Research Article
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Year 2021, , 233 - 264, 21.10.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı, İngilizceyi yabancı dil olarak öğreten öğretim görevlilerinin uyguladıkları kelime öğretme stratejilerini araştırmak ve aynı zamanda kelime öğretiminde karşılaştıkları zorluklarla birlikte kelime dağarcığına yönelik tutumlarını belirlemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda çalışmada karma yöntemli bir araştırma tasarımı kullanılmıştır. Çalışmaya yirmi beş üniversitede çalışan 170 öğretim görevlisi katılmıştır. Veri toplamak için bir anket ve yarı yapılandırılmış bir görüşme formu kullanılmıştır. Nicel veri toplama aracı Kelime Öğretme Stratejileri Anketiydi. Nicel veriler, Sosyal Bilimler için İstatistiksel Paket (SPSS) 23 kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. 8 öğretim görevlisi ile yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Toplanan nitel veriler içerik analizi yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Hem nicel hem de nitel verilerin analizi, katılımcıların öğrencilerine yeni kelimelerin anlamlarını keşfetmeyi öğretirken belirleme stratejilerini kullandıklarını göstermiştir. Diğer taraftan, öğrencilere öğrenilen kelimeleri pekiştirmeyi öğretirken sırasıyla üst bilişsel, bellek, bilişsel ve sosyal (pekiştirme) stratejiler kullanmışlardır. Ayrıca, katılımcıların kelime öğretiminde öğrencilerin uygulama ve tekrar eksikliği, düşük yeterlilik seviyeleri, zaman sınırlaması ve öğrencilerin iki dilli sözlük kullanma eğilimi gibi zorluklar yaşadığı görülmüştür.


  • ALIZADEH, M. (2016). The impact of motivation on English language learning. English Language International Journal of Research in English Education, 1(1), 11-15. Retrieved from: 1-23-en.html
  • APARI, E. (2016). Vocabulary learning strategies of preparatory school students in Ufuk University (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education. (Thesis No: 423522)
  • AY, A. (2006). The vocabulary learning strategies employed by ninth-graders and relations with their personal characteristics (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education. (Thesis No: 189802)
  • BARCROFT, J. (2004). Second language vocabulary acquisition: A lexical input processing approach. Foreign Language Annals, 37(2), 200-208. doi: 10.1111/j.19449720.2004.tb02193.x
  • BOZATLI, Ö. (1998). An investigation of vocabulary learning strategies employed by successful freshman students of English (Unpublished master thesis). Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • CELCE-MURCIA, M. (2001). Teaching English as a second or foreign language (3rd ed.). Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publisher.
  • CENGIZHAN, L. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Edirne Anatolian high school. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 1870-1874. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.04.018
  • ÇELIK, S., & Toptaş, V. (2010). Vocabulary learning strategy use of Turkish EFL learners. Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences, 3, 62–71. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.07.013
  • COHEN, A.D. & Macaro, E. (2007). Language learning strategies: Thirty years of research and practice (1st ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • CRESWELL, J. W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • CRESWELL, J. W. (2014). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). London: Sage Publications.
  • DECARRICO, J. S. (2001). Vocabulary learning and teaching. In M. Celce Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language (3rd ed., pp. 285-299). Boston: Heinle.
  • DERICI, E. (2019). A survey on the use of vocabulary learning strategies of high school students (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education. (Thesis No: 551804)
  • EKMEKÇI, M., N. (1999). Vocabulary learning strategies and their effects on Turkish EFL learners’ outcomes (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education. (Thesis No: 92064)
  • ELLIS, R. (1994). The study of second language acquisition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
  • FAHRURROZI. (2017). Improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using total physical response. English Language Teaching, 10(3), 118-127. Doi: 10.5539/elt.v10n3p118
