Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethıcal Prıncıples

- The publication processes applied in Trabzon Journal of Theology constitute the basis for the development and distribution of knowledge in an impartial and reputable manner. The processes applied in this direction directly reflect on the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support the authors. Peer-reviewed studies are studies that embody and support the scientific method. At this point, it is important that all stakeholders of the process (authors, readers and researchers, publishers, referees and editors) comply with the standards for ethical principles. Within the scope of Trabzon Theology Journal publication ethics, all stakeholders are expected to carry the following ethical responsibilities.
The following ethical duties and responsibilities are based on the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in open access (see COPE Guidelines in Turkish).
See also. Decisions of Theology Field Journals Editors Workshop (20/01/2018)
Publishing an article in a peer-reviewed journal is a necessary building block in the development of a cohesive and respected knowledge network. It is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the authors and their supporting institutions. Peer-reviewed articles support and shape the scientific method. It is therefore important for all parties involved in publishing - authors, journal editors, reviewers and publishing organizations - to agree on standards of expected ethical behavior:

Author Responsibilities

- All authors should contribute significantly to the research.
- Plagiarism and fake data should not be included. All data in the article must be declared to be real and original.
- The bibliography list must be complete.
- The same research should not be attempted to be published in more than one journal and should comply with scientific research and publication ethics.
- All authors must ensure retraction and correction of errors.

Referee Responsibilities

- Reviews must be impartial.
- Any reviewer who does not feel qualified to review the manuscript proposal or who knows that review of the manuscript cannot take place in a timely manner should immediately notify the editors and decline the invitation to review, so that a new reviewer can be appointed.
- Assist the editors in editorial decisions and help authors to improve their manuscripts through editorial communication. Point out the completion of other articles, works, sources, references, citations, rules and similar deficiencies related to the manuscript.
- Comments on the manuscript proposal should be made in an unbiased manner and suggestions should be made in such a way that authors can use them to improve the manuscript. Personal criticism of the authors is not appropriate.
- Reviewers should not have any conflict of interest with the research, the authors and/or the stakeholders of the article, including research funders. Conflicts of interest should be reported to the editor.
- Reviewers should cite relevant published but not cited works. The reviewer should also inform the editor of any significant similarities between the manuscript under review and any other manuscript (published or unpublished).
- All manuscript proposals submitted for review are confidential documents and should be treated as such. They should not be shown or discussed with others unless authorized by the editor. This also applies to reviewers who decline an invitation to review.

Editorial Responsibilities

- Editors have full responsibility and authority to accept or reject an article.
- Editors should not have any conflict of interest regarding the articles they accept or reject. The editors evaluate the submitted manuscript proposals based on their relevance to the scope of the journal and the importance and originality of the work. The editors do not take into account the race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality or political views of the authors who submit the manuscript proposal. The decision to revise or publish cannot be influenced by institutions other than the editorial board of the journal. The editors take care to ensure that the published issues contribute to the reader, researcher, practitioner and the scientific field and are of original quality.
- Only articles that will contribute to the field should be accepted.
- When errors are found, they should support the publication or withdrawal of the correction.
- Editors do not share information about a submitted manuscript with anyone other than the corresponding author, referees and the editorial board. Ensure that manuscripts evaluated by at least two referees are evaluated according to a double blind review system. Editors keep the names of referees confidential and prevent plagiarism/fake data.
The peer review process is central to the success of scientific publishing. Maintaining and improving the refereeing process is part of our commitment and Trabzon Journal of Theology has an obligation to assist the scientific community in any situation related to publishing ethics, especially in cases of suspicious, duplicate publications or plagiarism.
When a reader notices a significant error or inaccuracy in an article published in Trabzon Journal of Theology or has any complaint about the editorial content (plagiarism, duplicate articles, etc.), he/she can send a complaint to We welcome complaints and aim to respond quickly and constructively, as complaints provide opportunities for improvement.

Uncovering Plagiarism

- Articles submitted for publication in Trabzon Journal of Theology are subjected to unilateral blind peer review by at least two referees. In addition, a special plagiarism detection program is used to verify that the articles have not been published before and do not contain plagiarism.

Publication Policy

- Trabzon Journal of Theology is published by Trabzon University Faculty of Theology.
- TID publishes original articles, translations, book introductions, symposium, seminar and conference evaluations, and academic studies such as interviews in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities, especially in the field of Theology, which will make an original contribution to Islamic thought and culture.
- The journal accepts publications in Turkish, English and Arabic languages.
- Our journal is published electronically in two issues per year, June and December, and the article acceptance dates are January 1-January 15-April 15 for the June issue and July 1-October 15 for the December issue. If the number of articles reaches a sufficient level, the article acceptance process can be closed before these dates.
- Original, unpublished manuscripts that are not in the evaluation process in another journal and whose content and submission have been approved by each author are accepted for evaluation.
- In the first submission, the imprint information of the authors should be included in the text.
- Only one article by the same author in the same publication period can be processed and published if it passes the referees. However, since not all articles can be included in one issue, the referee-approved articles are assigned to the issues in a ranked order by the editorial board.
- Studies should be prepared in accordance with the journal's spelling rules. Articles that do not comply with the journal's spelling rules are rejected without evaluation.
- After the article is submitted to the Journal for publication, none of the authors' names can be deleted from the list of authors without the written permission of all authors, and a new name cannot be added as an author and the order of authors cannot be changed.
- Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the journal website via the "Submit Manuscript" tab.
- The space allocated for translations cannot exceed 1/2 of the total number of pages of the journal.


