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Efficiency, Effectiveness, Productivity, Profitability, Performance: A Conceptual Framework and Comparison

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 99 - 126, 21.06.2021


Performance measurement is one of the most important tools that business management will use to maintain control over the business. Performance measurement fulfills the expected responsibility by providing feedback on operating activities. Various indicators are used at all levels of the business throughout the performance measurement process. Efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, profitability, and performance are the most used indicators in this measurement process. However, these indicators are often used interchangeably and confused. In this study, it is aimed to create a conceptual framework on the subject by making explanations about the differences, relationships, and comparisons regarding the indicators. As a result of the comparisons made, the following can be expressed. Effectiveness is doing things right with inputs. Effectiveness is doing the right things about the outcomes. Productivity is doing the right things right, as a combination of efficiency and effectiveness. As a result of these and with factors such as quality and innovation, it is stated that businesses can achieve profitability. In the next stage after profitability, business performance is determined as a result of factors such as growth and market share. In summary, the performance measurement process, which starts in a narrow field with internal indicators such as efficiency and effectiveness, ends in a wide area with profitability and performance indicators that include external indicators.


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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 99 - 126, 21.06.2021


İşletme yönetiminin işletme üzerinde kontrolü sağlamak için kullanacağı en önemli araçlardan biri performans ölçümüdür. Performans ölçümü, işletmelerin faaliyetlerine ilişkin geri bildirim sağlayarak kendinden beklenen sorumluluğu yerine getirmektedir. Performans ölçüm süreci boyunca işletmenin her kademesinde muhtelif göstergeler kullanılmaktadır. Etkinlik, etkililik, verimlilik, kârlılık ve performans bu süreçte en çok kullanılan göstergelerdir. Ancak bu kavramlar sıklıkla birbirleri yerine kullanılmakta ve karıştırılmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmada, ilgili kavramlara ilişkin farklılıklara, ilişkilere ve karşılaştırmalara dair açıklamalar yapılarak konuya ilişkin bir kavramsal çerçeve oluşturulması amaçlanmaktadır. Yapılan karşılaştırmalar neticesinde etkinliğin girdiler ile ilgili işlerin doğru; etkililiğin çıktılar ile ilgili doğru işlerin; verimliliğin ise etkinlik ve etkililik birleşimi olarak doğru işlerin doğru yapılmasını ifade ettiği görülmektedir. Bunların sonucunda kalite ve yenilik gibi unsurlar ile birlikte işletmelerin kârlılık sağlayabileceği belirtilmektedir. Son aşamada ise büyüme ve pazar payı benzeri faktörler neticesinde işletme performansı belirlenmektedir. Özetle, etkinlik ve etkililik gibi içsel göstergeler ile dar bir alanda başlayan performans ölçüm süreci, dışsal göstergeleri de içine alan kârlılık ve performans göstergeleri ile geniş bir alanda sonlanmaktadır.


