Writing Rules

Articles should be prepared in "Office Word" program in A4 size. It should not exceed 15 pages in total, including tables, figures and bibliography.

The "Abstract" part should be written in 150-250 words, 9 font size and 1.5 line spacing with "Times New Roman" character. At least 3 keywords should be written.

The Turkish title of the article should be 14 pt. And the English title should be centered 10 pt. Page layout; Left: 2.5 cm, Right: 2.5 cm, Top: 2.5 cm and Bottom: 2.5 cm.

Articles should be written in 11 font size, 1.5 line spacing and justified. Paragraphs should be "0 pt" before and after spacing. In my writing, there should be a break of one character after commas and periods. In the paragraphs, the starting indent is "first line" and 1.25 cm; paragraph indent should be right and left "0" cm. No additional blank lines will be left between paragraphs. Other arrangements will be made by the journal editors. The name and surname of the author (s) should be specified under the title of the article in 12 pt and "Times New Roman" character. Title, institution and e-mail information should be shown as a footnote in 9 pt, single line spacing, italic and in italics. Headers, footers or page numbers should not be included. Figures and Tables should be given in the text. The name of the figure and the title of the table should be placed above the figure and table. Figures and table numbers should be given as 1, 2, 3, ...

Main subject and sub-topics in the article 1., 1.1., 1.1.1., 1.1.2., should be numbered with decimals such as. All the letters of the names of the main subjects should be written in capitals, and only the initials of the sub-topics should be written in capital.

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