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İnsani Yardım Faaliyetlerinin Lojistik, Koordinasyon ve İnsan Kaynağının Görev Başarı Performansı Üzerine Etkisi: Kızılay ve AFAD Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 8 - 22, 25.12.2023


Ülkemiz coğrafi konumu itibariyle tarih boyunca doğal ve beşerî afetlerden büyük ölçüde etkilenmiştir. Afet sonrası geç müdahale insani lojistik faaliyetlerinin yönetilememesi koordinasyon ve alt yapı eksikliği gibi durumlar performans kayıplarına neden olabilmektedir. Afet öncesi ve afet sonrası kayıpların en aza indirilebilmesi amacıyla insani yardım kuruluşlarının gerçekleştirdiği lojistik, insan kaynağı, eğitim, sağlık gibi hizmetler kritik bir öneme sahip iken, birimlerin sahip olduğu lojistik yeterlilikler insan kaynağının nasıl kullanıldığı, birimler arası koordinasyon faaliyetlerinin nasıl yönetildiği sorularını gündeme getirmektedir. Çalışmanın amacı, AFAD ve Türk Kızılay’ın insani yardım faaliyetlerinde lojistik, koordinasyon ve insan kaynağının görev başarı performansına nasıl etki ettiğini ortaya koymaktır. Bu kapsamda AFAD ve Türk Kızılay’ında aktif olarak insani yardım faaliyetlerinde görev alan 250 kişiye yüz yüze anket uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre lojistik, koordinasyon ve insan kaynağının görev başarı performansını olumlu yönde etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.

Destekleyen Kurum

herhangi bir kurum tarafından desteklenme olmamıştır.


  • Abidi, H., & Scholten, K. (2015). Applicability of performance measurement systems to humanitarian supply chains. In Humanitarian logistics and sustainability (pp. 235-260). Springer, Cham.
  • Abidi, H., de Leeuw, S., & Dullaert, W. (2020). Performance management practices in humanitarian organisations. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 10(2), 125-168.
  • Abikova, J. (2019). Motivatıon and job satisfaction of humanıtarıan logisticians. The 13th International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, September 5-7.
  • Adıguzel, S. (2019). Logistics management in disaster. Journal of Management Marketing and Logistics, 6(4), 212-224.
  • AFAD, (2022). Açıklamalı Afet Yönetimi Terimleri Sözlüğü. sözlüğü adresinden erişildi.
  • Akben, İ., & Taşdoğan, O. (2021). İnsanı yardım kuruluşlarının, verimlilik, etkinlik ve lojistik performans değerlendirmesi. Journal of Transportation and Logistics, 6(1).
  • Akhtar, P., Marr, N. E., & Garnevska, E. V. (2012). Coordination in humanitarian relief chains: chain coordinators. Journal of humanitarian logistics and supply chain management.
  • Anjomshoae, A., Hassan, A., Wong, K. Y., & Banomyong, R. (2021). An integrated multi-stage fuzzy inference performance measurement scheme in humanitarian relief operations. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 61, 102298.
  • Bahadori, M., Khankeh, H. R., Zaboli, R., & Malmir, I. (2015). Coordination in disaster: A narrative review. International Journal of Medical Reviews, 2(2), 273-281.
  • Balcik, B., Beamon, B. M., Krejci, C. C., Muramatsu, K. M., & Ramirez, M. (2010). Coordination in humanitarian relief chains: Practices, challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Production Economics, 126(1), 22-34.
  • Blecken, A. (2010). Supply chain process modelling for humanitarian organizations. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.
  • BouChabke, S., & Haddad, G. (2021). Ineffectiveness, poor coordination, and corruption in humanitarian aid: the Syrian refugee crisis in Lebanon. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 32(4), 894-909.
  • Bozorgi-Amiri, A., Jabalameli, M. S., & Mirzapour Al-e-Hashem, S. M. J. (2013). A multi-objective robust stochastic programming model for disaster relief logistics under uncertainty. OR Spectrum, 35(4), 905-933.
  • Börühan, G., Ersoy, P., & Tek, Ö. B. Afet Yönetiminde Lojistik Planlama ve Kontrol Listesi Yönteminin Önemi Ulusal Lojistik ve Tedarik Zinciri Kongresi-Konya Üniversitesi.