- The bibliography list must be complete
- Plagiarism and fake data should not be included
- Attempts should not be made to publish the same research in more than one journal and should comply with the ethics of scientific research and publication.

Actions against scientific research and publication ethics are as follows:

a) Plagiarism: Presenting the ideas, methods, data, applications, writings, forms or works of others as one's own work in whole or in part without citing their owners in accordance with scientific rules,
b) Forgery: Producing data that is not based on research, editing or modifying a submitted or published work based on untrue data, reporting or publishing them, presenting a research that has not been conducted as if it has been conducted,
c) Distortion: Falsifying research records and data obtained, showing methods, devices and materials not used in the research as if they were used, excluding data that do not comply with the research hypothesis, manipulating data and/or results to fit the relevant theory or assumptions, falsifying or shaping research results in line with the interests of the persons and organizations receiving support
d) Re-publication: Presenting more than one work containing the same results of a research as separate works in associate professorship exam evaluations and academic promotions,
e) Slicing: Presenting the results of a research as separate works in associate professorship exam evaluations and academic promotions by inappropriately dividing the results of a research into parts in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research and by making many publications without citing each other,
f) Unfair authorship: Including persons without active contribution among the authors, not including persons with active contribution among the authors, changing the order of authors in an unjustified and inappropriate manner, omitting the names of active contributors from the work during publication or in subsequent editions, using his/her influence to have his/her name included among the authors even though he/she has not made an active contribution,

g) Other types of ethical violations:

1. Failure to specify the persons, institutions or organizations providing support and their contributions in publications made as a result of research conducted with support,
2. Using theses or dissertations that have not yet been submitted or defended and accepted as a source without the permission of the owner,
3. Failure to comply with ethical rules in research on humans and animals, and failure to respect patient rights in publications,
4. Violating the provisions of the relevant legislation in biomedical research and other clinical trials involving humans,
5. Sharing the information contained in a work that he/she has been assigned to examine with others before publication without the express permission of the author,
6. To misuse the resources, spaces, facilities and devices provided or allocated for scientific research,
7. Making baseless, unwarranted and intentional allegations of ethical violations,
8. Publishing data obtained in surveys and attitude surveys conducted within the scope of a scientific study without obtaining the explicit consent of the participants or, if the research is to be conducted in an institution, without obtaining the permission of the institution,
9. Damage to animal health and ecological balance in research and experiments,
10. Failure to obtain the necessary permissions from the authorized units in writing before starting research and experiments,
11. Conducting research and experiments in violation of the provisions of the legislation or international conventions to which Turkey is a party regarding the relevant research and experiments,
12. Failure by researchers and authorities to comply with the obligation to inform and warn those concerned about possible harmful practices related to scientific research,
13. Failure to use data and information obtained from other persons and institutions in scientific studies to the extent and in the manner permitted, failure to comply with the confidentiality of this information and failure to ensure its protection,
14. Making false or misleading statements regarding scientific research and publications in academic appointments and promotions (YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, Article 4).

Ethıcal Crıterıa

As TR Index, improvements have been made in the 2020 criteria related to ethics in order to raise ethical awareness in researchers and to ensure that behaviors and decisions related to academic life are carried out within the framework of ethical principles. In order to protect the rights of human participants before, during and after the research, to prevent them from being harmed, and to ensure that their informed consent is obtained, research in the field of social sciences to be conducted on human participants and all kinds of scientific research and studies to be carried out on historical artifacts and cultural assets should be evaluated ethically, taking into account the protection of the environment, and the studies should be ethically appropriate.

Does your research require ethical review?

A Self-Assessment Checklist

Question [Yes (Y)/No (N)]
1. a. Will your study involve human participants with or without their knowledge or consent at the time (this includes if you are the main subject of the research)? (Y/N)
b. Will your study involve animals? (Y/N)
2. Your work may cause physical or psychological harm to any person, participant or non-participant
3. Will you have access to personal information and/or data that allows you to identify individuals or confidential company or company information? (Y/N)
4. Does your work pose a significant risk to the environment or society? (Y/N)
5. Are there any ethical issues raised by your study that require further ethical review (Y/N)?
If you answered 'yes' to any of the above questions, some form of ethical review will be required.

Note: The study should not start before ethical approval is granted.

Publications that do not comply with these principles will be rejected by the editors without consideration.