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Yıl 2022, , 424 - 440, 30.10.2022


İtalyan Beş Yıldız Hareketi Avrupa ve dünya siyaseti açısından ilginç bir vakadır. Temsili demokrasi modellerine karşı çıkan ve internet tabanlı bir doğrudan demokrasi idealine sahip olan hareket, İtalya’da yerel ve genel seçimlerde ciddi bir başarı elde etmiştir. Komedyen ve popüler blog yazarı Beppe Grillo tarafından sanal âlemde kurulan hareket kısa sayılabilecek bir süre içerisinde İtalyan siyasetinde önemli bir siyasal aktör olarak yerini almıştır. Kendini “geleneksel bir siyasal parti” olarak adlandırmayan bu hareket, siyasal yelpazenin farklı kesimlerinden oy almayı başarmış ve daha önce siyasete ilgi duymayan ve aktif katılmayanları siyasal aktivizme yönlendirmiştir. Çevrim içinde Grillo’nun kişisel bloğu etrafında sanal âlemde örgütlenen bu hareket, yine aynı şekilde meetup gibi dijital platformlar kullanarak çevrim dışına ve İtalyan meydanlarına yayılmıştır. İnternet hem örgütsel açıdan önemlidir hem de katılımcı doğrudan demokrasinin uygulanabileceği bir yer olarak görülür. Bu çalışmada İtalyan Beş Yıldız Hareketi’nin kişisel bir blogtan ulusal bir harekete ve siyasal partiye dönüşüm süreci ele alınmaktadır. Sistem ve parti karşıtı söylemi, sıra dışı seçim başarıları ve kendine has örgütsel yapısı hareketi incelenmeye değer kılmaktadır. Dağınık, merkezi olmayan protesto hareketlerinin birleşiminden iktidar partisi olabilmesi, tarihi, lideri, örgütsel yapısı, internetin ve çevrim içi uygulamaların bu süreçteki rolü irdelenmektedir.