  • Caymaz, E., Akyon, F. V., & Erenel, F. (2013). A model proposal for efficient disaster management: the Turkish sample. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 99, 609-618.
  • Czajkowski, J. M. (2007, March). Leading successful interinstitutional collaborations using the collaboration success measurement model. In Chair Academy‘s 16th Annual International Conference, Jacksonville Florida.
  • Davidson, A. L. (2006). Key performance indicators in humanitarian logistics (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
  • de Moura, E. H., e Cruz, T. B. R., & Chiroli, D. M. D. G. (2020). A framework proposal to integrate humanitarian logistics practices, disaster management and disaster mutual assistance: A Brazilian case. Safety Science, 132, 104965.
  • Ding, L., Wang, T., & Chan, P. (2023). Forward and reverse logistics for circular economy in construction: A systematic literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 135981.
  • Dolinskaya, I. S., Shi, Z. E., Smilowitz, K. R., & Ross, M. (2011). Decentralized approaches to logistics coordination in humanitarian relief. In IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (p. 1). Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE).
  • Dube, N., Van der Vaart, T., Teunter, R. H., & Van Wassenhove, L. N. (2016). Host government impact on the logistics performance of international humanitarian organisations. Journal of Operations Management, 47, 44-57.
  • Dubey, R., Bryde, D. J., Foropon, C., Graham, G., Giannakis, M., & Mishra, D. B. (2020). Agility in humanitarian supply chain: An organizational information processing perspective and relational view. Annals of Operations Research, 1-21.
  • Dubey, R., Gunasekaran, A., & Papadopoulos, T. (2019). Disaster relief operations: Past, present and future. Annals of Operations Research, 283, 1-8.
  • Ergün, Ö., Keskinocak, P., Swann, J., Stamm, J.L. and Villarreal, M. (2010). How to Improve Humanitarian Logistics. Analytics: January/February 2010, s.31.
  • Ergünay, O. (2008), Afet yönetiminde kurumsal yapılanma ve mevzuat nedir? Nasıl olmalıdır?. CHP İstanbul Deprem Sempozyumu: İstanbul Depremini Beklerken Sorunlar ve Çözümler Bildiriler Kitabı, 20 Eylül 2008, İstanbul, ss. 97-108.
  • Galindo, G., & Batta, R. (2013). Review of recent developments in OR/MS research in disaster operations management. European Journal of Operational Research, 230(2), 201-211.
  • Genç, F. (2008). Kriz iletişimi: Marmara depremi örneği. Selçuk İletişim, 5(3), 161-175.
  • Güngör, D. (2016). Psikolojide ölçme araçlarının geliştirilmesi ve uyarlanması kılavuzu. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 19(38), 104-112.
  • Hassan, N. A., Hayiyusuh, N., & Nouri, R. (2011). The implementation of knowledge management system (KMS) for the support of humanitarian assistance/disaster relief (HA/DR) in Malaysia. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(4), 89-112.
  • Hearns, A., & Deeny, P. (2007). The value of support for aid workers in complex emergencies: A phenomenological study. Disaster Management & Response, 5(2), 28-35.
  • Hermansson, H. (2019). Challenges to decentralization of disaster management in Turkey: The role of political-administrative context. International Journal of Public Administration, 42(5), 417-431.
  • Hovhanessian, M. (2012). Coordination barriers between humanitarian organizations and commercial agencies in times of disaster. Master Thesis in Business Administration, Jönköping University.
  • Idris, A., & Che Soh, S. N. (2014). The relative effects of logistics, coordination and human resource on humanitarian aid and disster relief mission performance. The South East Asian Journal of Management, 8(2), Article 1.
  • Irshad, H., Umar, K. M., Rehmani, M., Khokhar, M. N., Anwar, N., Qaiser, A., & Naveed, R. T. (2021). Impact of work-from-home human resource practices on the performance of online teaching faculty during coronavirus disease 2019. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
  • Jahre, M., & Jensen, L. M. (2010). Coordination in humanitarian logistics through clusters. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 40(8/9), 657-674.
  • Kadıoğlu, M. (2011). Disaster management expecting the unexpected, managing the worst. T.C. Marmara Municipalities Union Publication.
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (2009). SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri. Asil Yayınevi.