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  • Akdeniz, H. A., & Durmaz, F. (1998). Verimliliğin Genel Performans Üzerindeki Yansımalarının Uygulanması. D.E.Ü.İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 13(2), 85–99.
  • Al‐Darrab, I. A. (2000). Relationships between productivity, efficiency, utilization, and quality. Work Study, 49(3), 97–104.
  • Almström, P. (2013). Productivity Measurement and Improvements: A Theoretical Model and Applications from the Manufacturing Industry. In C. Emmanouilidis, M. Taisch, & D. Kiritsis (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems: Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services.
  • Alsyouf, I. (2007). The role of maintenance in improving companies’ productivity and profitability. International Journal of Production Economics, 105(1), 70–78.
  • Amirthalingam, N., & Balasundaram, N. (2013). Determinants of Profitability: A Case Study of Listed Manufacturing Companies in Sri Lanka. Merit Research Journal of Art, Social Science and Humanities, 1(1), 1–6.
  • Anttila, J., & Jussila, K. (2017). Understanding Quality – Conceptualization of the Fundamental Concepts of Quality. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 9(3/4), 251–268.
  • Archer, N. P. (1983). Efficiency, effectiveness and profitability: An interaction model (No. 203). Ontario.
  • Arifeen, N., Hussain, M., Kazmi, S., Mubeen, M., Mughal, S. L., & Akbar, W. (2014). Measuring Business Performance: Comparison of Financial, Non Financial and Qualitative Indicators. European Journal of Business and Management, 6(4), 38–45.
  • Aslan, D. (2009). Yeterlilik, Yetkinlik, Etkinlik, Etkililik, Verimlilik. DEHA20 Kalite Yönetimi.
  • Australian Government Productivity Commission. (2013). On Efficiency and Effectiveness: Some Definitions (Productivity Commission Staff Research Note). Melbourne.
  • Baily, M. N., & Chakrabarti, A. K. (1985). Innovation and Productivity in U.S. Industry. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, (2), 609–639.
  • Baines, A. (1997). Productivity Measurement and Reporting. Work Study, 46(5), 160–161.
  • Banker, R. D., Chang, H.-H., & Majumdar, S. K. (1996). Profitability, Productivity and Price Recovery Patterns in the U.S. Telecommunications Industry. Review of Industrial Organization, 11(1), 1–17.
  • Bartuševičienė, I., & Šakalytė, E. (2013). Organizational Assessment: Effectiveness vs. Efficiency. Social Transformations in Contemporary Society, (1), 45–53.
  • Biloslavo, R., Bagnoli, C., & Rusjan Figelj, R. (2013). Managing Dualities for Efficiency and Effectiveness of Organisations. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 113(3), 423–442.
  • Bititci, U. S. (2015). Managing Business Performance: The Science and the Art. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Bottazzi, G., Secchi, A., & Tamagni, F. (2008). Productivity, profitability and financial performance. Industrial and Corporate Change, 17(4), 711–751.
  • Burja, C. (2011). Factors Influencing the Companies’ Profitability. Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 2(13), 215–224.
  • Carvalho, A. O. de, Ribeiro, I., Cirani, C. B. S., & Cintra, R. F. (2016). Organizational resilience: a comparative study between innovative and non-innovative companies based on the financial performance analysis. International Journal of Innovation, 4(1), 58–69.
  • Casey, C. (2002). Critical Analysis of Organizations: Theory, Practice, Revitalization. London: SAGE Publications.
  • Çetin, S., Turan, E., & Çeven, S. (2018). Kamu Örgütlerinde Performans Ölçüm Yöntemleri Olarak Etkililik, Etkinlik ve Verimlilik: Kavramsal Bir Değerlendirme. Türk İdare Dergisi, 90(487), 553–582.
  • Çiçek, H., & Onat, O. K. (2012). İnovasyon Odaklı Faaliyetlerin Firma Performansına Etkisinin Veri Zarflama Analizi İle Belirlenmesi; İMKB Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 4(7), 46–53.
  • Demirhan, D., & Aracıoğlu, B. (2017). İnovasyon ve Finansal Performans Arasındaki İlişki: BIST Teknoloji Endeksindeki Firmalar Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi, 195–218.
  • Doran, J., & Ryan, G. (2014). Eco-Innovation – Does Additional Engagement Lead to Additional Rewards? International Journal of Social Economics, 41(11), 1110–1130.
  • Drucker, P. F. (1985). Innovation and Entrepreneurship. New York: HarperCollins.
  • Drucker, P. F. (1998). The Information Executives Truly Need. In Harvard Business Review on Measuring Corporate Performance. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
  • Drucker, P. F. (2002). The Effective Executive. New York: HarperCollins.
  • Drucker, P. F. (2008). Management (Rev. Ed.). New York: HarperCollins.
  • EANPC, E. A. of N. P. C. (2005). Productivity: The High Road to Wealth. Brüksel.
  • Ellis, P. M. (2006). Measuring Organizational Efficiency with Data Envelopment Analysis: The Horace Mann Insurance Company. In Applications of Management Science: Vol. 12. Applications of Management Science: In Productivity, Finance, and Operations (pp. 3–11).
  • Evans, J. R. (2011). Quality & Performance Excellence. Mason: South-Western, Cengage Learning.
  • Franceschini, F., Galetto, M., & Maisano, D. (2019). Quality Management and Process Indicators. In F. Franceschin, M. Galetto, & D. Maisano (Eds.), Designing Performance Measurement Systems: Theory and Practice of Key Performance Indicators (pp. 1–20).
  • Fried, H. O., Lovell, C. A. K., & Schmidt, S. S. (2008). Efficiency and Productivity. In H. O. Fried, C. A. K. Lovell, & S. S. Schmidt (Eds.), The Measurement of Productive Efficiency and Productivity Growth (pp. 3–91). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Gegin, E. (2012). Türkçe İç Denetim Terminolojisinin Geliştirilmesi İhtiyacı: İç Denetimde Etkinlik, Verimlilik, Etkililik ve Ekonomiklik Kavramlarının Netleştirilmesi. Retrieved April 2, 2018, from Deloitte (Akademik Makaleler) website:
  • Gold, J. (1998). Telling the Story of Organizational Effectiveness. Career Development International, 3(3), 107–111.
  • Goshu, Y. Y., Kitaw, D., & Matebu, A. (2017). Development of Productivity Measurement and Analysis Framework for Manufacturing Companies. Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 10(22), 1–13.
  • Grifell-Tatjé, E., & Lovell, C. A. K. (1999). Profits and productivity. Management Science, 45(9), 1177–1193.
  • Grünberg, T. (2004). Performance improvement. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 53(1), 52–71.
  • Gürak, H. (2008). Verimlilik Üzerine Yazılar.
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Toplam 102 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Hakan Cavlak 0000-0002-5891-7722

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Haziran 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Şubat 2021
Kabul Tarihi 3 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

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