Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Bulanık Vocational School Journal of Social Sciences (BULSODER) adopts a high ethical publishing standard and aims to gain the trust of researchers, authors and readers. Therefore, the journal publication policy and ethical principles are based on the following principles:

1. Scientific Ethics and Objectivity:
BULSODER attaches great importance to the compliance of research articles and other contents with scientific ethical principles. Researchers and authors conduct their research with the principles of honesty, impartiality and reliability. The contents to be published are evaluated and presented within the framework of impartiality and objectivity.

2. Ethical Review and Permissions:
The journal promotes compliance with ethical rules in studies involving humans, animals or other research subjects. For research conducted on human subjects or animals, the necessary ethical reviews must be made and the relevant permissions must be obtained. Authors must document that they comply with such ethical requirements in their research.

3. Originality and Plagiosity:
The journal expects the content presented by the authors to be original and to use quotations from other sources with appropriate attribution. Plagiatism undermines scientific integrity and is unacceptable behavior. BULSODER approaches the issue of originality with great sensitivity and tries to prevent such situations with the precautions taken.

4. Description and Expression:
It is important that the content to be published is presented in a clear and understandable manner. The opinions and findings expressed should be stated clearly and should not include misleading statements of any kind.

5. Conflicts of Interest:
Authors, editors and reviewers must disclose any conflict of interest during the publication process. Financial or personal interests, situations that may have an impact on manuscript evaluation or publication decisions should be taken into account.

6. Publication Quality and Continuity:
The magazine focuses on publishing high quality content and constantly strives to maintain this standard of quality. Editors, reviewers, and authors collaborate to improve the journal's publication quality.

BULSODER aims to promote scientific progress by supporting the most up-to-date and ethical research in the field of social sciences. These principles are the fundamental values that shape the journal's publication policy, and everyone is expected to understand and apply these principles.


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