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Müşteri Kayıplarını Önlemede En Etkin Telafi Stratejilerinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Bankacılık Araştırması

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 1 - 17, 30.09.2017


Hizmet sektöründe hatasız sistemler
kurulması amaçlansa da, müşteriler kaçınılmaz şekilde hata ile
karşılaşmaktadırlar. Hataların bir kısmı engellenemediğinden ötürü, yarattığı
olumsuz etkilerin bertaraf edilmesi ancak yoğun çabalarla mümkün olmaktadır. Bu
noktada hatanın müşteri algısında yarattığı olumsuz etkinin azaltılması ya da
yok edilebilmesi, hatanın telafi edilmesini gerekli kılmaktadır. Günümüzün
rekabetçi piyasa koşulları içinde bu hususlar göz ardı edilip, hizmet
hatalarıyla karşılaşan müşterilere uygun hizmet telafi girişimleri
uygulanmadığında müşteri kayıpları ile karşılaşılmaktadır. Bankacılık
sektöründe karşılaşılan hatalara yönelik uygulanabilecek telafi stratejilerinin
belirlenmesi ve hangi telafi stratejilerinin müşteri kayıplarını engellediğinin
ortaya konulması bu çalışmanın amacını oluşturmaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda
Türkiye’ de bulunan kamu-özel ayrımı yapmaksızın bankalardan hizmet alan ve
hataya maruz kalmış toplam 395 banka müşterisinden anket tekniği ile veri
toplanmştır. Ankete ilişkin verilere lojistik regresyon analizi uygulanmıştır. Analiz
sonucunda hatanın ardından uygulanan doğru telafi seçenekleri sayesinde,
müşterilerin hataya rağmen banka ile çalışmaya devam edeceği sonucuna
ulaşılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda bankaların hatanın ardından şikâyetini ve
rahatsızlığını dile getiren müşteriyi ilgili şekilde dinlemesi ve yanlış olan
işlem ne ise doğru şekilde yapılmasını sağlaması müşteri kayıplarının önüne
geçilmesine yardımcı olacaktır.