  • Kehler, N. (2004). Coordinating humanitarian assistance: a comparative analysis of three cases. Master of Public and International Affairs. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Kelly, C. (1995). A framework for improving operational effectiveness and cost efficiency in emergency planning and response. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 4(3), 25-31.
  • Kim, H. Y. (2013). Statistical notes for clinical researchers: assessing normal distribution (2) using skewness and kurtosis. Restorative dentistry & endodontics, 38(1), 52-54.
  • Koseoglu, A. M., & Yıldırımlı, H. (2015). The role of logistics in disaster management and disaster logistics issues. Age, 3(12), 297.
  • Kovács, G., & Spens, K. M. (2007). Humanitarian logistics in disaster relief operations. International journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 37(2), 99-114.
  • Krishnan, T. N., & Scullion, H. (2017). Talent management and dynamic view of talent in small and medium enterprises. Human Resource Management Review, 27(3), 431-441.
  • Kueng, P., Meier, A., & Wettstein, T. (2001). Performance measurement systems must be engineered. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 7(1), 3.
  • Kukovič, D., Topolšek, D., Rosi, B., & Jereb, B. (2014). A comparative literature analysis of definitions for logistics: between general definition and definitions of subcategories. Business Logistics in Modern Management.
  • Mat Jusoh, Z. S., Hassan, N., Hassan, M., & Hashim, H. (2022). Human resource management and humanitarian operations performance: A case study of humanitarian organizations in Malaysia. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 17, 235-258.
  • Mayers, A. (2013). Introduction to statistics and SPSS in psychology. Pearson Education Limited.
  • McEntire, D. A. (2002). Coordinating multi‐organisational responses to disaster: lessons from the March 28, 2000, Fort Worth tornado. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal.
  • Melnyk, S. A., Bititci, U., Platts, K., Tobias, J., & Andersen, B. (2014). Is performance measurement and management fit for the future?. Management accounting research, 25(2), 173-186.
  • Minear, L. (2002). The humanitarian enterprise: dilemmas and discoveries. Kumarian Press.
  • Moe, T. L., & Pathranarakul, P. (2006). An integrated approach to natural disaster management: public project management and its critical success factors. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 15(3), 396-413.
  • Neely, A., Gregory, M., & Platts, K. (1995). Performance measurement system design: a literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 15(4), 80-116.
  • Neely, A., Richards, H., Mills, J., Platts, K., & Bourne, M. (1997). Designing performance measures: a structured approach. International journal of operations & Production management. 17(11), 1131-1152.
  • Nikbakhsh, E., & Farahani, R. Z. (2011). Humanitarian logistics planning in disaster relief operations. Logistics operations and management. Concepts and Models, 291.
  • Niyazi, M., & Behnamian, J. (2023). Application of emerging digital technologies in disaster relief operations: A systematic review. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 30(3), 1579-1599.
  • Nurmala, N., de Leeuw, S., & Dullaert, W. (2017). Humanitarian–business partnerships in managing humanitarian logistics. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 22(1), 82-94.
  • Ochieng, O. F., & Stephen, N. M. (2020). Balancing HR trichotomy within the NGO sector: Strategic positioning of human resource function. International Journal of Economics, Business and Human Behaviour, 1(1), 35-48.
  • Oh, N., & Lee, J. (2017). Activation and variation of the United Nation’s cluster coordination model: a comparative analysis of the Haiti and Japan disasters. Journal of Risk Research, 20(1), 41-60.
  • Oloruntoba, R., & Gray, R. (2006). Humanitarian aid: an agile supply chain?. Supply Chain Management: an international journal, 11(2), 115-120.
  • Parker, C. (2000). Performance measurement. Work Study, 49(2), 63-66.
  • Peerbolte, S. L., & Collins, M. L. (2013). Disaster management and the critical thinking skills of local emergency managers: Correlations with age, gender, education, and years in occupation. Disasters, 37(1), 48-60.
  • Poister, T. H. (2008). Measuring performance in public and nonprofit organizations. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Rey, F. (2001). The complex nature of actors in humanitarian action and the challenge of coordination. Reflections on humanitarian action: Principles, ethics and contradictions, 99-119.
