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Elektronik Elektronik Cihaz ve Sistem Performansı Değerlendirme, Test ve Simülasyon Kablosuz Haberleşme Sistemleri ve Teknolojileri (Mikro Dalga ve Milimetrik Dalga dahil) Proje Yönetimi Strateji Yönetim ve Organizasyon Eğitimi Strateji, Yönetim ve Örgütsel Davranış (Diğer) Proje Yönetimi Strateji BT Yönetimi IT Governance Process Management


He completed his undergraduate and graduate education in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Erciyes University and Istanbul University, respectively, and his micromaster education on International Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and Innovation Strategies at Istanbul University. He attended Marmara University International Business Master's education and completed Boğaziçi University Leadership education. He continues his doctoral thesis studies in the field of Management and Strategy at Istanbul University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Business Administration.
In his professional life, he worked as a specialist and manager in the call center, IT and project management offices of Türk Telekom between 2007-2014. Between 2014 and 2017, he worked at Intertech, a subsidiary of Denizbank Financial Services Group (DFSG), on customer projects in Turkey and Lebanon.
He worked as a senior project and portfolio manager at Turkish Airlines between 2017-2020. He has been working as the IT Governance and Process Manager at the Turkish Insurance Company since 2021.
He gave trainings in the fields of project management, agile/agile management and management sciences as an internal trainer and consultant in the Academy units of all the companies he worked for.
Since 2011, it has been an international member of the PMI (Project Management Institute) organization and PMI Turkey Chapter Association. He served as assistant director, director, vice chairman in PMI Turkey between 2012-2021 and chairman of the board of directors in 2021, respectively.
He continues his voluntary activities as a Member of the Board of Bitekder (Information Technologies Association), an NGO that strives for the development of Information Technologies in our country. He is also a Member of the Advisory Board of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Izmir University of Economics.
In addition to his management and mentoring activities, he continues to take part in many events and summits as a speaker, panelist and moderator and continues to work on academic articles.


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İnteraktif Rehber Aracı
Panel tanıtımını görmek istiyorsanız Turu Başlat' a tıklayabilirsiniz.