Writing Rules


International Journal of Social Inquiry (IJSI) is published three times a year (April, August, and December). The journal includes research articles, reviews, case studies, book presentations, and critics. These works should not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication previously. Articles can be written in Turkish and English. The editorial board makes the initial evaluation of the manuscripts submitted to the journal in terms of their suitability for the journal writing standards.. Eligible studies will be scanned with an internationally accepted academic plagiarism detector (excluding direct quotes, bibliographies, and footnotes cited by academic rules). Studies with more than 15% similarity will be sent back to the author/authors together with the scan result report. After this phase, the study will be sent to 2 referees. In the direction of the report from the referees, it will be decided whether the article will be published, corrected in the report frame, rejected, or sent to a third referee, and the author/authors will be notified about the situation as soon as possible. For major revisions, the author(s) have 25 days, and for minor revisions, they have 15 days.

An author can only have one article published per year.
Expression & Literary Style
Articles can be written in English or Turkish. Sentences should be written by grammar and orthographic rules. 
For grammar and orthographic rules in English articles, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary can be used. These Dictionaries are also available from the following web addresses: http://www.ldoceonline.com/ https://www.oxforddictionaries.com/ http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
For grammer and ortographic rules in Turkish articles, Turkish Language Association’s Güncel Türkçe Sözlük and/or Büyük Türkçe Sözlük and Türkçe Yazım ve İmla Kılavuzu should be used. These Dictionaries are also available from the following web address: http://www.tdk.gov.tr/

An appropriate article title should be chosen for the study topic.
The article should be numbered as (1, 2, 3...) starting from the 'introduction' and including the conclusion.
The numbering of titles should be as follows:
1. Introduction
2. First Degree Headline

 2.1 First Degree Subheadline

   2.1.1 Second Degree Subheadline

Headings should be bold and left-aligned.
All titles in the text, including abstract, and keywords, should be shown in bold.
Author and Contact Information
There is a separate cover page for the authors' information and contact details. Therefore, author information should not be included in the main file of the manuscript. During the uploading process, you can also get the cover page from the online system. The authors' names should be put in lowercase letters on the cover page. Institutional affiliations, email addresses, and ORCID numbers are requested on this page. If an author does not have an ORCID number, they should obtain one at https://orcid.org.
In co-authored articles, one of the authors must be specified as the corresponding author. The manuscript and the other files must be uploaded to the system by the corresponding author. The corresponding author does not have to be the first author.
An English abstract of 150-200 words is required for English articles and the Turkish abstract is optional.
English and Turkish abstracts of 150-200 words each are required for Turkish articles.
After abstracts, the keywords consisting of 3-5 words should be given to correct the interest of the study.

Science Field Code (JEL CODE)
For articles that are directly/indirectly related to the field of economics, the author(s) should specify 3 jel codes under the keywords. Jel codes can be found at the following website: http://www.aeaweb.org/jel/guide/

Extended Abstract
An English extended summary (600-800 words) should be written only for Turkish articles. The extended abstract is not an introductory one. It should include the purpose, method, findings, conclusions, and suggestions of the paper. The extended abstract should be placed after the references.
The manuscript text should not exceed 8000 words.
Except for special symbols, text, abstract, summary, equations, and references should be written in "Times New Roman".
Text in MS word format with 1.5 lines and 12 pt; abstract, equations, and bibliographies should be written in 10 point font size in single line spacing.
If an abbreviation is used in the text, these abbreviations should be shown in parentheses when used for the first time. For example, International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Tables, Figures, and Graphics
All tables, figures, and graphics should be numbered with normal numbers. (Figure 1 / Table 1 / Figure 1, Figure 2 / Table 2 / Figure 2). The headings of tables, figures, and graphics should be placed on top of them. The headings of tables, figures, and graphics must be written in a single line and 10 pt. If the tables, figures, and graphics used in the article do not belong to the author himself, the source should be given at the bottom of the tables, figures, and graphics. Footnotes for tables and figures should be written in 10 point letter size with * (star) symbol.
Formulas and Equations
Formulas should be written left aligned and numbered. The equations should be numbered as (1), (2), (3) ... and should be written in 10 pt font size.

Use the symbols and abbreviations determined by APA to express statistical values ​​such as 'mean', 'standard deviation' etc. For example, SD for standard deviation, SE for standard error, M (or ) for arithmetic mean, β for beta, α for alpha. These expressions are not like other abbreviations and their meanings are not given in parentheses. So please don't use it like this: (SE = standard error). If these terms are used in general expressions in the sentence, use the term instead of the abbreviation. To express the statistical value, use symbols such as M = 8.51, n = 15,   not (mean = 8.51).

Statistical abbreviations such as ANCOVA, ANOVA, CFA, BIC, CFA, CI, NFI, RMSEA, SEM, SRMR, unlike the above symbols, must be explained where they are first used.
Use 'zero' and 'dot' for numbers below 1 if the statistical value can exceed 1: F(2, 15) = 0.43, t(20) = 0.52
Do not use 'zero' if the statistical value cannot exceed 1: p=.015
     For detailed information, see Chapter 6 of the 7th Edition APA Manual.