  • Andreasen, A.R. and Best, A. (1977), Consumers complain-does business respond? Harward Business Review, 55 (4), 93-101.
  • Bell, C.R. and Ridge, K. (1992), Service for recovery trainers, Training&Development, 46 (5), 58-63.
  • Bell, C.R. and Zemke, R.E. (1987), Service breakdown: The road to recovery, Management Review, 75 (10), 32-38.
  • Boshoff, C. (1999), Recovsat: An instrument to measure satisfaction with transaction- specific service recovery, Journal of Service Research, 1 (3), 236-249.
  • Boshoff, C. (2005), A re-assessment and refinement of RECOVSAT: An instrument to measure satisfaction with transaction-specific service recovery, Managing Service Quality, 15 (5), 410-425.
  • Brown, S.W.; Cowles, D.L.; and Tuten, T.L. (1996), Service recovery: its value and limitations as a retail strategy, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 7(5), 32-46.
  • Colgate, M. and Hedge, R. (2001), An investigation into the switching process in retail banking services, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 19 (5), 201-212.
  • Colgate, M.; Stewart, K.; and Kinsella, R. (1996), Customer defection: a study of the student market in Ireland, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 14 (3),23 – 29.
  • Davidow, M. (2003), Organizational responses to customer complaints: what works and what doesn’t?, Journal of Service Research, 5 (3), 225-250.
  • Dick, A.S. and Basu, K. (1994), Customer loyalty: toward a n integrated conceptual framework, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22 (2), 99-113.
  • Du, J.; Fan, X.; and Feng, T. (2010), An experimental investigation of the role of face in service failure and recovery encounters, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 27 (7), 584-593.
  • Duffy, J.A.M.; Miller, J.M.; and Bexley, J.B. (2006), Banking customers’ varied reactions to service recovery strategies, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 24 (2), 112-132.
  • Fornell, C. and Wernerfelt, B. (1987), Defensive marketing strategy by customer complaint management: A theoretical analysis, Journal of Marketing Research, 24 (4), 337-346.
  • Hart, C.W.L.; Heskett, J.L.; and Sasser W.E. (1990), The profitable art of service recovery, Harward Business Review, 148-156.
  • Hoffman, D.; Kelley, S.W.; and Rotalsky, H.M. (1995), Tracking service failures and employee recovery efforts, Journal of Services Marketing, 9 (2), 49-61.
  • Hoffman, K.D. and Chung, B.G. (1999), Hospitality recovery strategies: Customer preference versus firm use, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 23 (1), 71-84.
  • Hoffman, K.D. and Kelley, S.W. (2000), Perceived justice needs and recovery evaluation: a contingency approach, European Journal of Marketing, 34 (3/4), 418-433.
  • Johnston, R. and Fern, A. (1999), Service recovery strategies for single and double deviation scenarios, The Service Industries Journal, 19 (2), 69-82.
  • Keaveney, S.M. (1995), Customer switching behavior in service industries: an exploratory study, Journal of Marketing, 59, 71-82.
  • Kelley, S.W.; Hoffman, K.D.; and Davis, M.A. (1993), A typology of retail failures and recoveries, Journal of Retailing, 69 (4), 429- 452.
  • Levesque, T.J. and McDougall, G.H.G. (2000), Service problems and recovery strategies: An experiment, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 17 (1), 20-37.
  • Lewis, B.R. and Clatcher, E. (2001), Service failure and recovery in UK theme parks: the employees’ perspective, International Journal of Contemporaray Hospitality Management, 13 (4), 166-175.
  • Marimon, F.; Yaya, L.H.P; and Fa, M.C. (2012), Impact of e-quality and service recovery on loyalty: A study of e-banking in Spain, Total Quality Management, 23 (7), 769-787.
  • Nguyen, D.T. and McColl-Kenedy, J.R. (2003), Diffusing customer anger in service recovery: A conceptual framework, Australasian Marketing, 11 (2), 46-55.
  • Reichheld, F. And Sasser Jr., W.E. (1990), Zero defections: Quality comes to services, Harward Business Review, 68 (5), 105-111.
  • Sangeetha, J. and Mahalingam, S. (2011), Service quality models in banking: a review, International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 4 (1), 83-103.
  • Seawright, K.K.; DeTienne, K.B.; Bernhisel, M.P.; and Larson, C.L.H. (2008), An empirical examination of service recovery design, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 26 (3), 253-274.
  • Taylor, S. (1994), Waiting for service: The relationship between delays and evaluations of service, Journal of Marketing, 58 (2), 56-69.
  • Wang, K.; Hsu, L.; and Chih, W. (2014), Retaining customer after service failure recoveries: A contingency model, Managing Service Quality, 24 (4), 318-338.
  • Wirtz, J.and Mattila, A.S. (2004), Consumer responses to compensation, speed of recovery and apology after a service failure, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15 (2), 150-166.
  • Yaya, L.H.P.; Marimon, F.; and Casadesus, M. (2013), Can ISO 9001 improve service recovery?, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 113 (8), 1206-1221.
  • Zeithaml, V.A. and Bitner, A. (1996), Service management: A management focus for service competition, International Journal of Service Industrial Management, 1, 6-14.
  • Zeithaml, V.A.; Bitner, M.J.; and Gremler, D.D. (2009), Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Yıl 2017, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 1 - 17, 30.09.2017



