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Mutfak Tasarımında Fiziksel Konfor ve Verimlilik: Yaşlılar

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 4, 169 - 182, 26.10.2019


Birçok yaşlı insanın yemek
pişirme gibi günlük yaşam aktivitelerini gerçekleştirmekte zorlandıkları
bilinmektedir. Özellikle mekan büyüklüğü, tezgah yükseklikleri ve depolama
ünitelerinin erişilebilirliği yaşlılar için bir sorundur ve optimum
performansla kullanılamamaktadır. Bireylerin günlük yaşamın temel ve
enstrümantal aktivitelerini kolaylıkla sürdürebilmeleri, konfor ve verimliliği
artırabilmeleri için mutfak çalışma ortamının ve donanımın optimum tasarımı
önemlidir. Etkili bir mutfak tasarımı için yaşlıların rahatlık ve
bağımsızlığının en üst düzeye çıkarılması, işlerin minimum çaba ile
yürütülebilmesi için, mutfak alanı içindeki tüm ana unsurların ilişkisi dikkate
alınmalıdır. Bireyin minimum çaba ile işlerini yürütmesi bağımsızlık artışı
sağladığı gibi kendi başına yaşamını sürdürebilmesine de olanak sağlar. Mutfak
bireyin antropometrik özellikleri ve iş yapma alışkanlıkları göz önüne alınarak
tasarlandığında birey minimum zorlanma ve enerji tüketimi ile işini
sürdürebilecektir. Bu derleme çalışma yaşlı bireylerin mutfakla ilgili
faaliyetleri yapmaları sırasında yaşadıkları güçlükleri, bedenin farklı
bölgelerinde faaliyete bağlı ortaya çıkan kas iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıklarını
ve optimum tasarım özelliklerini içermektedir. 


  • [1] AMC, (2015). Designing a Kitchen for the Elderly and Physically Disabled Persons.
  • [2] Aslan, D., (2015). Yaşlı Dostu Kentler. Yaşlı Dostu Kentler Sempozyumu, 26-27 Kasım, Bursa. (23-29).
  • [3] Beer, P., Olenska, S., Podobas, I., and Zbiec, M., (2017). Design for AAL Integrated Furniture for the Care and Support of Elderly and Disabled People. Drvna Industrija, 68(3):185-193.
  • [4] Bernard, M.A., (2014). Aging in Place. National Institute on Aging. Bethesda.
  • [5] Bonenberg, A., (2015). Designing a Functional Layout of a Kitchen for Persons with Disabilities Concept of Optimal Access Points. 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015) and the Affiliated Conferences, AHFE 2015. Procedia Manufacturing, 3, 1668-1675.
  • [6] BSI 4467, (1969). Anthropometric and Ergonomic Recommendations for Dimensions in Designing for The Elderly. British Standards Institution, London.
  • [7] Camara, J.J.D., Engler, P.D.C., and Fonseca, P.D.O., (2010). Analysis and Ergonomics of Houses for Elderly People. Periodicum Biologorum, 112(1):47-50.
  • [8] Charu, (2014). Developing Ergonomically Designed Kitchen Aid for Reducing Physiological Stress of Women Working in Standing Type Kitchen. Doctor of Philosophy in Family Resource Management, Ludhiana.
  • [9] Dahlberg, L. and McKee, K.J., (2014). Correlates of Social and Emotional Loneliness in Older People: Evidence from an English community study. Aging & Mental Health, 18(4):504-514. DOI:10.1080/13607863.2013.856863.
  • [10] Francis, P.W., (2014). Physical Activities in Elderly: Benefits and Barriers. Human Ageing and Elderly Services, Degree Thesis.
  • [11] Green, G., (2013). Age-friendly Cities of Europe. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 90(Suppl 1), 116–128. DOI:10.1007/s11524-012-9765-8.
  • [12] Gunn, B., (1988). Housing for an Aging Society: How Relevant is Age? Housing and Society, 15(3):246-253.
  • [13] Haselwandter, E.M., Corcoran, M.P., Folta, S.C., Hyatt, R., Fenton, M., and Nelson, M.E., (2015). The Built Environment, Physical Activity, and Aging in the United States: A state of the Science Review. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 23:323-329. DOI: 10.1123/japa.2013-0151.
  • [14] Haukka, E., Leino-Arjas, P., Solovieva, S., Ranta, R., Viikari-Juntura, E., and Riihimaki, H., (2006). Co-occurrence of Musculoskeletal Pain Among Female Kitchen Workers. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 80:141–148. DOI:10.1007/s00420-006-0113-8.