  • Aldred, J., A. Astell, R. Behr, L. Cochrane, J. Hind, A. Pickard, L. Potter, A. Wignall & E. Wiseman (2008). The world's 50 most powerful blogs. The Guardian, [Erişim Tarihi: 11.02.2022], .
  • Anderson, P. (2014). The Italian disaster. London Review of Books, 36(10), (18.11.2021).
  • Bailo, F. (2015). Mapping online political talks through network analysis: a case study of the website of Italy’s Five Star Movement. Policy Studies, 36(6), 550-572,
  • Biancalana, C. (2020). From social movements to institutionalization: the Five-Star Movement and the high-speed train line in Val Di Susa. Contemporary Italian Politics, 12(2), 155-168,
  • Bickerton, C. J. & C. I. Accetti (2018). ‘Techno-Populism’ as a new party-family: the case of Five Star Movement and Podemos. Contemporary Italian Politics, 10(2), 132-150,
  • Bosco, A. & S. Verney (2012). Electoral epidemic: the political cost of economic crisis in southern Europe 2010-11. South European Society and Politics, 17(2), 129-154,
  • Bordignon, F. & L. Ceccarini (2013). Five stars and a cricket. Beppe Grillo shakes Italian politics. South European Society and Politics, 18(4), 427-449,
  • Bordignon, F. & L. Ceccarini (2014). Protest and Project, Leader and Party: Normalisation of the Five Star Movement. Contemporary Italian Politics, 6(1), 54-72,
  • Bordignon, F. & L. Ceccarini (2015). The Five-Star movement: a hybrid actor in the net of state institution. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 20(4), 454-473,
  • Bordignon, F. & L. Ceccarini (2016). The five stars continue to shine: the consolidation of Grillo’s ‘movement party’ in Italy. Contemporary Italian Politics, 8(2), 131-159,
  • Bressanelli, E. & M. De Candia (2019). Love, convenience, or respectability? understanding the alliances of the Five-Star movement in the european parliament. Italian Political Science Review, 49(1), 25-48,
  • Caiani, M. (2019). The populist parties and their electoral success: different causes behind different populisms: the case of Five Star movement and the League. Comtemporary Italian Politics, 11(13), 236-250,
  • Caruso, L. (2017). Digital capitalism and the end of politics: the case of Italian Five Star movement. Politics and Society, 45(4), 585-609,
  • Casaleggio, D. (2017). Participate. don’t delegate. New Perspectives Quarterly, 34(2), 14–16.
  • Casaleggioi, D. (2018). A top leader of Italian Five Star movement: why we won, The Washington Post, [Erişim Tarihi: 11.01.2022],
  • Casaleggio, D. (2018a). A top leader of Italian Five Star movement: why we won. New Perspective Quaterly, 35(3), 39-40,
  • Ceccarini, L. ve F. Bordignon (2016). The five stars continue to shine: the consolidation of Grillo’s movement party. Contemporary Italian Politics, 8(2), 131-159,
  • Conti, N. & V. Memoli (2015). The emergence of a new party in the Italian party system: rise and fortunes of Five Star Movement”. West European Politics, 38(3), 516-534,
  • Corso, L. (2019). When anti-politics becomes political: what can the Italian Five Star movement tell us about the relationship between populism and legalism. European Constitutional Law Review, 15(3), 462-487,
  • Franzosi, P., F. Marone & E. Salvati (2015). Populism and euroscepticism in the Italian Five Star movement. The International Spectator, 50(2), 109-124, 10.1080/03932729.2015.1030273
  • Del Savio, L. & M. Mameli (2014). Anti-representative democracy: how to understand the Five Star movement. OpenDemocracy, [Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2021],
  • Farinelli, A. & E. Massetti (2015). Inexperienced, leftists, and grassroot Democrats: a profile of the Five Star’s movement’s mps. Contemporary Italian Politics, 7(3), 213-231,
  • Font, N., P. Graziano & M. Tsakatika (2019). Varieties of inclusionary populism? Syriza, Podemos and the Five Star movement. Government and Opposition, 56(1), 1-21,
  • Hawes, D. (2014). Beppe Grillo’s Five Star movement – organisation, communication and ideology. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 25(1), 140-141,
  • Ivaldi, G., M. E. Lanzone & D. Woods (2017). Varieties of populism across a left-right spectrum: the case of the Front National, the Northern League, Podemos and Five Star movement. Swiss Political Science Review, 23(3), 1-23,
  • Lanzone, M. E. (2014). The post-modern populism in Italy: the case of the Five Star movement. In D. Woods & B. Wejnert (Eds.), The Many Faces of Populism: Current Perspectives. Emerald.
  • Manucci, L. ve M. Amsler (2018). Where the wind blows: Five Star movement’s populism, direct democracy and ideological flexibility. Italiam Political Science Review, 48(1), 109-132,
  • Moschella, M. & M. Rhodes (2020). A tale of two populisms. the League and the Five Star movement in power. Contemporary Italian Politics,12(2), 112-125, DOI: 10.1080/23248823.2020.1743472
  • Mosca, L. & F. Tronconi (2019). Beyond left and right: the eclectic populism of the Five Star movement. West European Politics, 42(1), 1-26,
  • Movarelli, M. (2016). From dreams to reality: the challenges of Italy’s Five Star movement. European View, 15, 213-221,
  • Natale, P. (2014). The birth, early history and explosive growth of the Five Star movement. Contemporary Italian Politics, 6(1), 16-36,
  • Natale, S. & A. Ballatore (2014). The web will kill them all: new media, digital utopia, and political struggle in the Italian 5-Star movement. Media, Culture & Society, 36(1), 105–121,
  • Navarria, G. (2019). The Networked Citizen: Power, Politics and Resistance in the Internet Age. Singapore: PalGrave Macmillan.
  • Pasquino, G. (2014). The 2013 elections and the Italian political system. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 19(4), 424-437,
  • Salvati, E. (2018). Eurosceptic, eurocritical or euroconfused? an analysis of the Five Star movement’s voting behaviour in the european parliament. European Politics and Society, 20(1), 1-19,
  • Stockman, C. & V. Scalia (2020). Democracy on Five Star movement’s Rousseau platform. European Politics and Society, 21(5), 603-617,
  • Vittori, D. (2017). Podemos and the Five-Star movement: populist, nationalist or what?. Contemporary Italian Politics, 9(2), 142-161,
  • Urbinati, N. (2018). The Italian Five Star movement for foreigners. Il Mulino, [Erişim Tarihi: 15.02.2022],