  • Andreasen, A.R. and Best, A. (1977), Consumers complain-does business respond? Harward Business Review, 55 (4), 93-101.
  • Bell, C.R. and Ridge, K. (1992), Service for recovery trainers, Training&Development, 46 (5), 58-63.
  • Bell, C.R. and Zemke, R.E. (1987), Service breakdown: The road to recovery, Management Review, 75 (10), 32-38.
  • Boshoff, C. (1999), Recovsat: An instrument to measure satisfaction with transaction- specific service recovery, Journal of Service Research, 1 (3), 236-249.
  • Boshoff, C. (2005), A re-assessment and refinement of RECOVSAT: An instrument to measure satisfaction with transaction-specific service recovery, Managing Service Quality, 15 (5), 410-425.
  • Brown, S.W.; Cowles, D.L.; and Tuten, T.L. (1996), Service recovery: its value and limitations as a retail strategy, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 7(5), 32-46.
  • Colgate, M. and Hedge, R. (2001), An investigation into the switching process in retail banking services, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 19 (5), 201-212.
  • Colgate, M.; Stewart, K.; and Kinsella, R. (1996), Customer defection: a study of the student market in Ireland, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 14 (3),23 – 29.
  • Davidow, M. (2003), Organizational responses to customer complaints: what works and what doesn’t?, Journal of Service Research, 5 (3), 225-250.
  • Dick, A.S. and Basu, K. (1994), Customer loyalty: toward a n integrated conceptual framework, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22 (2), 99-113.
  • Du, J.; Fan, X.; and Feng, T. (2010), An experimental investigation of the role of face in service failure and recovery encounters, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 27 (7), 584-593.
  • Duffy, J.A.M.; Miller, J.M.; and Bexley, J.B. (2006), Banking customers’ varied reactions to service recovery strategies, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 24 (2), 112-132.
  • Fornell, C. and Wernerfelt, B. (1987), Defensive marketing strategy by customer complaint management: A theoretical analysis, Journal of Marketing Research, 24 (4), 337-346.
  • Hart, C.W.L.; Heskett, J.L.; and Sasser W.E. (1990), The profitable art of service recovery, Harward Business Review, 148-156.
  • Hoffman, D.; Kelley, S.W.; and Rotalsky, H.M. (1995), Tracking service failures and employee recovery efforts, Journal of Services Marketing, 9 (2), 49-61.
  • Hoffman, K.D. and Chung, B.G. (1999), Hospitality recovery strategies: Customer preference versus firm use, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 23 (1), 71-84.
  • Hoffman, K.D. and Kelley, S.W. (2000), Perceived justice needs and recovery evaluation: a contingency approach, European Journal of Marketing, 34 (3/4), 418-433.
  • Johnston, R. and Fern, A. (1999), Service recovery strategies for single and double deviation scenarios, The Service Industries Journal, 19 (2), 69-82.
  • Keaveney, S.M. (1995), Customer switching behavior in service industries: an exploratory study, Journal of Marketing, 59, 71-82.
  • Kelley, S.W.; Hoffman, K.D.; and Davis, M.A. (1993), A typology of retail failures and recoveries, Journal of Retailing, 69 (4), 429- 452.
  • Levesque, T.J. and McDougall, G.H.G. (2000), Service problems and recovery strategies: An experiment, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 17 (1), 20-37.
  • Lewis, B.R. and Clatcher, E. (2001), Service failure and recovery in UK theme parks: the employees’ perspective, International Journal of Contemporaray Hospitality Management, 13 (4), 166-175.
  • Marimon, F.; Yaya, L.H.P; and Fa, M.C. (2012), Impact of e-quality and service recovery on loyalty: A study of e-banking in Spain, Total Quality Management, 23 (7), 769-787.
  • Nguyen, D.T. and McColl-Kenedy, J.R. (2003), Diffusing customer anger in service recovery: A conceptual framework, Australasian Marketing, 11 (2), 46-55.
  • Reichheld, F. And Sasser Jr., W.E. (1990), Zero defections: Quality comes to services, Harward Business Review, 68 (5), 105-111.
  • Sangeetha, J. and Mahalingam, S. (2011), Service quality models in banking: a review, International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 4 (1), 83-103.
  • Seawright, K.K.; DeTienne, K.B.; Bernhisel, M.P.; and Larson, C.L.H. (2008), An empirical examination of service recovery design, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 26 (3), 253-274.
  • Taylor, S. (1994), Waiting for service: The relationship between delays and evaluations of service, Journal of Marketing, 58 (2), 56-69.
  • Wang, K.; Hsu, L.; and Chih, W. (2014), Retaining customer after service failure recoveries: A contingency model, Managing Service Quality, 24 (4), 318-338.
  • Wirtz, J.and Mattila, A.S. (2004), Consumer responses to compensation, speed of recovery and apology after a service failure, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15 (2), 150-166.
  • Yaya, L.H.P.; Marimon, F.; and Casadesus, M. (2013), Can ISO 9001 improve service recovery?, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 113 (8), 1206-1221.
  • Zeithaml, V.A. and Bitner, A. (1996), Service management: A management focus for service competition, International Journal of Service Industrial Management, 1, 6-14.
  • Zeithaml, V.A.; Bitner, M.J.; and Gremler, D.D. (2009), Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Berrin Arzu Eren

Nezihe Figen Ersoy

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Eren, B. A., & Ersoy, N. F. (2017). Müşteri Kayıplarını Önlemede En Etkin Telafi Stratejilerinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Bankacılık Araştırması. Başkent Üniversitesi Ticari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1), 1-17.