Publishing Principles

Tokat Journal of Ilmiyat aims to contribute to the theology by publishing scientific and national studies. It is a refereed journal and published twice a year. Although the publication language is Turkish, scientific articles in foreign language can be published by giving a summary in Turkish.

The right to publish the articles sent to the journal belongs to the Editorial Board of Tokat Journal of Ilmiyat. The articles in the journal are copyrighted and the articles cannot be quoted partially or completely without showing the source.

The articles to be published in the journal should be original and academic studies prepared with research methods suitable for their own fields. Translation, book introduction, criticism and evaluation articles that contribute to the scientific field are also accepted. In order for translation-type articles to be processed, the article is required to have a certain number of references (at least 5) in its original language.

Manuscripts that are required to be published should be sent electronically and as an "attached word document" via DergiPark. Studies submitted to the journal should not be published elsewhere or sent for publication.

A maximum of one study of a number of the same author can be published.

The articles sent for publication go through pre-control, plagiarism screening, referee evaluation and Turkish-English language control stages. The study, which was examined three times in the pre-control phase, but could not go through this process, is returned to its author and is not re-processed in the same publication period. The studies that pass the pre-control phase are included in the evaluation process in which at least two referees take part in the framework of the principle of double-sided blind refereeing.

In the event that a positive report is received from both referees, the article is decided to be published and the number of the article will be published. If the two referees give a negative opinion, the article is not published. If a referee indicates a positive referee negative opinion, the decision on the article is taken by the Editorial Board, taking into account the content of the reports.

Whether or not the articles sent to the journal will be published is decided within three months at the latest and the owner of the work is informed about the subject. No copyright fee is paid to the author for published articles.

All scientific and legal responsibilities in terms of language, style and content of the published work belong to the author(s) and do not bind the Editorial Board. The authority to decide on issues not mentioned here belongs to the Editorial Board of Tokat Journal of Ilmiyat.

Tokat Journal of Ilmiyat uses the Isnad Citation Style.

Last Update Time: 11/4/20, 9:02:20 PM
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