Yıl 2022, , 424 - 440, 30.10.2022


The Italian Five Star Movement is an interesting case in terms of European and world politics. The movement, which opposes models of representative democracy and has an ideal of internet-based direct democracy, has achieved serious success in local and general elections in Italy. The movement, founded by the comedian and popular blogger Beppe Grillo in the virtual world, took its place as an important political actor in Italian politics in a short period. This movement, which does not call itself a "traditional political party", managed to get votes from different parts of the political spectrum and directed those who were not interested in politics and did not participate actively before, to political activism. This movement, which was organized online in the virtual world around Grillo's personal blog, was also spread offline and Italian squares by using digital platforms such as meetup. The Internet is both organizationally important and seen as a place where participatory direct democracy can be implemented. In this study, the transformation process of the Italian Five Star Movement from a personal blog to a national movement and a political party is discussed. Its anti-system and anti-party rhetoric, extraordinary electoral successes and unique organizational structure make the movement worth examining. Being a ruling party from the combination of dispersed, decentralized protest movements, its history, leader, organizational structure, the role of the internet and online applications in this process are examined.


  • Aldred, J., A. Astell, R. Behr, L. Cochrane, J. Hind, A. Pickard, L. Potter, A. Wignall & E. Wiseman (2008). The world's 50 most powerful blogs. The Guardian, [Erişim Tarihi: 11.02.2022], .
  • Anderson, P. (2014). The Italian disaster. London Review of Books, 36(10), (18.11.2021).
  • Bailo, F. (2015). Mapping online political talks through network analysis: a case study of the website of Italy’s Five Star Movement. Policy Studies, 36(6), 550-572,
  • Biancalana, C. (2020). From social movements to institutionalization: the Five-Star Movement and the high-speed train line in Val Di Susa. Contemporary Italian Politics, 12(2), 155-168,
  • Bickerton, C. J. & C. I. Accetti (2018). ‘Techno-Populism’ as a new party-family: the case of Five Star Movement and Podemos. Contemporary Italian Politics, 10(2), 132-150,
  • Bosco, A. & S. Verney (2012). Electoral epidemic: the political cost of economic crisis in southern Europe 2010-11. South European Society and Politics, 17(2), 129-154,
  • Bordignon, F. & L. Ceccarini (2013). Five stars and a cricket. Beppe Grillo shakes Italian politics. South European Society and Politics, 18(4), 427-449,
  • Bordignon, F. & L. Ceccarini (2014). Protest and Project, Leader and Party: Normalisation of the Five Star Movement. Contemporary Italian Politics, 6(1), 54-72,
  • Bordignon, F. & L. Ceccarini (2015). The Five-Star movement: a hybrid actor in the net of state institution. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 20(4), 454-473,
  • Bordignon, F. & L. Ceccarini (2016). The five stars continue to shine: the consolidation of Grillo’s ‘movement party’ in Italy. Contemporary Italian Politics, 8(2), 131-159,
  • Bressanelli, E. & M. De Candia (2019). Love, convenience, or respectability? understanding the alliances of the Five-Star movement in the european parliament. Italian Political Science Review, 49(1), 25-48,
  • Caiani, M. (2019). The populist parties and their electoral success: different causes behind different populisms: the case of Five Star movement and the League. Comtemporary Italian Politics, 11(13), 236-250,
  • Caruso, L. (2017). Digital capitalism and the end of politics: the case of Italian Five Star movement. Politics and Society, 45(4), 585-609,
  • Casaleggio, D. (2017). Participate. don’t delegate. New Perspectives Quarterly, 34(2), 14–16.
  • Casaleggioi, D. (2018). A top leader of Italian Five Star movement: why we won, The Washington Post, [Erişim Tarihi: 11.01.2022],
  • Casaleggio, D. (2018a). A top leader of Italian Five Star movement: why we won. New Perspective Quaterly, 35(3), 39-40,