Author(s) should follow the American Psychological Association's (APA) 7th Edition Publication Guidelines for in-text citation. See.

     American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
The APA Guidelines adopt the parenthetical method of '(Author Surname, Date)' or 'Author's Surname (Date)' for in-text citations.
Example: The main objective of the traditional budget is to control how much the executive body spends in accordance with the budget law (Altuğ, 2020).
Example: There are many studies in the literature that emphasize the strengths of the program budget system (Altuğ, 2020; Axelrod, 1995; Coşkun, 1997; Dicle, 1973; Edizdoğan & Çetinkaya, 2021).
If the author, who is the source of information, is to be emphasized, 'Surname (Date)' is usually used at the beginning of the sentence.
Example:  Altuğ (2020) stated the program budget system has many advantages over the traditional budget.
―One author (Tezcan, 2014), (Gray, 2010a), (Gray, 2010b); if a quotation (Flint, 1988, p. 5)
―Two authors (Boex & Simatupang, 2008).
―Three and more authors (Bolivar et al., 2007).
―If the author is an agency / organization (International Money Fund [IMF], 2014)    Subsequent citations  (IMF, 2014)
―Different authors with the same surname (F. Eryilmaz, 2020; M. Eryilmaz, 2021)
―Paraphrasing a source:   Sahin (2019) shows that the policies implemented to eliminate inequalities in income distribution are far from being effective.
―Secondary source:    Samuelson (1954, as cited in Batırel, 2007)   /   Samuelson (1954) explained the characteristics of pure public goods as follows (as cited in Batırel, 2007):
        Note: The secondary sources can be used in very limited situations. In such a usage, only the secondary source is included in the references.


Author(s) should follow the American Psychological Association's (APA) 7th Edition Publication Guidelines for references. See.
     American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
• See APA web site: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples 
• See American Psychological Association. (2021). Common reference examples guide. https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/reference-examples.pdf 
The bibliography should include all of the references cited in the text.
The bibliography must be sorted alphabetically by author surname(s).
Page numbers for periodicals and articles in compilation books should be specified.
Bohm, P. (1987). Social efficiency: A concise introduction to welfare economics (2nd edition). Palgrave.

Journal articles
Bolívar, M. P. R., Muñoz, L. A., & Hernández, A. M. L. (2013). Determinants of financial transparency in government. International Public Management Journal, 16(4), 557-602. https://doi.org/10.1080/10967494.2013.849169 
Book chapters
Chevauchez, B. (2007). Public management reform in France. In M. Robinson (Ed.), Performance Budgeting (pp. 391-403). Palgrave Macmillan UK. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137001528_20 

References are not English

Altuğ, F. (2020). Kamu bütçesi [Public budgeting] (2. bs). Beta Basım A.Ş.

Akhan, C. E., İlhan, E., & Altintaş, M. H. (2021). Satış elemanlarının kişilik özellikleri ve satış performansı ilişkisinde kişisel değerlerin aracı etkisinin analizi [Analysis of the mediation effect of personal values in the relationship between salesperson personality traits and sales performance]. International Journal of Social Inquiry, 14(2), 417-446. https://doi.org/10.37093/ijsi.890750

Gaarder, J. (1994). Sophie's world: A novel about the history of philosophy (P. Møller, Trans.). Phoenix House. (Original work published 1991).
Ndzembanteh, A. N. (2020). The role of financial develepment, human capital and economic growth on envirtonmental sustainability: An empirical analysis of Cameroon (Publication No 659314) [Doctoral thesis, Bursa Uludag University]. Thesis Center of Turkish Higher Education Council.
Encyclopedia Articles
Peters, M. A. (Ed.). (2017). Social issues. In Encyclopedia of educational philosophy and theory (pp. 2181-2181). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-287-588-4_100993 
Article Submission
IJSI only accepts manuscripts submitted through the DergiPark online system for the evaluation process.
Since our journal employs a double-blind review procedure, please ensure that the main text of your study contains no statements that reveal the author's identity. Do not include phrases such as "we have studied this topic in another work (see Surname, Date)" in the study main text or explanatory notes.
The following files must be uploaded to the system during manuscript submission:

    1. Cover Page (word format) [please click to download]
    2. Manuscript main file (word format)
    3. Author statements (pdf or jpeg format)
    4. (If applicable) Additional files (Ethics committee approval document, application permission document, etc.)
Author statements form can be download from the online system as a word format while uploading the manuscript. The author statements file includes "copyright agreement, author contribution form, conflict of interest statement and ethical statement" and must be signed by all authors with orijinal signature.
In co-authored articles, one of the authors must be specified as the corresponding author. The manuscript and the other files must be uploaded to the system by the corresponding author. The corresponding author is not necessarily the primary author.
Authors own the copyright of their work published in the journal. Publications in IJSI are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license (see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/deed.en). This license permits the work to be shared, copied, redistributed in any medium or format, and adapted, including remixing, transforming, and building upon the original work, provided that appropriate reference is made. However, the work cannot be used for commercial purposes.
Names and addresses in this journal will only be used for the purpose of the journal, which is stated above. It will not be used for another purpose or another part.

Last Update Time: 4/4/24, 10:57:32 AM


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