Writing Rules

Article Acceptance and Publication Stages

The journal accepts articles related with Archeology, Art History, Ethnography, Ancient History Geography, Prehistory, Protohistory, Near East and Classical Archeology, Museology, Ancient History, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Anthropology, Archaeometry, Conservation-Repair and Restoration, Architectural History, Hittitology and its sub-branches to qualified, original, new interpretations and approaches. Articles related to the detection, application and analysis studies carried out for the first time and written in accordance with the ethical principles and rules of the journal will also be accepted. The journal will not accept solo material presentation and the preliminary report of the excavation. But articles that are newsworthy about original finds will be accepted.

Articles submitted to the Turkish Journal of Archeology and Ethnography must not be previously published in a magazine or a book even in another language, and must not be sent for publication. Submitted articles are expected to be prepared in accordance with the journal publication principles and writing rules.

In terms of scientific quality and language, the responsibilities of the articles published in the Turkish Journal of Archeology and Ethnography belong to the authors, and the journal cannot be held responsible for these issues.

Authors should use visual materials such as photographs, drawings and tables, whose copyrights belong to them and/or for which they have obtained usage permissions and copyrights. Legal responsibility for copyrights and usage permissions belongs to the authors. The journal and the editorial board cannot be held responsible for copyright issues related to these issues.

The Turkish Journal of Archaeology and Etnography is free. Each article and article published in the journal can be used provided that the source is cited.

Article submissions are made through dergipark.

Publication Process

Since the Turkish Journal of Archaeology and Ethnography is a peer-reviewed publication, the opinion of the editorial board is taken after the preliminary acceptance of the received articles and each article is sent to the two suggested peers reviewers. Since the blind peer review system is adopted, the name of the author is not reported to the peer reviewer in any way. If two positive comments are received, the articles are published. Criticisms, suggestions and corrections brought by the peer reviewers are sent to the author by hiding the name of the peer reviewer. The authors are deemed to have committed to the changes, corrections and additions that will received from the peer reviewers. However, in cases where the authors insist on their opinions and make a justified statement, the peer review committee may go for a new evaluation. Articles approved by the peer reviewers unanimously or by majority vote are reviewed in terms of writing rules, image caption relation, format are reviewed in the direction. Articles that are not prepared in accordance with the writing rules are returned to the author without being processed.

After the last review carried out by the publication coordinator, all the manuscripts that do not have any problems are kept in the pool and published within the year, taking into account the order of submission and approval, considering that more than one article by the same author is not included.It is expected that the issues that are determined during the last controls and that pose problems in terms of design and content will be resolved by the author. If the additions and corrections, which are the responsibility of the author, are not made within the specified time, the article in question will be assigned to the next issue or may be completely rejected by the decision of the editorial board.

1. Publication Language

Manuscripts to be published in the journal must be sent in Turkish or English. Abstracts and keywords should be prepared in Turkish and English.

2. Period

The Turkish Journal of Archaeology and Ethnography will be published two times a year, starting from 2021.

3. Acceptance

The journal publishes original and qualified articles on Ancient History Geography, Prehistory, Protohistory, Asia Minor and Classical Archaeology, Museology, History of Antiquity, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Anthropology, Archaeometry, Conservation-Repair and Restoration, Architectural History, Art History and Ethnography, Hittitology subjects.

The articles to be sent to the journal should be prepared in accordance with the ethical principles and writing rules.

Unless otherwise stated, all correspondence regarding manuscripts is made with the first author. Article submissions can be made online via dergipark. The manuscript should be sent with the necessary documents (Responsibility Statement Form, Ethical Principles Statement Form, Copyright Transfer Form) and all them should be signed by the author/authors. The information about the author/authors should be added to the "Cover Template".


1. Format

Articles should be prepared in parallel with the ethical principles. Since the evaluation of the articles will be carried out through the blind peer-review process, the identity information of the authors should not be included in the main text of the article and should be added to the Cover Template.

Articles should be written in Turkish or English languages, in Microsoft Word Program, in Times New Roman character and in accordance with the writing rules.

2. Abstract and Keywords:

It should be prepared in Turkish and English languages as a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 250 words, in a way that presents the essence of the manuscript. References, figures, charts, photographs, etc. should not be included. Five keywords prepared in Turkish and English should be given under the abstract.

3. Length

Articles should not exceed 35,000 characters with spaces, including footnotes. For articles that exceed the given character limit, the discretion of the editors and peer reviewers may be taken into account. There is no minimum limit for the length of the articles.

4. Drawings and Photographs

Drawings and photographs must be sent digitally and have a resolution of at least 600 dpi in tiff format. Tables and graphics must be sent in tiff and excel formats. The total upper limit for photographs, drawings, tables and graphics is 12. Numbers in images and in-text references should be standardized. All photographs, drawings and pictures should be listed as Pic. 1, 2, 3... /Fig. 1, 2, 3... and given at the end of the text. However, if necessary, it can be included in the text by the author in a way that does not disturb the integrity of the article. References to photographs, drawings and pictures in the text should be in parentheses. For example: The ceramic vases in the museum bear the characteristics of the period (Fig. 1) … If photographs, drawings, tables and graphics are not referenced in the text, their numbers and captions should be added to the appendix by the author.

Although the tables and charts can be named separately from the visuals, a standard should be provided among themselves and an order should be made in the form of Chart 1,2,3 or Table 1,2,3…. If the images and tables used do not belong to the author, their sources should be indicated, and the use of images with copyright problems should be avoided. Responsibility for claims arising from copyright matters belongs to the author.

5. Submitting Articles

Articles will be accepted by sending them through the dergipark, along with the necessary documents.

The following points should be considered in the articles:

1- Authors must obtain an ORCID number and add this number to the cover template.

2- The manuscript must be prepared in accordance with the journal ethical principles.

3. The pictures, drawings and photographs requested to be included in the article must have the qualifications specified in the article 4 and each must be numbered in the order desired by the author to be included in the article.

Correspondence Address

II. TBMM Binası Yanı 06110 Ulus Ankara/TÜRKİYE

Telephone: + 90 (312) 470 64 26

E-mail: taed@ktb.gov.tr

Turkish Journal of Archaeology and Ethnography

Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums

The international peer-reviewed journal is published two times a year, both in print and electronically.

It's free of charge

ISSN : 1302-9231

E-ISSN: 2791-8394