Plagiarism Policy

Authors submitting their work to the Karadeniz International Journal of Social Sciences will acknowledge that there is no plagiarism in their work and that they have appropriately referenced their sources.

  1. Plagiarism Definition

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's written or scholarly works, ideas, data, or other content without permission and presenting it as one's own work. Plagiarism can take the following forms:

  • Copying text or quoting without proper citation.
  • Using someone else's ideas or findings without proper attribution.
  • Using someone else's graphics, tables, or data without permission.
  • Paraphrasing another's original work without proper citation.
  1. Prevention of Plagiarism

Researchers and institutions should focus on preventing plagiarism by taking the following steps:

  • Proper citation of sources: All quotations, references, and sources should be accurately and fully cited.
  • Original contribution: Each work should make an original contribution. Instead of simply compiling or copying others' works, authors should present their unique thoughts and findings.
  • Plagiarism detection: Researchers and institutions should scan their written works for elements of plagiarism and should make sure to disclose the results to us when submitting an article. Articles with a similarity index of more than 25% will be rejected and authors will be informed.
  • Education and awareness: Researchers and academic staff should be educated and made aware of issues related to plagiarism.
  1. Consequences of Plagiarism

When plagiarism is detected in databases, serious consequences can occur. These consequences may include the rejection of the work, withdrawal of publications, and academic or professional sanctions. Plagiarism damages the trust of the scientific community and can negatively impact academic reputation.

  1. Plagiarism Detection Software
  • Turnitin: Turnitin is widely used plagiarism detection software, especially in educational institutions and academic research. It scans texts and detects similarities, quotations, and plagiarism.
  • Grammarly Plagiarism Checker: Grammarly, in addition to correcting grammar and language errors, is a tool that can detect plagiarism. It is particularly useful for students and professionals.
  • Copyscape: Copyscape scans the internet for similar or identical texts. It is useful for preventing web-based content plagiarism.
  • Plagscan: Plagscan is software that scans texts for plagiarism and displays similarities. It is particularly suitable for academic and professional texts.
  • Unicheck: Unicheck is a plagiarism detection tool designed for educational institutions and students. It scans texts and documents and generates similarity reports.
  • CrossRef Similarity Check (iThenticate): This software is designed to prevent plagiarism in scientific research. It is used by academic journals and publishers.

The Editorial Board acts in accordance with COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) rules when confronted with allegations and suspicions of plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data fabrication in submitted works.

Last Update Time: 9/11/22, 8:37:03 PM