Doğa Üzümcüoğlu Asst. Prof. Dr. RAUF DENKTAŞ ÜNİVERSİTESİ
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3 Publication
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Research Fields

Regional Analysis and Development Urban Design Architectural Design Physical Environment Control


Assist. Prof. Dr. Doğa Üzümcüoğlu, holding a Ph.D. in Architecture from the Eastern Mediterranean University, currently serves as a faculty member in the Department of Architecture at Rauf Denktas University. Within this role, he imparts knowledge at both bachelor and master levels, covering a spectrum of subjects, including urban design, practical architectural design, and digital drawing. His academic pursuits are deeply intertwined with his research interests, which predominantly revolve around the realms of creative environments, urban design challenges, and issues pertaining to urban waterfront development. Dr. Üzümcüoğlu has spearheaded several research initiatives, resulting in a plethora of scholarly outputs such as citation-indexed papers, book chapters, and conference proceedings, all shedding light on topics ranging from urban waterfronts and landscape architecture to the fundamental principles of urban design. In addition to his scholarly endeavors, Dr. Üzümcüoğlu has also significantly contributed to applied architectural projects.



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