Aim & Scope

It can be said that Journal of İMGELEM has three main purposes as a periodical publication activity. The first of these is to ensure that the problems in all areas of social life, primarily in Turkey, in its immediate surroundings, in the cultural basin, and finally in the whole world, are researched, analysed, discussed and solutions offered from the perspective of social sciences. The second aim is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of scientific publishing in Turkey. Finally, the third and final aim is to become a world-class platform where quality studies can be published in Turkey, its immediate surroundings and around the world.

Journal of İMGELEM is an International Refereed Journal of Social Sciences, published twice a year, as a publication of Bilgitoy Society ( The first language of the journal is Turkish, and it can also include articles in English and Russian languages. Considering the high rate of downloading, reading, citation and impact factor of foreign language publications, this issue can be very encouraging for authors. As a matter of fact, Journal of İMGELEM encourages authors on this subject and aims to have at least one third of the published issues consist of articles in a foreign language.

The scope of İmgelem Journal is generally Social Sciences. In addition, İmgelem Journal focuses on Sociology, Political Science and International Relations. Apart from these, it can include articles from all fields of Social Sciences written from a sociological perspective.

Period Months
July December

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