Peer Review Policy

Editorial team are committed to prompt evaluation and publication of fully accepted papers in Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity (JGEDC). To maintain a high-quality publication, all submissions undergo a rigorous review process. Characteristics of the peer review process are as follows:

* Simultaneous submissions of the same papers to different journals will not be accepted.
* Manuscripts with contents different from of scope of JGEDC will not be considered for review.
* The Editor asks the author and authors of conflict of interest when making the decision to accept publications and articles. In addition, authors cannot do unethical things such as adding authors in the article evaluation process.
* Depending on JGEDC policy, submissions usually will be refereed at least by 2 field experts (reviewers) as suggested by the editorial board.
* Besides, Editor(s) of JGEDC will have the option of seeking additional reviews when needed.
* In the peer review process, the author cannot remain unresponsive to the editor's revision requests, and cannot be indifferent.
* Publication decisions of JGEDC are made by the Editors-in-Chief/Managing of JGEDC in terms of the reviewers' reports.
* The editor and the author continue the peer review process with a certain respect and courtesy. Communications in all processes are recorded in the messaging box of the Dergipark Journal System.
* Submitted articles documents are in safe every time
* The articles must be submitted before the peer review of the plagiarism reports begins.
* After the article pre-review process, the rejection decision and the peer review process, the author should not contact the editor about the decision. In this case, the author is prohibited from submitting to JGEDC for 2 years.
* The editor can receive the plagiarism report at the beginning, in the process and at the end of the review.
* Reviewers appointed as reviewers at JGEDC and completing their duties are required to endorse this on the Clarivate Publons platform.
* Reviewers are requested to delete the "word user (.doc-.docx)" records that can decipher themselves in the file where they show their comments on the text.
* In terms of the quality of the articles, the articles are blinded for the evaluation of the referee.

All these principles act within the commitment of the JGEDC editor board. It receives and implements recommendations from the editorial board for the development of review policies.

The peer review process is quite tiring and requires patience. All steps of this process until the article is ready for publication are shown in the Peer Review Process Flow Chart.


Figure 1. Peer Review Process Flow Chart

The peer review process is also a process that requires a lot of patience, experience and knowledge for young academics who have just started academic research. JGEDC is an academic journal that cares about educating gifted young academics. That's why you can download the pdf version of the flow chart we prepared for a better understanding of the peer review processes.

Updated 30th December, 2022

Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 20.09.2022 14:57:00