataji, M., & Afsar, N. A. (2013). Enhancing Staff Health and Job Performance through Emotional Intelligence and Self-Efficacy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 84, 1666 – 1672.
  • Yozgat, U., Yurtkoru, S., & Bilginoğlu, E. (2013). Job stress and job performance among employees in public sector in Istanbul: examining the moderating role of emotional intelligence. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 75, 518 – 524.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Yunus Bıyık Bu kişi benim

Tuğçe Şimşek

Pelin Erden Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Şubat 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Bıyık, Y., Şimşek, T., & Erden, P. (2017). ETİK LİDERLİĞİN ÇALIŞANLARIN İŞ PERFORMANSI VE İŞ TATMİNİNE ETKİSİ. Gazi İktisat Ve İşletme Dergisi, 3(1), 59-70.
Gazi İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.