  • Simo, G., & Bies, A. L. (2007). The role of nonprofits in disaster response: An expanded model of cross‐sector collaboration. Public administration review, 67, 125-142.
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The Effect of Humanitarian Aid Activities on Mission Success Performance of Logistics, Coordination and Human Resources: A Research on Kızılay and AFAD

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 8 - 22, 25.12.2023


Due to its geographical location, our country has been greatly affected by natural and human disasters throughout history. Situations such as late response after disasters, inability to manage humanitarian logistics activities, and lack of coordination and infrastructure may cause performance losses. While services such as logistics, human resources, education, and health provided by humanitarian aid organizations are of critical importance in order to minimize pre-disaster and post-disaster losses, the logistics competencies of the units raise the questions of how human resources are used and how coordination activities between units are managed. This study aims to reveal how logistics, coordination, and human resources affect the mission success performance of AFAD and the Turkish Red Crescent in humanitarian aid activities. In this context, a face-to-face survey was conducted with 250 people actively involved in AFAD and Turkish Red Crescent humanitarian aid activities. Based on the findings, it was determined that logistics, coordination, and human resources positively affect mission success performance.


  • Abidi, H., & Scholten, K. (2015). Applicability of performance measurement systems to humanitarian supply chains. In Humanitarian logistics and sustainability (pp. 235-260). Springer, Cham.
  • Abidi, H., de Leeuw, S., & Dullaert, W. (2020). Performance management practices in humanitarian organisations. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 10(2), 125-168.
  • Abikova, J. (2019). Motivatıon and job satisfaction of humanıtarıan logisticians. The 13th International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, September 5-7.
  • Adıguzel, S. (2019). Logistics management in disaster. Journal of Management Marketing and Logistics, 6(4), 212-224.
  • AFAD, (2022). Açıklamalı Afet Yönetimi Terimleri Sözlüğü. sözlüğü adresinden erişildi.
  • Akben, İ., & Taşdoğan, O. (2021). İnsanı yardım kuruluşlarının, verimlilik, etkinlik ve lojistik performans değerlendirmesi. Journal of Transportation and Logistics, 6(1).
  • Akhtar, P., Marr, N. E., & Garnevska, E. V. (2012). Coordination in humanitarian relief chains: chain coordinators. Journal of humanitarian logistics and supply chain management.
  • Anjomshoae, A., Hassan, A., Wong, K. Y., & Banomyong, R. (2021). An integrated multi-stage fuzzy inference performance measurement scheme in humanitarian relief operations. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 61, 102298.
  • Bahadori, M., Khankeh, H. R., Zaboli, R., & Malmir, I. (2015). Coordination in disaster: A narrative review. International Journal of Medical Reviews, 2(2), 273-281.
  • Balcik, B., Beamon, B. M., Krejci, C. C., Muramatsu, K. M., & Ramirez, M. (2010). Coordination in humanitarian relief chains: Practices, challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Production Economics, 126(1), 22-34.
  • Blecken, A. (2010). Supply chain process modelling for humanitarian organizations. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.
  • BouChabke, S., & Haddad, G. (2021). Ineffectiveness, poor coordination, and corruption in humanitarian aid: the Syrian refugee crisis in Lebanon. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 32(4), 894-909.
  • Bozorgi-Amiri, A., Jabalameli, M. S., & Mirzapour Al-e-Hashem, S. M. J. (2013). A multi-objective robust stochastic programming model for disaster relief logistics under uncertainty. OR Spectrum, 35(4), 905-933.
  • Börühan, G., Ersoy, P., & Tek, Ö. B. Afet Yönetiminde Lojistik Planlama ve Kontrol Listesi Yönteminin Önemi Ulusal Lojistik ve Tedarik Zinciri Kongresi-Konya Üniversitesi.
  • Caymaz, E., Akyon, F. V., & Erenel, F. (2013). A model proposal for efficient disaster management: the Turkish sample. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 99, 609-618.
  • Czajkowski, J. M. (2007, March). Leading successful interinstitutional collaborations using the collaboration success measurement model. In Chair Academy‘s 16th Annual International Conference, Jacksonville Florida.
  • Davidson, A. L. (2006). Key performance indicators in humanitarian logistics (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
  • de Moura, E. H., e Cruz, T. B. R., & Chiroli, D. M. D. G. (2020). A framework proposal to integrate humanitarian logistics practices, disaster management and disaster mutual assistance: A Brazilian case. Safety Science, 132, 104965.