  • FORS, J. A. (2016). Techniques to improve foreign language vocabulary retention: A case study of the perceptions of public high school foreign language teachers. (Unpublished doctorate thesis). Trident University International.
  • GOUGH, C. (2007). English vocabulary organizer. England: Language Teaching.
  • GRAVES, M.F. (2006). Vocabulary book: Learning and instruction. New York: Teachers College Press.
  • GÜREŞ, G. (2019). Turkish EFL instructors’ use of vocabulary teaching techniques and their opinions about students’ vocabulary learning strategies (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education. (Thesis No: 562790).
  • KETABI, S., & Shahraki, S. H. (2011). Vocabulary in the approaches to language teaching: from the twentieth century to the twenty-first. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2(3), 726-731. doi:10.4304/jltr.2.3.726-731
  • KIRMIZI, Ö., & Topçu, N. (2014). Karabük Üniversitesi’ndeki Türk EFL Öğrencilerin Kelime Öğrenme Stratejileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 18 (3), 217-231. Retrieved from:
  • KRASHEN, S. D., & Terrell, T. D. (1983). The natural approach: language acquisition in the classroom. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice Hall International English Language Teaching
  • LARSEN-FREEMAN, D. (2003). Teaching Language: From Grammar to Grammaring. Boston, MA: Thompson-Heinle.
  • LEWIS. M. (1993). The lexical approach. Hove: Language Teaching Publications. Longman.
  • MACKEY, A., & Gass, S. M. (2005). Second language research: Methodology and design. New York: Routledge.
  • MUKOROLI, J. (2011). Effective vocabulary teaching strategies for the English for academic purposes ESL classroom (unpublished master thesis). SIT Graduate Institute, Vermont, United States. Retrieved from: ext=ipp_collection
  • NAGY, W. E., & Scott, J. A. (2000). Vocabulary processes. In M. L. Kamil, P. B. Mosenthal, P. D. Pearson, & R. Barr (Eds.), Handbook of reading research, Vol. 3(p. 269–284). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • NEMATI, A. (2009). Memory vocabulary learning strategies and long-term retention. International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education, 1(2), 14-24. doi:10.4314/marang.v20i1.56821
  • ÖLMEZ, F. (2014). A comparison of students’ and teachers’ perceptions on the use and instruction of vocabulary learning strategies (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education. (Thesis No: 372195)
  • OPIE, C. (2004). Doing educational research: A guide to first-time researchers London: SAGE Publications. doi: 10.4135/9781446280485
  • OXFORD, R. & Crookall, D. (1990). Vocabulary learning: A critical analysis of techniques. TESL Canada Journal, 7(2), 9-30. doi: 10.18806/tesl.v7i2.566
  • RICHARDS, J. (2000). Series Editor’s Preface. In N. Schmitt’s Vocabulary in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • RICHARDS, J., & Rodgers, T. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • SCHMITT, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In N. Schmitt & M. McCarthy (Eds.), Vocabulary: description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp.199-228). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • SCHMITT, N. (2000). Vocabulary in second language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • TABACHNICK, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (6th Ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
  • TILFARLIOĞLU, F.F.Y., & Bozgeyik, Y. (2012). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary proficiency of English language learners. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 1(2), 91-101. doi:10.7575/ijalel.v.1n.2p.91
  • TRAN, H. T. (2011). EFL teachers' perceptions about vocabulary acquisition and instruction. (Unpublished doctorate thesis). Alliant International University.
  • WARDANI, K.A.N., & Sari, W.N.S. (2019) Difficulties encountered by English teachers in teaching vocabularies. Research and Innovation in Language Learning, 2(3), 183-195. doi:10.33603/rill.v2i3.1301
  • YILDIZ, E. (2019). The vocabulary learning strategies of high school EFL learners (Master’s thesis).Retrieved from National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education. (Thesis No: 564446)
  • ZIMMERMAN, C. B. (1997) Historical trends in second language vocabulary instruction, In J. Coady & T. Huckin (eds.) Second language vocabulary acquisition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


