Writing Rules

1. Headings in Turkish and foreign languages must be compatible with the scope of the article, short, clear and adequate.

2. Abstracts in Turkish and Foreign language abstracts must reflect the purpose, scope and consequences of the writing. Turkish and English abs-tracts must be added into the articles written both in Turkish and English. Keywords should be added to the abstracts in Turkish and foreign language. These words should be at least 4, at most 6.
3. The articles must be in accordance with the grammar rules in terms of language and expression; besides, a clear and absolute way of expression must be used in the articles not giving unnecessary information that is out of the purpose and scope.
4. The known scientific methods must be used in the preparation of the articles; the subject, purpose, scope and reason for the preparation of the study, and etc. must be given in a satisfying and certain order. Figures, tables, photographs and other documents used in the article must be prepared in accordance with the scientific rules.
5. There must be an absolute and sufficient explanation that can be easily understood under the figures, tables, pictures and other documents used in the article. All photographs and illustrations must indicate the source.
6. The resources used in the writing must be arranged in accordance with the writing rules; each mentioned document must be included in the bibliography, but not anything else.
7. The results must be in accordance with the purpose and scope of the study, and cannot include any information or findings that are not explicitly mentioned in the main text; must be given with its all outlines and in summary.
8. The paper size is set to A4 size and the margins will be 2.5 cm from all edges.
9. Articles are prepared in the Microsoft Word program on the PC with the New Times Roman character. The main headings of the Turkish and English articles are written on the centre of the first page being written with bold 12 pt. capital letters. The English title to be written under the Turkish heading must be written in italics and the first letters are large and the others are small. If the article is in English, a Turkish title should be added to the bottom. Headings in the text should be preceded by 12 nk, followed by 6 nk.
10. After the heading, the author name (s) is written untitled side by side by centring the page with 12 pt. spacing. The title, institution, e-mail address and Orcid-ID are specified as footnotes.
11. After the author’s name, a summary written in Turkish, English not exceeding 150 words is written leaving 12 pt. spaces, and the key words that define the main topic of the article are indicated in these abstracts.
12. Abstracts in Turkish and English should be written in 10 pt, 11 pt in text and 1.5 pt spaced, and footnotes in 9 pt New Times Roman.
13. Article should not be more then 40 pages including tables, figures, photographs and resources. Figures, tables and photographs should be prepared in a computer environment and should not exceed the page size (12x18 cm). Table titles should be above the table, in bold and in the form of “Table-1:”, 6 pt space should be left between the title and the table. Figure and photograph descriptions should be stated below, in both cases 6 nk space should be left.
14. References should be shown in the text or under the page. When shown in text; the surname of the author (s) in the parentheses, the date of publication, the number of the cited page or pages (Cakar 2013: 25). If more than one work of the same author is published in the same year, this should be indicated in small letters (Steel, 2014a), (Steel, 2014b). However, the points that need explanation should be as footnotes below the page.
15. The reference should be shown as follows:
Single Author Book
ÇAKAR, E. (2012), Doğu Akdeniz Sahilinde Bir Osmanlı Sancağı: Trablus), TTK Yayınları, Ankara.
Book With Two Authors
ÇAKAR, E.-UZUN, C. (2017), Hurufat Defterlerinde Harput (1690-1812), Fırat Üniversitesi Harput Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi, Elazığ.
ÇELİK, K. (2013), “R.1284/M.1868-1869 Tarihli Muhasebe-i Evkâf-ı Hümayun Defteri’ne Göre Mamuratülaziz Vakıfları”, Vakıflar Dergisi, 40, pp. 143-162.
Proceedings Book
ALKAN, M. (2010), “Vakıf Tarihi Araştırmaları Açısından Hurûfât Defterleri: Adana Örneği”, XV. Türk Tarih Kongresi, 11-15 Eylül 2006, Kongreye Sunulan Bildiriler, Vol. 4, part I, Ankara 2010, pp. 831-842.
Internet Quote
http://dergiler.ankara.edu.tr/dergiler/18/1986/20790.pdf. Date of access: 10 May 2017.
16. Articles that do not receive a positive report from the referees and that are not prepared according to our writing rules are not published; no administrative or judicial responsibility is assumed in this respect.