  • Ceccarini, L. ve F. Bordignon (2016). The five stars continue to shine: the consolidation of Grillo’s movement party. Contemporary Italian Politics, 8(2), 131-159,
  • Conti, N. & V. Memoli (2015). The emergence of a new party in the Italian party system: rise and fortunes of Five Star Movement”. West European Politics, 38(3), 516-534,
  • Corso, L. (2019). When anti-politics becomes political: what can the Italian Five Star movement tell us about the relationship between populism and legalism. European Constitutional Law Review, 15(3), 462-487,
  • Franzosi, P., F. Marone & E. Salvati (2015). Populism and euroscepticism in the Italian Five Star movement. The International Spectator, 50(2), 109-124, 10.1080/03932729.2015.1030273
  • Del Savio, L. & M. Mameli (2014). Anti-representative democracy: how to understand the Five Star movement. OpenDemocracy, [Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2021],
  • Farinelli, A. & E. Massetti (2015). Inexperienced, leftists, and grassroot Democrats: a profile of the Five Star’s movement’s mps. Contemporary Italian Politics, 7(3), 213-231,
  • Font, N., P. Graziano & M. Tsakatika (2019). Varieties of inclusionary populism? Syriza, Podemos and the Five Star movement. Government and Opposition, 56(1), 1-21,
  • Hawes, D. (2014). Beppe Grillo’s Five Star movement – organisation, communication and ideology. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 25(1), 140-141,
  • Ivaldi, G., M. E. Lanzone & D. Woods (2017). Varieties of populism across a left-right spectrum: the case of the Front National, the Northern League, Podemos and Five Star movement. Swiss Political Science Review, 23(3), 1-23,
  • Lanzone, M. E. (2014). The post-modern populism in Italy: the case of the Five Star movement. In D. Woods & B. Wejnert (Eds.), The Many Faces of Populism: Current Perspectives. Emerald.
  • Manucci, L. ve M. Amsler (2018). Where the wind blows: Five Star movement’s populism, direct democracy and ideological flexibility. Italiam Political Science Review, 48(1), 109-132,
  • Moschella, M. & M. Rhodes (2020). A tale of two populisms. the League and the Five Star movement in power. Contemporary Italian Politics,12(2), 112-125, DOI: 10.1080/23248823.2020.1743472
  • Mosca, L. & F. Tronconi (2019). Beyond left and right: the eclectic populism of the Five Star movement. West European Politics, 42(1), 1-26,
  • Movarelli, M. (2016). From dreams to reality: the challenges of Italy’s Five Star movement. European View, 15, 213-221,
  • Natale, P. (2014). The birth, early history and explosive growth of the Five Star movement. Contemporary Italian Politics, 6(1), 16-36,
  • Natale, S. & A. Ballatore (2014). The web will kill them all: new media, digital utopia, and political struggle in the Italian 5-Star movement. Media, Culture & Society, 36(1), 105–121,
  • Navarria, G. (2019). The Networked Citizen: Power, Politics and Resistance in the Internet Age. Singapore: PalGrave Macmillan.
  • Pasquino, G. (2014). The 2013 elections and the Italian political system. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 19(4), 424-437,
  • Salvati, E. (2018). Eurosceptic, eurocritical or euroconfused? an analysis of the Five Star movement’s voting behaviour in the european parliament. European Politics and Society, 20(1), 1-19,
  • Stockman, C. & V. Scalia (2020). Democracy on Five Star movement’s Rousseau platform. European Politics and Society, 21(5), 603-617,
  • Vittori, D. (2017). Podemos and the Five-Star movement: populist, nationalist or what?. Contemporary Italian Politics, 9(2), 142-161,
  • Urbinati, N. (2018). The Italian Five Star movement for foreigners. Il Mulino, [Erişim Tarihi: 15.02.2022],
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Siyaset Bilimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

İhsan Konak 0000-0003-2119-3369

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ekim 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Konak, İ. (2022). İTALYAN BEŞ YILDIZ HAREKETİ ÜZERİNE BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Bingöl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(24), 424-440.