About Publisher

Prof. Dr. Halil Eksi
E-mail: editor@spiritualpc.net
Phone/WhatsApp: +90 533 640 58 10
Address: Marmara University, Department of Educational Sciences, Goztepe Campus, Kadıkoy, 34722, Istanbul. E-mail: halileksi@marmara.edu.tr

*Prof. Dr. Halil Eksi is a non-profit individual publisher. He retains the concession rights for the editorial independence of the SPC journal. ''Spiritual Psychology and Counseling" is a nonprofit journal operating under the personal publisher model, committed to fostering scholarly exchange and exploration of the intersection between spirituality and psychology. As a personal publisher, we uphold editorial independence, while our collaboration with the unconditional support of the DergiPark system ensures sustainable open access publishing for the advancement of knowledge in the field.

Last Update Time: 5/8/23, 1:57:34 PM