  • [15] Hrovatin, J., Prekrat, S., Oblak, L., and Ravnik, D., (2015). Ergonomic Suitability of Kitchen Furniture Regarding Height Accessibility. Antropol, 39(1):185-191.
  • [16] Hrovatin, J., Sirok, K., Jevsnik, S., Oblak, L., and Berginc, J., (2012). Adaptability of Kitchen Furniture for Elderly People in terms of Safety. Drvna Industrija, 63(2):113-120.
  • [17] Hrovatin, J. and Vizintin, J., (2013b). Kitchen Furniture Accessibility of Storage and Working Space. 24th International Scientific Conference: Wood is Good User Oriented Material, Technology and Design, Oct 18, Zagreb, 41-47.
  • [18] Hrovatin, J. and Vizintin, J., (2013a). Kitchen Furniture for Elderly People. Proceedings of the XXVIth International Conference Research for Furniture Industry. (35-40).
  • [19] /12/Kitchen.pdf, (Erişim: 15.07.2018).
  • [20], Erişim 17.03.2018).
  • [21] İbrahim, N.I. and Davies, S., (2012). Aging: Physical Difficulties and Safety in Cooking Tasks. Work, 41:5152-5159. DOI: 10.3233/WOR-2012-0804-5152.
  • [22] Kalınkara, V., (2014). Temel Gerontoloji: Yaşlılık Bilimi. II. Basım. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • [23] Kalınkara, V., (2015). Yaşlıların Antropometrik Ölçülerinin İç Mekan Tasarımına Uygulanması. Yaşlı Sorunları Araştırma Dergisi, 8(2):98-113.
  • [24] Kalınkara, V. and Gönen, E., (1992). The Relation Between Anthropometric Measurements of Elderly Women and Work Heights in Kitchen. Intern. Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications, 16(3):189-196.
  • [25] Keller, K. and Engelhardt, M., (2013). Strength and Muscle Mass Loss with aging Process. Age and Strength Loss. Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal, 3(4):346-350.
  • [26] Kirvesoja, H., Vayrynen, S., and Haikio, A., (2000). Three Evaluations of Task-surface Heights in Elderly People's Homes. Applied Ergonomics, 31:109-119. DOI: 10.1016/S0003-6870(99)00044-7.
  • [27] Kumari, P. and Dayal, R., (2009). Feeling of Discomfort Perceived by Rural Women While Working in the Existing Kitchen Arrangements. Asian J Home Sci, 3(2):158-160.
  • [28] Leino-Arjas, P., Kaila-Kangas, L., Notkola, V., Ilmo, K., and Mutanen, P., (2002). Inpatient Hospital Care for Back Disorders in Relation to Industry and Occupation in Finland. Scand J Work Environ Health, 28:304-313.
  • [29] Leyden, K.M., (2003). Social Capital and the Built Environment: The Importance of Walkable Neighborhoods. American Journal of Public Health, 93(9):1546-1551.
  • [30] Lueck, W.H., (1992). Integrating "Smart House" Technology and Barrier Free Design for Housing Elderly and Disabled Persons. Iowa State University, Retrospective Theses and Dissertations.
  • [31] Maguire, M., Peace, S., Nicolle, C., Marshall, R., Sims, R., Percival, J., and Lawton, C., (2014). Kitchen Living in Later Life: Exploring Ergonomic Problems, Coping Strategies and Design Solutions. International Journal of Design, 8(1):73-91.
  • [32] Milanovic, Z., Pantelic, S., Trajkovic, N., Sporis, G., Kostic, R., and James, N., (2013). Age-related Decrease in Physical Activity and Functional Fitness Among Elderly Men and Women. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 3(8):549-556. DOI:10.2147/CIA.S44112.
  • [33] Nakano, M.M., Otonari, T.S., Takara, K.S., Carmo, C.M., and Tanaka, C., (2014). Physical Performance, Balance, Mobility, and Muscle Strength Decline at Different Rates in Elderly People. Journal Physical Therapy Science, 26:583-586. DOI: 10.1589/jpts.26.583.
  • [34] Paiva, M.M.B. and Villarouco, V., (2012). Accessibility in Collective Housing for the Elderly: A Case Study in Portugal. Work, 41:4174-4179. DOI: 10.3233/WOR-2012-0716-4174.
  • [35] Pavlova, L., Vovkanych, L., and Vynogradskyi, B., (2014). Physical Activity of Elderly People. Fizjoterapia, 22(2):33-39. DOI: 10.1515/physio-2014-0012.