Year 2021, , 233 - 264, 21.10.2021


The aim of this study is to investigate the VTSs implemented by EFL lecturers and also to identify their attitudes towards vocabulary along with the difficulties faced by them in vocabulary teaching. In line with this aim, a mixed-method research design was used. 170 lecturers working at twenty-five universities participated in the study. The researchers used a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. The quantitative data instrument was the Vocabulary Teaching Strategies Questionnaire. The quantitative data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 23. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 8 lecturers. The collected qualitative data were content-analyzed. The analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data showed that the participants applied determination strategies while teaching their students to discover the meanings of new words. On the other hand, while teaching students to consolidate the learned words, they used metacognitive, memory, cognitive and social (consolidation) strategies respectively. Additionally, it was found that the participants experienced difficulties in vocabulary teaching such as students’ lack of practice and repetition, students’ low proficiency levels, time limitation, and students’ tendency to use a bilingual dictionary.


  • ALIZADEH, M. (2016). The impact of motivation on English language learning. English Language International Journal of Research in English Education, 1(1), 11-15. Retrieved from: 1-23-en.html
  • APARI, E. (2016). Vocabulary learning strategies of preparatory school students in Ufuk University (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education. (Thesis No: 423522)
  • AY, A. (2006). The vocabulary learning strategies employed by ninth-graders and relations with their personal characteristics (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education. (Thesis No: 189802)
  • BARCROFT, J. (2004). Second language vocabulary acquisition: A lexical input processing approach. Foreign Language Annals, 37(2), 200-208. doi: 10.1111/j.19449720.2004.tb02193.x
  • BOZATLI, Ö. (1998). An investigation of vocabulary learning strategies employed by successful freshman students of English (Unpublished master thesis). Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • CELCE-MURCIA, M. (2001). Teaching English as a second or foreign language (3rd ed.). Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publisher.
  • CENGIZHAN, L. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Edirne Anatolian high school. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 1870-1874. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.04.018
  • ÇELIK, S., & Toptaş, V. (2010). Vocabulary learning strategy use of Turkish EFL learners. Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences, 3, 62–71. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.07.013
  • COHEN, A.D. & Macaro, E. (2007). Language learning strategies: Thirty years of research and practice (1st ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • CRESWELL, J. W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • CRESWELL, J. W. (2014). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). London: Sage Publications.
  • DECARRICO, J. S. (2001). Vocabulary learning and teaching. In M. Celce Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language (3rd ed., pp. 285-299). Boston: Heinle.
  • DERICI, E. (2019). A survey on the use of vocabulary learning strategies of high school students (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education. (Thesis No: 551804)
  • EKMEKÇI, M., N. (1999). Vocabulary learning strategies and their effects on Turkish EFL learners’ outcomes (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education. (Thesis No: 92064)
  • ELLIS, R. (1994). The study of second language acquisition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
  • FAHRURROZI. (2017). Improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using total physical response. English Language Teaching, 10(3), 118-127. Doi: 10.5539/elt.v10n3p118
  • FORS, J. A. (2016). Techniques to improve foreign language vocabulary retention: A case study of the perceptions of public high school foreign language teachers. (Unpublished doctorate thesis). Trident University International.
  • GOUGH, C. (2007). English vocabulary organizer. England: Language Teaching.
  • GRAVES, M.F. (2006). Vocabulary book: Learning and instruction. New York: Teachers College Press.
  • GÜREŞ, G. (2019). Turkish EFL instructors’ use of vocabulary teaching techniques and their opinions about students’ vocabulary learning strategies (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education. (Thesis No: 562790).
  • KETABI, S., & Shahraki, S. H. (2011). Vocabulary in the approaches to language teaching: from the twentieth century to the twenty-first. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2(3), 726-731. doi:10.4304/jltr.2.3.726-731
  • KIRMIZI, Ö., & Topçu, N. (2014). Karabük Üniversitesi’ndeki Türk EFL Öğrencilerin Kelime Öğrenme Stratejileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 18 (3), 217-231. Retrieved from:
  • KRASHEN, S. D., & Terrell, T. D. (1983). The natural approach: language acquisition in the classroom. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice Hall International English Language Teaching
  • LARSEN-FREEMAN, D. (2003). Teaching Language: From Grammar to Grammaring. Boston, MA: Thompson-Heinle.
  • LEWIS. M. (1993). The lexical approach. Hove: Language Teaching Publications. Longman.
  • MACKEY, A., & Gass, S. M. (2005). Second language research: Methodology and design. New York: Routledge.
  • MUKOROLI, J. (2011). Effective vocabulary teaching strategies for the English for academic purposes ESL classroom (unpublished master thesis). SIT Graduate Institute, Vermont, United States. Retrieved from: ext=ipp_collection
  • NAGY, W. E., & Scott, J. A. (2000). Vocabulary processes. In M. L. Kamil, P. B. Mosenthal, P. D. Pearson, & R. Barr (Eds.), Handbook of reading research, Vol. 3(p. 269–284). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • NEMATI, A. (2009). Memory vocabulary learning strategies and long-term retention. International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education, 1(2), 14-24. doi:10.4314/marang.v20i1.56821
  • ÖLMEZ, F. (2014). A comparison of students’ and teachers’ perceptions on the use and instruction of vocabulary learning strategies (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education. (Thesis No: 372195)
  • OPIE, C. (2004). Doing educational research: A guide to first-time researchers London: SAGE Publications. doi: 10.4135/9781446280485
  • OXFORD, R. & Crookall, D. (1990). Vocabulary learning: A critical analysis of techniques. TESL Canada Journal, 7(2), 9-30. doi: 10.18806/tesl.v7i2.566
  • RICHARDS, J. (2000). Series Editor’s Preface. In N. Schmitt’s Vocabulary in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • RICHARDS, J., & Rodgers, T. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • SCHMITT, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In N. Schmitt & M. McCarthy (Eds.), Vocabulary: description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp.199-228). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • SCHMITT, N. (2000). Vocabulary in second language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • TABACHNICK, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (6th Ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
  • TILFARLIOĞLU, F.F.Y., & Bozgeyik, Y. (2012). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary proficiency of English language learners. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 1(2), 91-101. doi:10.7575/ijalel.v.1n.2p.91
  • TRAN, H. T. (2011). EFL teachers' perceptions about vocabulary acquisition and instruction. (Unpublished doctorate thesis). Alliant International University.
  • WARDANI, K.A.N., & Sari, W.N.S. (2019) Difficulties encountered by English teachers in teaching vocabularies. Research and Innovation in Language Learning, 2(3), 183-195. doi:10.33603/rill.v2i3.1301
  • YILDIZ, E. (2019). The vocabulary learning strategies of high school EFL learners (Master’s thesis).Retrieved from National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education. (Thesis No: 564446)
  • ZIMMERMAN, C. B. (1997) Historical trends in second language vocabulary instruction, In J. Coady & T. Huckin (eds.) Second language vocabulary acquisition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Articles

Ahmet Kesmez 0000-0002-6663-794X

Oktay Yağız 0000-0001-7076-7774

Publication Date October 21, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Kesmez, A., & Yağız, O. (2021). LECTURERS’ STRATEGY PREFERENCES, ATTITUDES, AND CHALLENGES FACED IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE VOCABULARY TEACHING. Bingöl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(22), 233-264.