

1-Temâşâ Journal of Philosophy (ISSN: 2148-371X, e-ISSN: 2651-5148) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access and scientific journal that started its publication life in 2014 within the Department of Philosophy of Erciyes University.

2-Temâşâ Philosophy Journal started its publication life in print and continues its publication life electronically since its 11th issue.

3-Temâşâ Philosophy Journal has been published in January-July since 2014; Since 2021, it continues to be published twice a year, in June and December.

4-Contemplation; The Philosopher's Index, TR Index ULAKBİM Social and Humanities Index (from 10th issue), Index Copernicus ICI Journals Master List (from 2019), Sobiad (from 16th issue), DRJI -Directory of Research Journals Indexing (24th issue). From 01.2022), MLA Modern Language Association Database (from 03.02.2022), Academic Resource Index (ResearchBib) (6 April 2022) and ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences) (09 August 2022) ) scanned by

5-Temâşâ Philosophy Journal primarily evaluates the studies produced in the field of philosophy. In addition, publications with theoretical content from various fields of social sciences (other than field studies that require Ethics Committee permission) are also evaluated after the preliminary review of the Editorial Board.