  • [36] Pehkonen, I., Takala, E-P., Ketola, R., Viikari-Juntura, E., Leino-Arjas, P., Hopsu, L., Virtanen, T., Haukka, E., Holtari-Leino, M., Nykyri, E., and Riihimaki, H., (2009). Evaluation of a Participatory Ergonomic Intervention Process in Kitchen Work. Applied Ergonomics, 40:115-123. DOI:10.1016/j.apergo.2008. 01.006.
  • [37] Pekkarinen, A. and Anttonen, H., (1988). The Effect of Working Height on the Loading of the Muscular and Skeletal Systems in the Kitchen of Workplace Canteens. Applied Ergonomics, 19:306-308.
  • [38] Pheasant, S. and Haslegrave, C.M., (2006). Bodyspace, Anthropometry, Ergonomics and the Design of Work. Third Edition. London: Taylor and Francis.
  • [39] Porto, C.F. and Rezende, E.J.C., (2017). The Kitchen and the Elderly: Universal Design of Environment and Products. Revista Kairos-Gerontologia, 20(3):287-307. DOI: 10.23925/2176-901X.2017v20i 3p287-307.
  • [40] Siqueira, F.V., Facchini, L.A., da Silveira, D.S., Piccini, R.X., Tomasi, E., Thume, E., Silva, S.M., and Dilelio, A., (2011). Prevalence of Falls in Elderly in Brazil: A Countrywide Analysis. Cad. Saude Publica, Rio de Janeiro, 27(9):1819-1826.
  • [41] Stuparu, D. and Barsan, L., (2012). Research on Kitchen Products for People with Disabilities. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Series I: Engineering Sciences, 5(54)2:47-52.
  • [42] Sultana, S. and Prakash, C., (2014). The Ergonomic Perspective of the Homemakers in Using Kitchens. Asian Journal of Home Science (AJHS), 9(1):25-28.
  • [43] Taha, Z. and Sulaiman, R., (2010). The Ergonomics Study of Elderly Cooking Space: Kitchen Triangle. The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference. The 14th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of International Foundation for Production Research, 7-10 Dec. 2010, Melaka. (1-5).
  • [44] TÜİK, (2018). Nüfus Projeksiyonları, 2018-2080. http://www.tuik. (Erişim: 19 Haziran 2018).
Yıl 2019, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 4, 169 - 182, 26.10.2019



  • [1] AMC, (2015). Designing a Kitchen for the Elderly and Physically Disabled Persons.
  • [2] Aslan, D., (2015). Yaşlı Dostu Kentler. Yaşlı Dostu Kentler Sempozyumu, 26-27 Kasım, Bursa. (23-29).
  • [3] Beer, P., Olenska, S., Podobas, I., and Zbiec, M., (2017). Design for AAL Integrated Furniture for the Care and Support of Elderly and Disabled People. Drvna Industrija, 68(3):185-193.
  • [4] Bernard, M.A., (2014). Aging in Place. National Institute on Aging. Bethesda.
  • [5] Bonenberg, A., (2015). Designing a Functional Layout of a Kitchen for Persons with Disabilities Concept of Optimal Access Points. 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015) and the Affiliated Conferences, AHFE 2015. Procedia Manufacturing, 3, 1668-1675.
  • [6] BSI 4467, (1969). Anthropometric and Ergonomic Recommendations for Dimensions in Designing for The Elderly. British Standards Institution, London.
  • [7] Camara, J.J.D., Engler, P.D.C., and Fonseca, P.D.O., (2010). Analysis and Ergonomics of Houses for Elderly People. Periodicum Biologorum, 112(1):47-50.
  • [8] Charu, (2014). Developing Ergonomically Designed Kitchen Aid for Reducing Physiological Stress of Women Working in Standing Type Kitchen. Doctor of Philosophy in Family Resource Management, Ludhiana.
  • [9] Dahlberg, L. and McKee, K.J., (2014). Correlates of Social and Emotional Loneliness in Older People: Evidence from an English community study. Aging & Mental Health, 18(4):504-514. DOI:10.1080/13607863.2013.856863.
  • [10] Francis, P.W., (2014). Physical Activities in Elderly: Benefits and Barriers. Human Ageing and Elderly Services, Degree Thesis.
  • [11] Green, G., (2013). Age-friendly Cities of Europe. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 90(Suppl 1), 116–128. DOI:10.1007/s11524-012-9765-8.
  • [12] Gunn, B., (1988). Housing for an Aging Society: How Relevant is Age? Housing and Society, 15(3):246-253.
