Peer-review Process

Peer-review Process of Journal of Productivity is as follows:

  1. The text uploaded to the DergiPark system by the corresponding Author is examined for compliance with the Manuscript Template. If the article does not match the template, it is returned to the author.
  2. The article is evaluated in terms of conformity to the scope of the Journal (Compliance with Scope Assessment Form)
  3. Plagiarism evaluation is made for the articles that are complied with the scope of the journal. According to the scope of the journal's plagiarism policy, articles with a similarity rate of more than 20% are returned to the author.
  4. Two external reviewers are assigned by the Editor among the researchers who have conducted research on the topic of the article according to the double-blind peer-review process. Reviewers evaluate the article in detail in terms of its subject, method and results and make decision on whether the article should be published or not. If both of the reviewer reports are positive, the study is accepted for publication with the decision of the Editor. If one of the two reviewers has a negative opinion, the study is sent to third reviewer. Studies can be published with the positive decision of at least two reviewers. During the process, the identity of the reviewers is kept confidential to the authors and the identity of the authors are kept confidential to the reviewers.
  5. During the peer-review process, reviewers are expected to make their evaluations according to Journal of Productivity Reviewer Evaluation Form.
        a. Does the article make an important and original contribution to the literature?
        b. Does the abstract clearly and properly describe the content of the article?
        c. Is the method defined in a holistic and understandable way?
        d. Are the comments made and the conclusions reached proven by the findings?
        e. Does the article contain sufficient literature review on the relevant studies in the field?
        f. Is the language quality sufficient?
  6. The work accepted for publication is read for the last time by the Editor. Then it is presented to the Language Editor for language editing. The author is asked to revise the text in accordance with the requests of the Editor and the Language Editor. The revised text is sent to the typesetter by the Editor. It is planned by the Editor in which issue the typeset articles will be published.

    Notifications of errors and ethical violations related to published articles it is followed up via e-mail address and examined by the Editorial Board.

Last Update Time: 12/21/22, 12:30:30 PM

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