  • Ding, L., Wang, T., & Chan, P. (2023). Forward and reverse logistics for circular economy in construction: A systematic literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 135981.
  • Dolinskaya, I. S., Shi, Z. E., Smilowitz, K. R., & Ross, M. (2011). Decentralized approaches to logistics coordination in humanitarian relief. In IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (p. 1). Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE).
  • Dube, N., Van der Vaart, T., Teunter, R. H., & Van Wassenhove, L. N. (2016). Host government impact on the logistics performance of international humanitarian organisations. Journal of Operations Management, 47, 44-57.
  • Dubey, R., Bryde, D. J., Foropon, C., Graham, G., Giannakis, M., & Mishra, D. B. (2020). Agility in humanitarian supply chain: An organizational information processing perspective and relational view. Annals of Operations Research, 1-21.
  • Dubey, R., Gunasekaran, A., & Papadopoulos, T. (2019). Disaster relief operations: Past, present and future. Annals of Operations Research, 283, 1-8.
  • Ergün, Ö., Keskinocak, P., Swann, J., Stamm, J.L. and Villarreal, M. (2010). How to Improve Humanitarian Logistics. Analytics: January/February 2010, s.31.
  • Ergünay, O. (2008), Afet yönetiminde kurumsal yapılanma ve mevzuat nedir? Nasıl olmalıdır?. CHP İstanbul Deprem Sempozyumu: İstanbul Depremini Beklerken Sorunlar ve Çözümler Bildiriler Kitabı, 20 Eylül 2008, İstanbul, ss. 97-108.
  • Galindo, G., & Batta, R. (2013). Review of recent developments in OR/MS research in disaster operations management. European Journal of Operational Research, 230(2), 201-211.
  • Genç, F. (2008). Kriz iletişimi: Marmara depremi örneği. Selçuk İletişim, 5(3), 161-175.
  • Güngör, D. (2016). Psikolojide ölçme araçlarının geliştirilmesi ve uyarlanması kılavuzu. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 19(38), 104-112.
  • Hassan, N. A., Hayiyusuh, N., & Nouri, R. (2011). The implementation of knowledge management system (KMS) for the support of humanitarian assistance/disaster relief (HA/DR) in Malaysia. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(4), 89-112.
  • Hearns, A., & Deeny, P. (2007). The value of support for aid workers in complex emergencies: A phenomenological study. Disaster Management & Response, 5(2), 28-35.
  • Hermansson, H. (2019). Challenges to decentralization of disaster management in Turkey: The role of political-administrative context. International Journal of Public Administration, 42(5), 417-431.
  • Hovhanessian, M. (2012). Coordination barriers between humanitarian organizations and commercial agencies in times of disaster. Master Thesis in Business Administration, Jönköping University.
  • Idris, A., & Che Soh, S. N. (2014). The relative effects of logistics, coordination and human resource on humanitarian aid and disster relief mission performance. The South East Asian Journal of Management, 8(2), Article 1.
  • Irshad, H., Umar, K. M., Rehmani, M., Khokhar, M. N., Anwar, N., Qaiser, A., & Naveed, R. T. (2021). Impact of work-from-home human resource practices on the performance of online teaching faculty during coronavirus disease 2019. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
  • Jahre, M., & Jensen, L. M. (2010). Coordination in humanitarian logistics through clusters. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 40(8/9), 657-674.
  • Kadıoğlu, M. (2011). Disaster management expecting the unexpected, managing the worst. T.C. Marmara Municipalities Union Publication.
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (2009). SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri. Asil Yayınevi.
  • Kehler, N. (2004). Coordinating humanitarian assistance: a comparative analysis of three cases. Master of Public and International Affairs. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Kelly, C. (1995). A framework for improving operational effectiveness and cost efficiency in emergency planning and response. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 4(3), 25-31.
  • Kim, H. Y. (2013). Statistical notes for clinical researchers: assessing normal distribution (2) using skewness and kurtosis. Restorative dentistry & endodontics, 38(1), 52-54.
  • Koseoglu, A. M., & Yıldırımlı, H. (2015). The role of logistics in disaster management and disaster logistics issues. Age, 3(12), 297.