  • [13] Haselwandter, E.M., Corcoran, M.P., Folta, S.C., Hyatt, R., Fenton, M., and Nelson, M.E., (2015). The Built Environment, Physical Activity, and Aging in the United States: A state of the Science Review. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 23:323-329. DOI: 10.1123/japa.2013-0151.
  • [14] Haukka, E., Leino-Arjas, P., Solovieva, S., Ranta, R., Viikari-Juntura, E., and Riihimaki, H., (2006). Co-occurrence of Musculoskeletal Pain Among Female Kitchen Workers. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 80:141–148. DOI:10.1007/s00420-006-0113-8.
  • [15] Hrovatin, J., Prekrat, S., Oblak, L., and Ravnik, D., (2015). Ergonomic Suitability of Kitchen Furniture Regarding Height Accessibility. Antropol, 39(1):185-191.
  • [16] Hrovatin, J., Sirok, K., Jevsnik, S., Oblak, L., and Berginc, J., (2012). Adaptability of Kitchen Furniture for Elderly People in terms of Safety. Drvna Industrija, 63(2):113-120.
  • [17] Hrovatin, J. and Vizintin, J., (2013b). Kitchen Furniture Accessibility of Storage and Working Space. 24th International Scientific Conference: Wood is Good User Oriented Material, Technology and Design, Oct 18, Zagreb, 41-47.
  • [18] Hrovatin, J. and Vizintin, J., (2013a). Kitchen Furniture for Elderly People. Proceedings of the XXVIth International Conference Research for Furniture Industry. (35-40).
  • [19] /12/Kitchen.pdf, (Erişim: 15.07.2018).
  • [20], Erişim 17.03.2018).
  • [21] İbrahim, N.I. and Davies, S., (2012). Aging: Physical Difficulties and Safety in Cooking Tasks. Work, 41:5152-5159. DOI: 10.3233/WOR-2012-0804-5152.
  • [22] Kalınkara, V., (2014). Temel Gerontoloji: Yaşlılık Bilimi. II. Basım. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • [23] Kalınkara, V., (2015). Yaşlıların Antropometrik Ölçülerinin İç Mekan Tasarımına Uygulanması. Yaşlı Sorunları Araştırma Dergisi, 8(2):98-113.
  • [24] Kalınkara, V. and Gönen, E., (1992). The Relation Between Anthropometric Measurements of Elderly Women and Work Heights in Kitchen. Intern. Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications, 16(3):189-196.
  • [25] Keller, K. and Engelhardt, M., (2013). Strength and Muscle Mass Loss with aging Process. Age and Strength Loss. Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal, 3(4):346-350.
  • [26] Kirvesoja, H., Vayrynen, S., and Haikio, A., (2000). Three Evaluations of Task-surface Heights in Elderly People's Homes. Applied Ergonomics, 31:109-119. DOI: 10.1016/S0003-6870(99)00044-7.
  • [27] Kumari, P. and Dayal, R., (2009). Feeling of Discomfort Perceived by Rural Women While Working in the Existing Kitchen Arrangements. Asian J Home Sci, 3(2):158-160.
  • [28] Leino-Arjas, P., Kaila-Kangas, L., Notkola, V., Ilmo, K., and Mutanen, P., (2002). Inpatient Hospital Care for Back Disorders in Relation to Industry and Occupation in Finland. Scand J Work Environ Health, 28:304-313.
  • [29] Leyden, K.M., (2003). Social Capital and the Built Environment: The Importance of Walkable Neighborhoods. American Journal of Public Health, 93(9):1546-1551.
  • [30] Lueck, W.H., (1992). Integrating "Smart House" Technology and Barrier Free Design for Housing Elderly and Disabled Persons. Iowa State University, Retrospective Theses and Dissertations.
  • [31] Maguire, M., Peace, S., Nicolle, C., Marshall, R., Sims, R., Percival, J., and Lawton, C., (2014). Kitchen Living in Later Life: Exploring Ergonomic Problems, Coping Strategies and Design Solutions. International Journal of Design, 8(1):73-91.
  • [32] Milanovic, Z., Pantelic, S., Trajkovic, N., Sporis, G., Kostic, R., and James, N., (2013). Age-related Decrease in Physical Activity and Functional Fitness Among Elderly Men and Women. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 3(8):549-556. DOI:10.2147/CIA.S44112.
  • [33] Nakano, M.M., Otonari, T.S., Takara, K.S., Carmo, C.M., and Tanaka, C., (2014). Physical Performance, Balance, Mobility, and Muscle Strength Decline at Different Rates in Elderly People. Journal Physical Therapy Science, 26:583-586. DOI: 10.1589/jpts.26.583.
