
Institutional Structure: The Journal of Middle East Studies (ISSN: 1309-1557) is an international peer-reviewed academic journal, published twice a year (June-December) by the Middle East Research Association (ORSAM). The languages of the journal are Turkish, English and Arabic. The editorial board of the journal is composed of valuable academicians and researchers who are experts in their fields of study. In the selection of advisory board and number referees, care is taken to ensure that academicians / professionals are from different universities, provinces, regions and countries. Thanks to its extensive pool of referees, articles from all branches of the Middle East, international relations, history, political science and social sciences such as public administration, sociology and cultural studies go through the editiorial process in an objective, scientific and fair way.

Objective: The main purpose of Middle Eastern Studies Journal is, to encourage the development of social sciences in Turkey,  qualified contribution to the literature on the Middle Eastern Studies in the international arena.  At the same time, to create a platform which could be published original and quality researches , in Turkish, English and Arabic about the Middle East.

Coverage: The Journal of Middle East Studies, which will include Turkish, English and Arabic studies, will be conducted in related fields of social sciences (international relations, history, sociology, theology, public administration, strategy, war studies, ethnic studies, conflict resolution, crisis management and analysis studies, democracy studies), civil society, religion and sectarian studies and cultural diplomacy).

Open access policy and authenticity audit: Since our journal adopts the principles of Budapest Open Access Initiative, it provides immediate open access to its content, and no fee is charged for the articles submitted to our journal during the application or subsequent processes. The articles sent to our journal are subjected to iThenticate screening in order to avoid plagiarism. Similarity acceptance rate is 20%.

Publication ethics: Our publication ethics is mainly based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (COPE), 2011). See the relevant tab for more information.

Referee process: The manuscripts are reviewed by the editorial board and published with the approval of two expert referees (double blind peer review), a third referee if deemed necessary and the final approval of the editorial board. The editorial board may decide to accept and reject directly without reviewing the articles (symposiums, congress news, book presentations, etc.) and sending them to the referee.

Indexes: Middle Eastern Studies are searched and indexed by EBSCO, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (WPSA), Index Islamicus, Index Copernicus, Applid Social Science Index and Abstracts (ASSIA), International Bibliography of the Social Science (IBBS).

The Owner of the Journal (on behalf of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies),

Ahmet Uysal

Managing Editor,

İsmail Numan Telci


Haydar Oruç & İsmail Numan Telci

Assistant Editors,

Göktuğ Sözmez, Recep Yorulmaz, Mustafa Yetim, Watheq Al-Sadoon, Samir Alabdullah, Abdennour Toumi

Book Review Editor,

Gokhan Egeli & Gökhan Batu

Translating/Interpreting Editor,

Ceyda Beşirli

Editor's Assistant,

Nurbanu Akcan

Journal Contact:

Address: Mustafa Kemal Mah. 2128. Sok. No: 3 Pk: 06510 Cankaya / Ankara/ Turkey

Tel: (+90) (850) 8881520 Fax: (+90) (312) 430 39 48

E-mail: ortadoguetutleri@orsam.org.tr

Last Update Time: 7/1/20, 2:43:10 AM

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