  • Kovács, G., & Spens, K. M. (2007). Humanitarian logistics in disaster relief operations. International journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 37(2), 99-114.
  • Krishnan, T. N., & Scullion, H. (2017). Talent management and dynamic view of talent in small and medium enterprises. Human Resource Management Review, 27(3), 431-441.
  • Kueng, P., Meier, A., & Wettstein, T. (2001). Performance measurement systems must be engineered. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 7(1), 3.
  • Kukovič, D., Topolšek, D., Rosi, B., & Jereb, B. (2014). A comparative literature analysis of definitions for logistics: between general definition and definitions of subcategories. Business Logistics in Modern Management.
  • Mat Jusoh, Z. S., Hassan, N., Hassan, M., & Hashim, H. (2022). Human resource management and humanitarian operations performance: A case study of humanitarian organizations in Malaysia. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 17, 235-258.
  • Mayers, A. (2013). Introduction to statistics and SPSS in psychology. Pearson Education Limited.
  • McEntire, D. A. (2002). Coordinating multi‐organisational responses to disaster: lessons from the March 28, 2000, Fort Worth tornado. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal.
  • Melnyk, S. A., Bititci, U., Platts, K., Tobias, J., & Andersen, B. (2014). Is performance measurement and management fit for the future?. Management accounting research, 25(2), 173-186.
  • Minear, L. (2002). The humanitarian enterprise: dilemmas and discoveries. Kumarian Press.
  • Moe, T. L., & Pathranarakul, P. (2006). An integrated approach to natural disaster management: public project management and its critical success factors. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 15(3), 396-413.
  • Neely, A., Gregory, M., & Platts, K. (1995). Performance measurement system design: a literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 15(4), 80-116.
  • Neely, A., Richards, H., Mills, J., Platts, K., & Bourne, M. (1997). Designing performance measures: a structured approach. International journal of operations & Production management. 17(11), 1131-1152.
  • Nikbakhsh, E., & Farahani, R. Z. (2011). Humanitarian logistics planning in disaster relief operations. Logistics operations and management. Concepts and Models, 291.
  • Niyazi, M., & Behnamian, J. (2023). Application of emerging digital technologies in disaster relief operations: A systematic review. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 30(3), 1579-1599.
  • Nurmala, N., de Leeuw, S., & Dullaert, W. (2017). Humanitarian–business partnerships in managing humanitarian logistics. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 22(1), 82-94.
  • Ochieng, O. F., & Stephen, N. M. (2020). Balancing HR trichotomy within the NGO sector: Strategic positioning of human resource function. International Journal of Economics, Business and Human Behaviour, 1(1), 35-48.
  • Oh, N., & Lee, J. (2017). Activation and variation of the United Nation’s cluster coordination model: a comparative analysis of the Haiti and Japan disasters. Journal of Risk Research, 20(1), 41-60.
  • Oloruntoba, R., & Gray, R. (2006). Humanitarian aid: an agile supply chain?. Supply Chain Management: an international journal, 11(2), 115-120.
  • Parker, C. (2000). Performance measurement. Work Study, 49(2), 63-66.
  • Peerbolte, S. L., & Collins, M. L. (2013). Disaster management and the critical thinking skills of local emergency managers: Correlations with age, gender, education, and years in occupation. Disasters, 37(1), 48-60.
  • Poister, T. H. (2008). Measuring performance in public and nonprofit organizations. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Rey, F. (2001). The complex nature of actors in humanitarian action and the challenge of coordination. Reflections on humanitarian action: Principles, ethics and contradictions, 99-119.
  • Simo, G., & Bies, A. L. (2007). The role of nonprofits in disaster response: An expanded model of cross‐sector collaboration. Public administration review, 67, 125-142.
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Toplam 74 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Dilşad Güzel 0000-0003-1421-7692

Emine Noksan 0000-0002-2713-5461

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Nisan 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Güzel, D., & Noksan, E. (2023). İnsani Yardım Faaliyetlerinin Lojistik, Koordinasyon ve İnsan Kaynağının Görev Başarı Performansı Üzerine Etkisi: Kızılay ve AFAD Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Paradigma: İktisadi Ve İdari Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12(2), 8-22.