  • [34] Paiva, M.M.B. and Villarouco, V., (2012). Accessibility in Collective Housing for the Elderly: A Case Study in Portugal. Work, 41:4174-4179. DOI: 10.3233/WOR-2012-0716-4174.
  • [35] Pavlova, L., Vovkanych, L., and Vynogradskyi, B., (2014). Physical Activity of Elderly People. Fizjoterapia, 22(2):33-39. DOI: 10.1515/physio-2014-0012.
  • [36] Pehkonen, I., Takala, E-P., Ketola, R., Viikari-Juntura, E., Leino-Arjas, P., Hopsu, L., Virtanen, T., Haukka, E., Holtari-Leino, M., Nykyri, E., and Riihimaki, H., (2009). Evaluation of a Participatory Ergonomic Intervention Process in Kitchen Work. Applied Ergonomics, 40:115-123. DOI:10.1016/j.apergo.2008. 01.006.
  • [37] Pekkarinen, A. and Anttonen, H., (1988). The Effect of Working Height on the Loading of the Muscular and Skeletal Systems in the Kitchen of Workplace Canteens. Applied Ergonomics, 19:306-308.
  • [38] Pheasant, S. and Haslegrave, C.M., (2006). Bodyspace, Anthropometry, Ergonomics and the Design of Work. Third Edition. London: Taylor and Francis.
  • [39] Porto, C.F. and Rezende, E.J.C., (2017). The Kitchen and the Elderly: Universal Design of Environment and Products. Revista Kairos-Gerontologia, 20(3):287-307. DOI: 10.23925/2176-901X.2017v20i 3p287-307.
  • [40] Siqueira, F.V., Facchini, L.A., da Silveira, D.S., Piccini, R.X., Tomasi, E., Thume, E., Silva, S.M., and Dilelio, A., (2011). Prevalence of Falls in Elderly in Brazil: A Countrywide Analysis. Cad. Saude Publica, Rio de Janeiro, 27(9):1819-1826.
  • [41] Stuparu, D. and Barsan, L., (2012). Research on Kitchen Products for People with Disabilities. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Series I: Engineering Sciences, 5(54)2:47-52.
  • [42] Sultana, S. and Prakash, C., (2014). The Ergonomic Perspective of the Homemakers in Using Kitchens. Asian Journal of Home Science (AJHS), 9(1):25-28.
  • [43] Taha, Z. and Sulaiman, R., (2010). The Ergonomics Study of Elderly Cooking Space: Kitchen Triangle. The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference. The 14th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of International Foundation for Production Research, 7-10 Dec. 2010, Melaka. (1-5).
  • [44] TÜİK, (2018). Nüfus Projeksiyonları, 2018-2080. http://www.tuik. (Erişim: 19 Haziran 2018).
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Velittin Kalınkara 0000-0001-6497-5307

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Ekim 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Kalınkara, V. (2019). Mutfak Tasarımında Fiziksel Konfor ve Verimlilik: Yaşlılar. Engineering Sciences, 14(4), 169-182.
AMA Kalınkara V. Mutfak Tasarımında Fiziksel Konfor ve Verimlilik: Yaşlılar. Engineering Sciences. Ekim 2019;14(4):169-182.
Chicago Kalınkara, Velittin. “Mutfak Tasarımında Fiziksel Konfor Ve Verimlilik: Yaşlılar”. Engineering Sciences 14, sy. 4 (Ekim 2019): 169-82.
EndNote Kalınkara V (01 Ekim 2019) Mutfak Tasarımında Fiziksel Konfor ve Verimlilik: Yaşlılar. Engineering Sciences 14 4 169–182.
IEEE V. Kalınkara, “Mutfak Tasarımında Fiziksel Konfor ve Verimlilik: Yaşlılar”, Engineering Sciences, c. 14, sy. 4, ss. 169–182, 2019.
ISNAD Kalınkara, Velittin. “Mutfak Tasarımında Fiziksel Konfor Ve Verimlilik: Yaşlılar”. Engineering Sciences 14/4 (Ekim 2019), 169-182.
JAMA Kalınkara V. Mutfak Tasarımında Fiziksel Konfor ve Verimlilik: Yaşlılar. Engineering Sciences. 2019;14:169–182.
MLA Kalınkara, Velittin. “Mutfak Tasarımında Fiziksel Konfor Ve Verimlilik: Yaşlılar”. Engineering Sciences, c. 14, sy. 4, 2019, ss. 169-82.
Vancouver Kalınkara V. Mutfak Tasarımında Fiziksel Konfor ve Verimlilik: Yaşlılar. Engineering Sciences. 2019;14(4):169-82.