Aim & Scope

The Journal of Cyprus Studies is a publication of EMU-CCS (Centre for Cyprus Studies) which was launched in 1995. It is a multi-disciplinary, refereed and bilingual journal (both in English and Turkish) published biannually. The Journal of Cyprus Studies is dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of Cyprus issues at a global level. It plays an active role in the development of an authoritative archive and bibliography of sources and the provision of a scholarly, academic forum for the analysis, exchange, and critique of ideas on social, cultural, historical, environmental, political and legal matters relevant to the past, present or future of Cyprus.

Papers submitted for consideration are expected to focus on subject matter specifically related to the island of Cyprus and may include (but are not restricted to) the following areas of interest: art, history, literature, linguistics, music, theater, architecture, archaeology, cultural studies, communication, education, psychology, sociology, geography, folklore, gender studies, politics, international relations, law, business, management, finance, economics, tourism, medicine, environment, engineering as well as book reviews on recent publications, historical sources, abstracts of recent theses on Cyprus and news and reports on important recent scientific events.

Material published in the JCS may include original critical essays or studies, statements of reasoned opinion, sustained critical responses relevant to published material, book reviews, translations, photographs, reproductions of works of art or cultural artifacts, interviews, official documents, transcripts of media broadcasts, or reprints of significant texts.

The Journal of Cyprus Studies does not discriminate against contributions on the basis of the nationality, race, ethnicity, religion or gender of the contributors; nor on the basis of their points of view or conclusions, provided that they are conveyed by careful, reasoned argument and discussion. Submissions are sent by the editor-in-chief anonymously for review to experts whose identities also remain confidential. The editor-in-chief may, where complex issues are concerned, invite other contributors to submit critical evaluations and responses to an article, or alternative perspectives; and these may be published simultaneously.

Period Months
June December

Journal of Cyprus Studies

Center for Cyprus Studies

Eastern Mediterranean University

Famagusta, Northern Cyprus, via Mersin 10, Turkey