Writing Rules

Please organize your manuscript prior to application in accordance with the UASBD Manuscript Template. UASBD uses the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition as a citation and referencing guide. Please see APA 6th edition for more information.
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• The submission is written either in Turkish or English. Manuscript written in English has to have  max. 300 words abstract followed by 3-5 keywords. The article should be written with 1.5 line spacing.
• The submission should not exceed 20.000 words (including abstract and bibliography).

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• Proofreading has been performed.
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1. Maximum 20.000 words, Turkish or English full-text article formatted according to the UASBD Manuscript Template. 
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Guidelines for publication reviews:

Review works should also be formatted in accordance with the UASBD Manuscript Template in terms of layout and format, but sections and sub-titles can be edited by the authors in accordance with the content.

Bibliography Writing Examples
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