çalışmada, kurumsallaşma ve markalaşma arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Çalışma
Diyarbakır’da yapılmıştır. Diyarbakır’da faaliyet yürüten ve çoğunluğu 10 yılı
aşkın bir geçmişe sahip olan 25 işletme seçilmiş ve bunlardan 20 tanesi
anketimize cevap vermiştir. Elde edilen verilerin analizi SPSS 23 bilgisayar
paket programı ile kurumsallaşma ve markalaşmanın alt boyutları ele alınarak
yapılmış ve %95 güven düzeyi ile çalışılmıştır. Markalaşma üç alt boyut,
kurumsallaşma ise altı alt boyut şeklinde ele alınmış ve incelenmiştir.
KAYNAKÇAAAKER, D., (2001) Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing On The Value Of Brand Name, Free Press,New YorkBELLİN, H., (2016) Branding and Marketing Channel Strategies: Some Effects on Channel Partners, Journal of Marketing Channels, 23, p. 255–257BURMAN, C., Zeplin S., (2005) Building brand commitment: A behavioural approach to internal brand management, Brand Management VOL. 12, NO. 4, p. 279–300BLOCKSTON, M., (2000). Observations: Building The Brand Equity by Managing The Brand’s Relationship, Journal Of Advertising Research, p. 101-105CAMPBELL, M.C., (2002), Building Brand Eguity, International Journal of Medical Marketing, p. 208-218CHERNATONY, L, Riley F. D., (1998), Defining A "Brand": Beyond The Literature With Experts' Interpretations, ournal of Marketing Management, p. 417-443DURMAZ, Y., Ertürk S., (2016) Marka Uygulamaları ve Önemi, Internatonal Journal of Academic Value Studies, p. 82-93.EKELUND, R.B. Jr. ve Hébert, R.F. (1990). A History of Economic Theory and Method Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book Co.EMİRZA, E., (2010) Endüstriyel İşletmelerde Markalaşma Düzeyinin Ölçülmesine Yönelik Bir Alan Araştırması, Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, p. 128- 140FINDIKÇI, İ., (2011) Aile Şirketleri,nde Yönetim ve Kurumsallaşma, İstanbul Alfa Yayınları.HODGSON, G. M., (2006), What Are Institutions?, Journal Of Economıc Issues ,Vol. XL No. 1 KHAN, H., Ede D., (2009). “How do not-for-Profit SMEs Attempt to Develop a Strong Brand in an Increasingly Saturated Market?” Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 16 (2), p. 335–354.KOTLER, P., Gertner D., (2002), Theoretical Papers Country As Brand, Product, And Beyond: A Place Marketing And Brand Management Perspective, Brand Management Vol. 9, no. 4–5, p. 249–261MELOVİĆ, B., Ishkov A., Marina Romanovich, M., (2016) Branding Companies as a Factor of Competitiveness - Relevance for the Engineering Management, Procedia Engineering 165, p. 1563 – 1567.MEYER, J. W., Rowan B., (1977) Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony, American Journal of Sociology, p. 340-363. PİŞKİNOĞLU, M., (2014) Kurumsallaşmaya Nereden Başlamalı?, Harwrd Business Review, Ekim, POWELL, W.P., Di Maggio P.J., “ The New Instituonalism in Organizational Analysis”, Academy of Management Review, 1992, p.64.SELZNİCK, P. (1996). "Institutionalism 'Old' and 'New'". Administrative Sciences Quarterly, 41 (2), p. 270-277.WOOD, L., (2000), Brands and Equity: Definition and Management, Management Decision, Vol:38, No:9 , p. 662-669.YARAR, O, (2008), Kurumsallaşma Ve Markalaşma İstanbul İlindeki Özel Hastaneler Üzerinde Bir Araştırma, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul.www.tdk.gov.tr (Erişim tarihi: 15.12.2017).
this study, the relationship between institutionalization and branding is
examined. The study was conducted in Diyarbakır. Twenty-five enterprises
operating in Diyarbakır and having a history of more than 10 years were
selected and 20 of them answered our survey. The analysis of the obtained data
was made with the computer package program and the sub-dimensions of
institutionalization and branding, and it was worked with 95% confidence level.
Branding has been examined as three sub-dimensions and institutionalization as
six sub-dimensions.
KAYNAKÇAAAKER, D., (2001) Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing On The Value Of Brand Name, Free Press,New YorkBELLİN, H., (2016) Branding and Marketing Channel Strategies: Some Effects on Channel Partners, Journal of Marketing Channels, 23, p. 255–257BURMAN, C., Zeplin S., (2005) Building brand commitment: A behavioural approach to internal brand management, Brand Management VOL. 12, NO. 4, p. 279–300BLOCKSTON, M., (2000). Observations: Building The Brand Equity by Managing The Brand’s Relationship, Journal Of Advertising Research, p. 101-105CAMPBELL, M.C., (2002), Building Brand Eguity, International Journal of Medical Marketing, p. 208-218CHERNATONY, L, Riley F. D., (1998), Defining A "Brand": Beyond The Literature With Experts' Interpretations, ournal of Marketing Management, p. 417-443DURMAZ, Y., Ertürk S., (2016) Marka Uygulamaları ve Önemi, Internatonal Journal of Academic Value Studies, p. 82-93.EKELUND, R.B. Jr. ve Hébert, R.F. (1990). A History of Economic Theory and Method Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book Co.EMİRZA, E., (2010) Endüstriyel İşletmelerde Markalaşma Düzeyinin Ölçülmesine Yönelik Bir Alan Araştırması, Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, p. 128- 140FINDIKÇI, İ., (2011) Aile Şirketleri,nde Yönetim ve Kurumsallaşma, İstanbul Alfa Yayınları.HODGSON, G. M., (2006), What Are Institutions?, Journal Of Economıc Issues ,Vol. XL No. 1 KHAN, H., Ede D., (2009). “How do not-for-Profit SMEs Attempt to Develop a Strong Brand in an Increasingly Saturated Market?” Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 16 (2), p. 335–354.KOTLER, P., Gertner D., (2002), Theoretical Papers Country As Brand, Product, And Beyond: A Place Marketing And Brand Management Perspective, Brand Management Vol. 9, no. 4–5, p. 249–261MELOVİĆ, B., Ishkov A., Marina Romanovich, M., (2016) Branding Companies as a Factor of Competitiveness - Relevance for the Engineering Management, Procedia Engineering 165, p. 1563 – 1567.MEYER, J. W., Rowan B., (1977) Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony, American Journal of Sociology, p. 340-363. PİŞKİNOĞLU, M., (2014) Kurumsallaşmaya Nereden Başlamalı?, Harwrd Business Review, Ekim, POWELL, W.P., Di Maggio P.J., “ The New Instituonalism in Organizational Analysis”, Academy of Management Review, 1992, p.64.SELZNİCK, P. (1996). "Institutionalism 'Old' and 'New'". Administrative Sciences Quarterly, 41 (2), p. 270-277.WOOD, L., (2000), Brands and Equity: Definition and Management, Management Decision, Vol:38, No:9 , p. 662-669.YARAR, O, (2008), Kurumsallaşma Ve Markalaşma İstanbul İlindeki Özel Hastaneler Üzerinde Bir Araştırma, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul.www.tdk.gov.tr (Erişim tarihi: 15.12.2017).
Durmaz, Y., & Açıkgöz, A. (2019). KURUMSALLAŞMANIN MARKALAŞMA ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ VE DİYARBAKIR MERKEZİNDE BİR ALAN ÇALIŞMASI. Bingöl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(17), 493-510. https://doi.org/10.29029/busbed.441840